View Full Version : Preferd Enemy + Gets Hot!

Kim Sandberg
12-23-2013, 05:53 PM
So i need help with this, if you shoot for example a Plasma gun at an enemy, and you roll a One, do you just reroll it or du you take the wound and reroll or do you not get to reroll?

If this has been discussed before i am happy to be pointed in the right direction and read it!

Thanks in advance!

12-23-2013, 06:18 PM
I'm pretty sure you get the re-roll, then if it's a one again the Gets Hot takes affect.

12-23-2013, 06:20 PM
With all Gets Hot weapons, you only suffer a wound if your final to-hit roll is a 1. If you re-roll the die for any reason (Preferred Enemy, twin-linking, etc), only the 2nd result counts.

This does mean that if you roll a 2 on the first roll, and that is a miss, and you re-roll it and get a 1, you do suffer a wound. If you roll a 1 and then another 1, you suffer a wound (but only one).

Blood Shadow
12-23-2013, 06:30 PM
100% concur with above....it doesn't take affect until the result of the second roll is a 1

12-23-2013, 11:43 PM
Don't forget to take your armor save too.

Even though it's a plasma gun that likely won't allow an armor save from your opponent, you still get a save because you're just suffering a wound, not taking a shot from the weapon.

Mr Mystery
12-24-2013, 03:47 AM
All the above make good sense.

12-24-2013, 06:22 AM
With all Gets Hot weapons, you only suffer a wound if your final to-hit roll is a 1. If you re-roll the die for any reason (Preferred Enemy, twin-linking, etc), only the 2nd result counts.

This does mean that if you roll a 2 on the first roll, and that is a miss, and you re-roll it and get a 1, you do suffer a wound. If you roll a 1 and then another 1, you suffer a wound (but only one).

I believe this is the RAI and the way I've always played it, but I believe the BRB actually says you only suffer a wound if the re-roll is ALSO a 1. Thus, if your initial roll is a 2, you can re-roll for any reason and then get a 1, someone could argue that RAW they don't suffer a wound.