View Full Version : Space Marine Close Combat Army Fire Support Question

12-23-2013, 08:35 AM
Hey guys - new SM player looking for advice/help. As background, I'm a returning player who hasn't played in over 10 years and am trying to lay out an army list (2000 pts) to assist with figuring out purchasing needs and to save unwanted/unneeded model purchases.

I'm still hashing out specifics, but I'm leaning towards a close-combat themed/geared SM army. Thinking Silver Skulls (Ultramarine special rules) or Carchardons (FW or Raven Guard special rules). Going to feature a lot of jump pack, drop pod or transport-mounted assault troops and I'm trying to an out fire support (especially against more heavily armoured/mechanized foes).

What would you suggest including in an army of this style for fire support, while also considering thematic fit? I was thinking of a couple auto- or las-cannon dreads, a Predator and some Centurions but really have limited experience to fall back on.

Also, when it comes to plasma, melta, las or auto cannon - where's the most bang for your buck, generally speaking?

(As an aside, I do plan on having 2 army lists, with the other being about putting quantity of shots downfield for a horse-themed army...may magnetize, though I've never done that before so...may just double up some places)

12-23-2013, 09:14 AM
Welcome back to the meat grinder.

If you're going to feature a lot of assault oriented armies, then I would recommend Black Templar or Blood Angels. For Black Templar at least you can use the current (new) SM codex. You can create your own descendant chapter for them if you like -- not just run-of-the-mill BTs.

As far as heavy support goes, you can't go wrong with the good old fashioned Devastator Squad. Some Stalker tanks for AA and a Predator can cover the rest.

Autocannons and plasma (and the new grav guns) have been on the rise in popularity since 6th edition allows you to glance a vehicle to death. An autocannon firing two shots at 48" has twice as much of a chance to take a hull point off a vehicle than a single shot lascannon -- but that's not to assume that people still aren't using lascannons. It's really up to you and the local armies you play against. If you're constantly up against horde armies, then autocannons and missile launchers are the way to go; but if you're up against a lot of mechanized lists, then autocannon, melta, and lascannon will be your cup of tea.

Far as points for the right units to put weapons on, I'd suggest the duel-autocannons for long-range Dreadnought sniping and a full kitted out Devastator Centurion squad (pay the points and get their lethality maximized).

12-23-2013, 09:19 AM
When you say 'kitted out' re: Centurions, what are we talking for armament? Lascannons?

12-24-2013, 02:22 AM
seems to me that people tend to mean lascannon/missile when they say kitted out (please correct me if i'm wrong, don't want to put words in people's mouths). i can't stomach that many points, especially because i'm enjoying 6-9 in 2k points. i run with heavy bolters/missile, and have had a good amount of luck. great for low AV and all forms of infantry. i will say, don't skimp on the omniscope. i don't much care for split fire, but the night vision is awesome if the people at your FLGS bother with night fighting, and necrons love them some night fighting.

12-24-2013, 04:49 AM
Reading through this thread may help you make up your mind too.

(Scroll up from link, that leads to about halfway down the thread, sorry :/ )

12-24-2013, 12:51 PM
Thanks for the advice so far guys. I've always liked the medieval imagery and close combat style of BT, so I'm going with them. Working on an army list right now and trying to work out a couple conundrums with model choices. Figuring a 15 man crusader squad led by the Emperor's Champion in a Land Raider Crusader will be the centrepiece with a couple smaller Crusader squads for some adaptive support. Some assault termies and jump pack troops will lead the charge, and one will be led by either a Chaplain or Captain. A Stalker for AA and then I have to figure out fire support. Possibly leaning towards 2 x dreads each with a pair of twin-linked auto cannons for anti-armour and distance sniping, or may deck them out with assault cannon, heavy bolters or missile launchers for some anti-infantry support. I'd like a trio of Centurions but not sure I can fit the cost. A Predator would be nice too.

Any suggestions re: specific long range, more universal and cost-efficient fire support? Am I missing any 'must haves'? And suggestions re: a Chaplain vs a Captain and which team they should lead (jump pack assault troops or SS/TH assault termies)?

01-01-2014, 07:01 AM
depending on your likely opponents, Rifleman (i.e. dual Autocannon) Dreads might not cut it for Anti-Tank - Necrons pretty much laugh at them, for example, with a pair of them not even averaging a single glance against a moving AV13 skimmer
I keep recommending a pair Vindicators to my Black Templar buddy - those are one mean piece of equipment that no opponent can afford to ignore, they can threaten anything that isnīt a monstrous creature or flier quite well and, being VERY blunt instruments, they fit into the Templar mind set very well methinks - and they are also quite likely to draw a lot of fire away from your other units, which is also a big bonus for a Rhino-Rush style list