View Full Version : Wolf problem

Company Master Bardiel
12-21-2013, 07:18 PM
I want to start a fluff, fun, Space Wolf army using Ragnar Blackmane. Space Wolves were my first army when I started playing 2nd ed and I am being pulled back to them trying to get back into 40k. I played Imperial Guard and Dark Angels in 5th ed but have not played any 6th ed. From what I have read Grey Hunters in Drop Pods seem to be the way to go.

I do not want to use fortifications if possible as this does not fit the fluff that I want. I'm also wanting to use Blood Claws and try to have more infantry than vehicles. I do not know much about escalation, stronghold assault or the data sheets that keep coming out.

The only model I kept was my Storm Talon as I became quite fond of it.

I plan on using a lot of magnets to make the most of the bits in the box. That way when the new dex hits (I know it is about a year away) I'll be able to change weapons as needed.

I'm not wanting to win tournaments just to good times and fun games.

So down to the Q&A. Do you NEED allies to have a chance to win? Can I play a fun & fluffy list and still win games? What are the current must have units?

12-21-2013, 07:34 PM
No u don't need allies. I win with my Wolves all the time. I love fluff armies. Like Four Wolf Priests leading an army of Blood Claws and Swift Claws.

My favorite is my thirteenth Warriors army. Based upon the movie the thirteenth Warrior. Ten Wolf Guard a wolf Lord, Wolf Guard Leader and a rune priest (Ebin.) . I have all thirteen in both Terminator Armor and power armor with matching weapons. Ebin's armor is Space Wolf Colors but no icons.

Company Master Bardiel
12-21-2013, 08:03 PM
How do you have them equipped? A friend of mine made a similar list with Logan, Njal, Bjorn, Lone Wolves and Wolf Guard.

12-21-2013, 08:20 PM
Yes. Yes. Grey Hunters, Thunderwolf Cavalry, Fenrisian Wolf Packs, Long Fangs.

12-21-2013, 08:24 PM
Every guy is different. A complete across the board. Taking three named characters is the opposite of fluffy. I don't like to take them. Most named characters are OP and often a crutch. My marines are Iron Hands if that tells ya anything.

Company Master Bardiel
12-21-2013, 08:59 PM
I don't want to take Thunderwolfs. They don't appeal to me. Maybe a Wolf Pack.

As for the named 13 I wouldn't do it either. He was well known for his cheese.

12-21-2013, 09:26 PM
Here is a 1,500 Point list that my friend who is a SW player uses a lot. It's his standard list.


Canis Wolfborn [185]


Fenrisian Wolf Pack [120]
15 x Fenrisian Wolves

Fenrisian Wolf Pack [120]
15 x Fenrisian Wolves

Fenrisian Wolf Pack [120]
15 x Fenrisian Wolves

Grey Hunter Pack [175]
2x Plasma Gun
10 x Grey Hunters
Power Axe

Grey Hunter Pack [175]
2x Plasma Gun
10 x Grey Hunters
Power Axe

Fast Attack

Thunderwolf Cavalry [435]
5 x cavalrymen
5 x Stormshields
1 x Thunderhammer
Mark of the Wulfen

Heavy Support

Long Fangs Pack [170]
5 x Longfangs + Squad Leader
3 x Missile Launchers
2 x Lascannon

Total Points: 1,500

12-23-2013, 11:35 AM
Do you NEED allies to have a chance to win?

No, but it helps the one army that doesn't have any built in Flyers or AA. It REALLY depends on what you face a lot and where you play (friendly games vs tournaments).

Also, Space Wolves can't officially put out the Storm Talon as part of their FOC, they need to ally a Codex: Space Marines army to do that. Your buddies might let you get away with it in friendly games, but most tournaments won't allow it as part of the base SW list.

Can I play a fun & fluffy list and still win games?

Yes, but it can be a challenge depending on which fluffy list you are using and what you are playing against. If you use a lot of infantry and your opponent's bringing in a Necron Flying Circus or a Dark Eldar drive-by list, you could be facing some problems.

12-23-2013, 11:51 PM
Wolves are good without allies and fluffy (and furry) lists can win.

I'd recommend taking:
three drop pods with grey hunters in them and double special weapons
A rune priest with jaws
Long fangs

My similar list without Ragnar does well and I don't think it's that cheesy, even if I spam the meltas.