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View Full Version : Returning to Warhammer...Daemons advice, plz?

12-11-2009, 08:48 AM
Okay, lemme preface this by saying that for several years I have HATED Warhammer Fantasy. I used to play Hordes of Chaos, and I spent a huge amount back when the Archeon's Horde was all the rage and bought a sizable Chaos army.

...then I played it...

Wood Elves hid from me and plinked me to death. Empire shot my big nasties right off the backs of their daemonic mounts. Even CHOSEN CHAOS KNIGHTS couldn't do crap against most armies I faced. Single Bretonnian Lords on Pegasus steeds would collapse entire flanks of my army. It sucked. I got peeved and ebayed the entire army.

That was about 3 years ago.

Now my local WH40K group (CAAR - Charlotte Area Arms Race) is trying to jumpstart the Fantasy crowd in Charlotte again by starting a Fantasy Arms Race next year (read as: escalation league). I already play Daemons of Chaos for WH40K, and I have (grudgingly) volunteered to get them up and running for Fantasy.

I play Tzeentch/Khorne for 40K (heavy on the Tzeentch), and I'm looking for some good ideas and strategic tips on army composition and play. Here's the gist of what I have:

Lord of Change
Tzeentch Daemon Prince
Herald of Tzeentch (either on foot or on chariot)
Herald of Tzeentch (on foot)
Archaon on Foot (I run him as Skulltaker/Herald of Khorne)
65 Horrors (yeah, I went a little overboard) - no command elements
40 Bloodletters with 2 full commands
8 Screamers (2 will eventually be converted into another chariot)
10 Furies
10 Flamers (one doubles as an extra Herald for my chariot)
4 Spawn
Pear Tree (Merry Christmas!) :D

Knowing what I have, is there anything else I should buy? What kind of army aspects would you focus on with an army like this? Magic-heavy, obviously, but how would you go with it? Single big block o' Horrors with a Herald to give them a 4+ ward? 6 10-blocks to get the massive dispel pool? When we hit 2250 (our highest total in the escalation league) should I go Lord or Prince? I'm just after general strategies and good ways to combat different armies.

12-11-2009, 12:06 PM
I'm thinking of this for my 1250 pt list:

General - Tzeentch Herald w/Chariot, Iridescent Corona - 200 pts
Skulltaker - 150 pts
20x Bloodletters w/full command - 270 pts
10x Pink Horrors - 120 pts
10x Pink Horrors - 120 pts
5x Furies - 60 pts
5x Furies - 60 pts
3x Screamers - 90 pts
5x Flamers - 170 pts

Total: 1240 pts

12-13-2009, 12:24 PM
I'm thinking of this for my 1250 pt list:

General - Tzeentch Herald w/Chariot, Iridescent Corona - 200 pts
Skulltaker - 150 pts
20x Bloodletters w/full command - 270 pts
10x Pink Horrors - 120 pts
10x Pink Horrors - 120 pts
5x Furies - 60 pts
5x Furies - 60 pts
3x Screamers - 90 pts
5x Flamers - 170 pts

Total: 1240 pts

I dunno. I like the Chariot with the Herald pretty well, but it's still lousy in combat. You should be using its fly move to stay as far away from combat as possible, which makes Iridescent Corona a waste of points. Consider that you could, instead, buy Master of Sorcery or Spell Breaker or Flames of Tzeentch. Master of Sorcery, in particular, is a spectacular gift which should generally come before any of the others. Power Vortex is quite good, too.

Skulltaker is, of course, excellent, as is the big block of Bloodletters. I'd only play 19, though. Skulltaker should join this unit rather than run around on his own, so he'll fill the 20th slot.

Ten-man horror blocks are certainly good.

Furies are good, but screamers are better, and flamers are generally better still.

Given all of that, I'd consider playing:

200: Herald of Tzeentch, Master of Sorcery, Chariot
150: Skull Taker
270: 20 Bloodletters, Full Command
120: 10 Horrors
120: 10 Horrors
90: 3 Screamers
90: 3 Screamers
210: 6 Flamers
1250: total

12-14-2009, 08:31 AM
I dunno. I like the Chariot with the Herald pretty well, but it's still lousy in combat. You should be using its fly move to stay as far away from combat as possible, which makes Iridescent Corona a waste of points. Consider that you could, instead, buy Master of Sorcery or Spell Breaker or Flames of Tzeentch. Master of Sorcery, in particular, is a spectacular gift which should generally come before any of the others. Power Vortex is quite good, too.

That's a good point. My thought on it was to get the sorcerer behind enemy lines (along with the Furies and Screamers) and zap some warmachine crews from the backfield, and possibly lend some back-front charge support to the Bloodletters. I see your point, though, and I think I could serve the same purpose better with Screamers.

Would it also be a good idea, then, to switch the chariot out for a disc, or I guess it would be better to use the Chariot since it will keep my Herald alive better...

Skulltaker is, of course, excellent, as is the big block of Bloodletters. I'd only play 19, though. Skulltaker should join this unit rather than run around on his own, so he'll fill the 20th slot.

Oh, I fully intended to have Skulltaker join the unit...he's just going to be the 21st. I just didn't have a better place to use the 12 extra points I would have had by dropping one of the bloodletters.

My main concern with Screamers is that they have low numbers for high cost (a risk with all Tzeentch army lists), and that short of their flyover attacks, I don't see too many ways to use them effectively without them getting all grades of shot up. I was planning on tasking the Furies with hunting down warmachine crews (since warmachines, I fear, will be the bane of my existence once again in my second venture into WHFB-land). I guess you're right, though, Screamers can also fill that role.

I think I will have to try that list you made there. It should be just what the thing...thanks!