View Full Version : Stronghold Assault Fortifications - Void Shielding on Bunkers/Bastions

Arkhan Land
12-24-2013, 07:22 PM
Read through the frontpage article on Stronghold Assault and was intruiged by the Void Shield Bubble concept, so when I saw the codex for cheaper than it should have been at my local non mini-savi game store (a ten dollar christmas miracle!), I grabbed a copy.
Been paging through the new SA book and dear god, so much power can be locked into each and every little nook and cranny of the fortification, in addition to the Void Shield Generator everyone has been discussing Im also a little suprised/excited about the ability to take a Void Sheild on an individual building as well. 340 points is kinda more than Ide like to lose at once for something that doesn't move, but looking at it you can now ad void shields to a bunker or bastion at for a cost of a base Inquisitor, at av14 and an extra av12 void shield both those fortifications are kind of ridiculously cool. but it leads me to my question can you stack these under normal void shield ZONEs or will it be determined randomly as if you were in multiple zones. In short is a Shield on a building also a zone? if not then bjesus!


12-24-2013, 09:05 PM
A void shield upgrade on a building will only affect that building, it does not create a zone like the void generators.

12-24-2013, 10:33 PM
Major is right, it only affects the building, no 12" bubble. But the key reason to take it is it protects any units on the building's battlements - making them effectively immune to small arms fire even from an enemy unit 1" away. So the enemy has to take the time to drop the shield before they can hurt your troops up top.

Totally worth it in my book.

Arkhan Land
12-25-2013, 09:04 AM
A void shield upgrade on a building will only affect that building, it does not create a zone like the void generators.

thats kind of what I thought, if so that means you can bubble void and building void. For the moment Im gonna just focus on building shielding. at 80 a pop a Bunker is suitable place to stick an IG Vets/Plattoon/HQ squad, I was thinking about grabbing some more chimeras for my IG army Im working on (or converting more BMPs) but I think I have a better idea...

12-25-2013, 11:18 PM
But the key reason to take it is it protects any units on the building's battlements - making them effectively immune to small arms fire even from an enemy unit 1" away. So the enemy has to take the time to drop the shield before they can hurt your troops up top.

Totally worth it in my book.

agree, I played a game fielding all my WoM set (no Aquilla) against his triple hell drake army, between the 6 las cannon shots I was able to take out 1 of 2 when they came on, and he couldn't get a glance on the shield so I was protected from his flamers for a turn.