View Full Version : Adeptus Mechanicus Skitarii

Grossmeister Jardezz
12-11-2009, 04:47 AM

I wanted to know what kind of models would you use to start with Skitarii forces when you are not that into green stuff and such.
What kind of exsisting figures would you choose?

I'm thinking about Space Marines as a base and lots of mechanical stuff...

I will be glad about any comments ;)

12-11-2009, 05:00 AM
google ftw


12-11-2009, 05:13 AM
There's plenty of project logs and the like on Warseer, one by a friend of mine is http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=176971, it actually looks better in the flesh than in the pictures too. You're going to need some greenstuff on there but should be able to get away with little sculpting and more part conversions.

12-11-2009, 09:09 AM
There's two ways to go with Skitarii;
Marines or Imperial Guard.
Marines will offer more solid troops, but guard offer more bodies and heavy tanks (and you could build Knight Titans that 'count as' leman russes).

If you want to do as little conversion work as possible; then load up on Servitors. Of course, a mostly metal army will get expensive.

Also check out Warseers old mag Firebase the last issue has Mechanius armies as reference; http://www.warseer.com/firebasemag

If you want lots of light troops in flowing robes; warhammer fantasy can offer a lot. Namely high elf archers, but also Empire flagellants; and buy lasguns off ebay or bitzbox.

The Witchhunter and Deamonhunter range also offer offer different kinds of servitors (mostly from the retinue models). The penitent engine, if you remove an arm and replace it with a heavy weapon would make a cool looking sentenal (or maybe dreadnought).

12-11-2009, 10:15 AM
Most of the quality Skitarii I have seen start with High Elves. They are generally the cheapest way to do it. Also, for a rules base I would use either Guard or even sisters, not Marines.


12-11-2009, 10:30 AM
Most of the quality Skitarii I have seen start with High Elves. They are generally the cheapest way to do it. Also, for a rules base I would use either Guard or even sisters, not Marines.


Guard are the usual suspect when it comes to a counts as ruleset. Marines can work though, scouts for your normal troops, tacticals for elite maniples, Master of the forge for HQ, dreads for larger combat servitors etc. It's all opinion so whatever works for you ofc.

12-11-2009, 10:56 AM
Just try using mlliput to build a cloak then improve your skills:D

12-11-2009, 01:59 PM
I've seen these used either with kitbashing or just by themselves as skitarii:


Most of the models from the Iron Brotherhood set fit AdMech very well: http://www.shop.microartstudio.com/iron-brotherhood-c-36_43.html

12-11-2009, 02:24 PM
i thought Skitarii were rather beasty looking, almost rat-like in some descriptions. Usually I hear people using skaven plague monks and customizing them.

12-11-2009, 02:37 PM
The Skitarii are an elite IG force, with plenty of special equipment. I think that running them as Veteran IG would be the best route.

As for models, I would recommend using Cadians with slight modifications. Pig Iron Productions (http://www.pig-iron-productions.com) makes some awesome replacement heads that look GREAT on Cadian bodies.

My personal favorites are the Kolony Militia heads:

12-11-2009, 02:40 PM
Also, if you need Kommissar, Commander, and Radio Guy heads:


Grossmeister Jardezz
12-11-2009, 03:27 PM
Thanks for all your quick answers and good comments.

You really helped me out ;)

I try to start the Skitarii Force from Legio Invicta, I really love them after reading Titanicus four times.
I allready have 2 Warhound and 1 Reaver :) Now I need the ''ants'' to swarm around their feet and support them.

After finishing my Marines I will post some pics from our little Legio ;) ( including Warlord and Adeptus Ordinatus Mars 40k Style )

Grossmeister Jardezz
12-13-2009, 04:58 AM
After re-re-re-reading Titanicus I'm thinking about the following:

HQ Command Squad

3 x 10 Man Skitarii Veterans as Troops

3 Storm-Sentinels for Weapon Servitors

2 Leman Russ Executuioners

1 Basilisk as Cataphractii Mobile Battery

1500 Points

In Titanicus following units appear:

Leman Russ Vanquisher

Vulture Gunship

Macharius Vulcan

''modified'' Malacadors ---- which one would you use? I'm thinking about the normal one or the one with all the heavy bolters....

Praetorian Huscarls ---- knows someone where I could find pics?

Sentient Gun Platforms???

Mobile Batteries ---- Basilisk, Medusa, Bombard, Manticor etc...

and of course TITANS

12-16-2009, 12:36 PM
How about using them as daemonhunters??
you get squishies (storms) armourd (GK) and shots from an imperterator (orbital)**
andyou can use allied guard :D

** in the fluff a emperor titan stands at the back of the battle line firing larger-than-artillery guns


12-16-2009, 03:56 PM
i thought Skitarii were rather beasty looking, almost rat-like in some descriptions. Usually I hear people using skaven plague monks and customizing them.

Well, I have read some cool descriptions painting them as techno-barbarians (e.g. Legio Invictus), but I have never heard of them described as bestial, and certainly not rat-like, are you sure you are not confusing them with something else? The Hrud perhaps?

As far as I can tell, they are different depending on their forge world of origin; some have what amount to augmented savages, others have heavily cyberized super-soldiers (high tech, highly augmented, and utterly unemotional and professional), and anything in between. Vostryans would make good models (their fluff actually has them come from a forge world, so in a sense they are Skitarii already). Otherwise, anything from this (http://www.shop.microartstudio.com/iron-brotherhood-c-36_43.html) range would work. I've always wanted to make some myself, but the real problem is there is no easy solution that isn't expensive, and no cheap one that isn't very labor and conversion intensive.

Magos Explorator
12-17-2009, 02:20 AM
I have made Skitarii a few years ago using the Cadian/High Elf combination (also shown is an Electro-Priest test using a Flagellant). The picture quality isn't great but you get the idea:



I went for more of the clean, priestly look on this guy and would probably do it differently if I tried again. I think they look pretty good, although I have seen conversions by a poster named Whitehorn which use Death Korps models with the helmets trimmed and cowls modelled over them, which I think look better.

I figure that because each Forge World is different there are lots of possibilities to create your own look.

Grossmeister Jardezz
02-21-2010, 02:48 AM
Me after long time again ;)

I thin I will use the Cadian/High Elve Combo, but instead of hodded heads use the Cadian Heads with Respirators from FW.

Allready bought some stuff, Engineseers, Sentinels for Weaponservitors and just have to finish 2 units for my Marines so I can start a new Army!

Will post some pics when I've started!


Grossmeister Jardezz
05-09-2010, 01:38 AM
I did it ^^

The first units for my Legio Invicta Skitarii are done!

What do you think of them?





Grossmeister Jardezz
05-09-2010, 01:42 AM
And here are my 3 Titans:

My Reaver, Philopos Manix


My Warhounds Lupus Agressor and Lupus Avenger:



05-10-2010, 04:42 PM
The titan certificates are undermined by the distinctly un-40k "thought for the day".

Like the white head/command deck on the reaver

05-10-2010, 05:28 PM
A skittari legion, and no Tech Priests...

sounds fluffy to me...

Sentinels, and advanced armor: Vanquishers, Executioners, Vendettas. That should be the armor.
Lots of Plasma- ancient technology not in wide production.

Best armor available for mass scale: When possible, all infantry should be wearing Carapace Armor.

1500 Points:

HQ 390
255 Command Squad
Powerfist, Plasma Pistol, Medi-pack, 2 Plasma Rifle, Regimental Standard, Carapace Armor, 2 Body Guards
Dedicated Transport: Chimera
135 Techpriest Enginseer
4 Servitors, Plasma Cannon

145 Skitarri Vets
10 Vets, 2 Meltaguns, Plasma Rifle, Carapace Armor, Plasma Pistol
165 Skitarri Vets
10 Vets, 3 Plasma Rifles, Lascannon, Carapace Armor
130 Skitarri Vets
10 Vets, 3 Meltaguns, Carapace Armor

130 Vendetta Squadron
130 Vendetta Squadron

210 Leman Russ Tank
Executioner, Hv Flamer, Hv Bolter Sponsons
200 Leman Russ Tank
Vanquisher, Lascannon, Multi-Melta Sponsons

Seems to be pretty fluffy to me.

Fun to model-- the company commander's Refractor Field could be modeled as lots of bionics. The Medi-pack could be a medical tech priest, ect. ect. The Veterans could easily use kasrkin models. Put some servitors in the squads. The Body Guards could easily be modeled as CC Servitors.

Commissar Lewis
05-10-2010, 10:31 PM
Jardezz, what kits in particular did you use for the trenchcoat troopers? I know you said High Elf I think, but specifics please?

Might have to do something similar for Veterans or Storm Troopers.

Grossmeister Jardezz
05-13-2010, 12:50 PM
I used High Elf Archers Legs, but cut of the feet and used the Cadian boots instead, not a pleasant work ^^
The Torso are the Cadian palstic ones and the heads are Elysian Heads with Respirators.

Can someone help me with this:

The titan certificates are undermined by the distinctly un-40k "thought for the day".

Like the white head/command deck on the reaver.

Is this a good comment? :) I translated it with google, but I am not sure.
Is the white head TO outstanding? It was former red, but I thought it had to be another colour.
So it is a little more 'eye-catching'. Did I went too far???

But for me, I like them. And I nearly put down a Warlord in 2 Rounds with one Reaver and one Warhound!
Then our opponents surrendered :D

Any more comments wellcome.

I now have to do only one Manticor and one Medus to get the Skitarii on 1500 points.
Then I have a nice Apoc-AdMech-Army.

Grossmeister Jardezz
05-22-2010, 10:41 AM
For anyone who is interested, my AdMech army is for sale on ebay, 1500 points!

Look for: Warhammer 40k Imperial Guard Adeptus Mechanicus

Things step up in life that are more important so some changes have to be made!

05-22-2010, 11:29 PM
The titan certificates are undermined by the distinctly un-40k "thought for the day".The thought for the day is extremely 40k. They have been used as little sidebar/snippets in codexes and rulebooks for years. I think in fluff they are attached to lots of Imperial documents and communiques.