View Full Version : Picking an Army

12-23-2013, 12:57 PM
Hey guys, so i've posted a few times now on this forum and got great feedback!

But now is the real question, which army should I pick? No I don't expect you guys to pick for me from like 16 armies! But i have narrowed it down to these 3 and i'm more looking for Fun parts or Pros/cons to certain races and maybe a bit about their race mechanics itself rather than which is best! As I have been out of the scene for 8 years I dont really know what each army does! (Plus before I never played much, just painted) But im looking to get into some play with a group of friends and wanna pick the right army off the bat :)

Imperial Guard

Thanks for everyone who takes the time to leave a reply! <3

12-23-2013, 01:35 PM
It depends on what sort of gameplay you're looking for. Nidz are getting a new codex in like a month, but they're very zerg-like, lots of bodies with a few big powerful bugs, apply directly to your opponent's face. IG have lots of artillery and ranged firepower, and weak, cheap infantry. Necrons are tough, with medium ranged firepower that can hurt most anything through weight of fire, but aren't big fans of assault, with a few exceptions.

12-23-2013, 02:11 PM
as a beginners army i recommend necrons. not as many models as IG or nids, easy to paint, not too much special stuff to worry about and still a viable army.

12-23-2013, 02:18 PM
Ya im more interested in a long range power army, as opposed to close range, I like setting up nice positioning etc :) From what I read it seems IG would be best for that?

Side note: Im good painter, so amount of painting/dificulty isn't a problem, just regarding how fun the playstyle is :)

12-23-2013, 02:20 PM
Yes. Necrons are short to medium range shooting, and nidz are assault and short range shooting.

12-23-2013, 03:39 PM
Pick the army you like the models and basic play style of, because you will stick with it if the feel of the army suits you.

Do not pick the army you've heard plays the best, or has the FOTM netlist in this edition or dex, because this will change as new rules and editions roll out.

12-23-2013, 03:59 PM
Jfunk is totally right. It's about what you think you'll enjoy playing and having a collection of, even if they're not the army the internet thinks is the best.

Picking models you want to paint is totally crucial, IMO, since you'll be doing a lot of them. Even armies that have 'low' model counts are still going to be a lot of modeling and painting, and it's better to enjoy doing it than not. I don't mean that they're 'easy' or 'hard' to paint and put together--just that you will enjoy the process.

I play Necrons, love 'em. But the previous post is right--they're more a short-to-medium range army. At that range, they're lethal. They can be good in assault, once an enemy is softened up, but it's not their main strength. But I think that for really long range, IG has options, and I think Tau do as well (if I remember correctly from the new 'dex).

You could also look at Space Marines (standard codex). They aren't specifically a long-range shooting army, but they have enough units with long range firing (snipers, thunderfire, tanks, etc.) that you could have a good amount of it along with assault and short-to-medium range units. They're also a lower model count army than many.

12-23-2013, 04:04 PM
Nids - Assault + mid to short range shooting plus psychic powers and monstrous creatures. Always fun to paint, and it still is a strong range with a lot of plastic kits. No allies.
Necrons - mid range shooting and fun tricks. Updated range with almost all plastic kits. Few allies
IG - Long range shooting, like you like. They are likely to get an update in the next 12 months. They also have amazing allies potential... you can basically ally with 3/4 of the other armies in the game. That's huge.

12-23-2013, 04:35 PM
Pick the army based on 3 factors the looks the fluff the style also do not forget you can also play with other army's into your army as ally's as for me I play the forces of chaos so daemons and CSM are great they fit fluff wise for me the models can be themed tzeentch being 1000 sons with horrors and the style can be adapted because I have 2 army's in a alliance :) hope this helps but sad thing is all 3 are bad for ally necrons and IG can ally but you might be rolling on one eye open a lot and nids can't ally because no one likes them

My personal overview on all 3 army's cost wise necrons are possibly the cheapest followed by nids then IG but that depends on what list you are going by I say nids second because I would build them as a swarm and IG because of the tanks :D

My personal for painting I would say Necrons are the easiest because metel robots can be done with 1 color and a wash/shade :D nids second due to a little more painting then necrons and IG are a pain due to I suck at painting human skin also eyes are annoying.

12-23-2013, 05:26 PM
Picking IG :) Sounds like my kinda army, love ranged armies, kill them before I gotta get my hands dirty ^_^ Or try to..

12-23-2013, 06:27 PM
Picking IG :) Sounds like my kinda army, love ranged armies, kill them before I gotta get my hands dirty ^_^ Or try to..

One of the other fun things about IG is that they have various orders that your special characters can do, to give your squads extra firing or movement and different things. I played my first game against IG last weekend, and it was very cool to watch. Not so cool to be shot at, but it looked fun to play!

And the rumors say they are getting a new army book early next year, too.

12-23-2013, 07:41 PM
Welcome to the ranks of the Emperor's Hammer. ^-^

Aspire to Glory
12-23-2013, 11:27 PM
Picking IG :) Sounds like my kinda army, love ranged armies, kill them before I gotta get my hands dirty ^_^ Or try to..

Good choice.

I think you'll have fun with them. You can make a multitude of lists with them and a good paint scheme really pops on them.

Welcome back!

12-23-2013, 11:30 PM
Guard are a great army and don't forget Ogryn. I love em. I use them as terminators killers and counter assault.

12-23-2013, 11:32 PM
I think for me my long term enjoyment has come from picking an army I like painting. I seem to spend more time painting than playing lately though.

12-24-2013, 02:08 AM
word of advice before you assemble your army is READ YOUR CODEX test your army list with tokens so you dont waste your money :)

12-24-2013, 02:38 AM
Guard are a great army and don't forget Ogryn. I love em. I use them as terminators killers and counter assault.

Please, please don't use Ogryn. They're overpriced and don't do much of anything for the army. They use to be interesting and good, but they're over-priced now (both in $ and points).

12-24-2013, 03:00 AM
Please, please don't use Ogryn. They're overpriced and don't do much of anything for the army. They use to be interesting and good, but they're over-priced now (both in $ and points).

no, DEFO use ogryn... they are great fun!

People don't expect them so they can be awesome... especially teamed with a lord commissar or Yarrick

They can be kitbashed with an Ork Nobz squad and some WFB ogre heads so you can do them much cheaper than doing the metal/finecast kit

12-24-2013, 03:35 AM
If you love painting Tanks and ranks and ranks of dudes, IG will do you well, as fun as winning all the games are, remember you'll have to enjoy painting and assembling those guys, and if you like the idea of Ogryns, use Ogryns, you'll do better with an army you enjoy and are invested in than the flavour of the month

12-24-2013, 09:07 AM
I play Imperial Guard Armored Battlegroup, 1st Concordian Armored Regiment. Welcome to the ranks!