View Full Version : 2000 point Black Templar army

12-24-2013, 11:20 PM
Looking for opinions - I'm a new/returning 40k player who hasn't played a game in over 10 years and I've decided to collect a Black Templar SM army. I don't own any models yet (well, an Emperors Champion, SM Scout squad and a couple of assault/tactical/Crusader squads are in the mail) but am trying to hammer out a competitive, adaptable close-combat based army list to plan my collection purchases. Please let me know what you think and if there are glaring deficiencies. Keep in mind I've been away quite some time, have no clue what the local gaming scene holds in the way of opponents, and have only read over the rule book and SM Codex a handful of times without playing through any games yet....be kind!!!!


Emperor's Champion - (140)

Terminator Captain w/TH/SS (130)


Terminator Assault Squad - 7 Terminators w/ TH/SS (led by Terminator Captain) (315)

Dreadnought #1 - 2 x TL autocannons (120)

Dreadnought #2 - 2 x TL autocannons (120)


Crusader Squad #1 - 10 Initiates w/ bolt pistol/chainsword, 5 Neophytes w/ bolt pistol/close combat weapon and Land Raider Crusader w/ multi-melta (led by Emperor's Champion) (430)

Crusader Squad #2 - 8 Initiates w/ meltagun, Sword Brother w/ melta bombs (151)

Crusader Squad #3 - 8 Initiates w/ meltagun, Sword Brother w/ melta bombs (151)

Fast Attack

Assault Squad - 10 assault marines w/ jump packs, 2 x Flanders, Veteran Sgt w/ melta bombs (185)

Heavy Support

Stalker (75)

Predator - TL lascannon & lascannon sponsons (140)

Total - 1997