View Full Version : Tau Campaign?

12-11-2009, 11:46 AM
I recently started a 5 mission campaign for Necron's with a friend of mine (Im the defending player with Space Wolves). I got it from dicelikethunder.com and we are both enjoying it.

I have another friend who has just gotten into the hobby and he has about 1200 points of Tau right now, with more on the way. I tried to google a Tau Campaign for him, but kept coming up with DoW links instead of the wargame.

I would be really intersted in more campaigns in general (Space Wolves, CSM, SM, Ork), but I really want to find a Tau one to get his feet wet playing more with an actual story. Ive considered creating one myself, but wanted to do some more reading before I did that.

Can anyone help me out with some links? Or suggestions?

Murphius Stevus
12-11-2009, 12:39 PM
If I am correct, I think that Forgeworld's Imperial Armor VII is the Taros campaign which I think is centered around Tau vs. Imperial Guard.

If you want to create your own campaign then simply remember that the Tau believe in the greater good.

Another theme which could be interesting, considering the Tau are the Japanese-like race of the 41st millenium, is a futuristic take on WW2, i.e. start with a Tau attack on a smaller forces stronghold...

I hope this helps and let us know what the final campaign is!

12-11-2009, 02:17 PM
Imperial Armour III is the book you're thinking of. It describes a planetary governor on the border of Tau space making a deal with the Empire to trade his planet's surplus mining output (after Imperial tithes) in exchange for Tau quality-of-life technology. The Imperium discovers this traitorous activity when a Departmento Munitorum delegation arrives to survey whether the planet can handle increased tithes, in preparation for the Thirteenth Black Crusade. When an Imperial invasion force arrives to retake the planet from the traitorous governor, the Tau Empire annexes the planet (thus taking it away from the planetary governor) and fights a war of friction against the invaders, using their cadres' superior mobility to bleed the invasion force dry and eventually send it packing.

12-11-2009, 02:20 PM
In the Medusa V campaign the Tau were trying to research warp related artifacts to try and gain some insight into Warp travel.

I wanted to run a campaign where the Tau are trying to colonize a world or build an outpost when they end up waking up some Necrons. The campaign would be them holding off the Necrons in a fighting retreat while they try to evacuate everything off-planet.

On another note, I have run Alamo-style scenarios with 5-man necron warrior squads 'without number' and it was a lot of fun. If they killed a lord or spyder it would stay down, but the warriors and immortals kept coming. They had to survive 5 turns.

12-11-2009, 02:35 PM
Make one up yourself ....


12-11-2009, 03:11 PM
Thanks a great idea Murphius Stevus, and thanks for providing some assistance in for making that happen ColCorbane.

Im still looking for some links or websites that have some already built and I just need to run them. Similar to what I found on the dice like thunder website.

Murphius Stevus
12-11-2009, 03:50 PM
Glad to have been of some help. As I said before, it would be great to read your campaign once you put it together!