View Full Version : Massive Defiler Conversion - Advice, suggestions and feedback wanted

12-22-2013, 01:58 AM
Hi Guys!
First of all, i am fairly new here - been a lurker for a while, but I've decided to start posting. Handle's Chuloopa, but feel free to refer to me as loops - everyone else seems to lol

So a while ago i started a massive conversion project that i hadn't seen done before.
I've never really liked a few aspects of the standard Chaos Defiler. It just lacks so much of the bad-arse that Chaos is reknown for, and these days the model is getting really dated, especially compared next to the Soul Crusher.

SO what i've done is i've decided to make my own defiler based off the Soul Grinder and the Orc and Goblin Arachnarok model from Warhammer Fantasy.

Heaps of work (and greenstuff) has been needed so far, including lots of cutting surfaces down and completely restructuring and pinning legs and limbs.

Before i share the pics so far, a bit of what you're seeing and what i'd like some feedback on.

Most recently - today, actually - I've started sculpting the battle cannon which will sit in place of the sword hand. It's require a lot of green stuff so far, some tubes, and my own little impurity seal. Oh, and the barrel is a paper straw! I still need to add some muscle definition to the arm tomorrow once today's layer is dry.

Another thing i decided on today was the base. I've always wanted this guy to have a base. He is a centre-piece after all. I was about to use a bit of MDF when i had a brainwave, and now he's mounted on the crashed imperial lander scenery piece! I have mounted him by pinning a single side, but not gluing the feet into place. It holds perfectly, allowing me to remove the base if I'm playing on a crowded battlefield, or if my opponent is a bit of a rule **** and has issues with the size.

Also, Huron is only there for scale purposes :)

So, here's the shots. Leave your thoughts! :D


12-22-2013, 05:36 AM
That looks amazing! :D

12-22-2013, 10:54 AM
6294Nice... i too have a dislike for the defiler right out of the box... LOVING yours man

12-22-2013, 02:10 PM
looks fantastic, great idea