View Full Version : Cadian 142nd Armoured Regiment; Treads rush in where astartes fear to tread!

12-21-2013, 08:31 AM
Cadian 142nd Armoured Regiment

http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2009/1/3/14603-Cadians,%20Canada,%20Humor,%20Imperial%20Guard,%20 Poster.jpg

Mk 41.958.039.25: The Cadian 142nd is reduced to 25% operating strength during the Thionis Campaign. The Regiment is given high citations for the action, particularly for it's defense of the Primary Plateau, the Imperiums largest beachhead. The defense lasts seven standard imperial days, resulting in approximately 1200 confirmed traitor Armour kills. The Regiment is rotated out of active service and is sent to Menziorian Beta, Fortress 754 F, for training and replenishment.

MK 41.958.109.03; The 142nd is merged with the Trezian 12th Tank company, another regiment present during the Plateau defence. Due to prolonged operations during the campaign, the high causalities taken and the resources required to re-establish the merging is complete. Two officers, 45 infantry, 37 support crew, 5 Leman russ variants and a Manticore are distributed amidst the company.

MK 41.959.304.31; The tank crews are proven to be excellently equipped and trained for 'hunting' during various training exercises. The first of the regimental re-supplies are recieved, including two full companies of Cadians and 5 Leman russ's. Due to the specialisms present in the Trezian elements, they are re-orgernised with matching Cadians specialists into D company, who's tank crews continue to practice tactics and techniques which quickly ensure they are seen as the regiments 'snipers'.

MK 41.965.234; The 142nd, now at 90% standard disposition, is dispatched to the segmentum Ultima when every spare resource at the Imperiums disposal begains to be shuffled for a counter attack/defence/unassigned action against the predicted presence of a hive fleet.

MK 41.985.323; The 142nd enters the defence of an Imperial Forgeworld from an Ork invasion. Due to the hostile nature of the surface towards human life, the regiment is issued with HEG (Hostile Enviroment Gear), which would later become a trademark of the regiment. The Ork invasion is successfully repelled, but the regiments Colonel, Arnus Betvel, is killed and Lt.Colonel Milan Troban is critically wounded. Commissar Brennan gives effective command to Major Nyla, of D comapny, who then ensures several key battles are won with almost no casualities amidst the Cadians, though several of D companies tanks are scuppered during a 'bate' manover that results in the death of Warboss Gobsmacka. Following the collapse of the ork's resovle and achieving victory for the Imperiums lines, Nyla is Promoted to Colonel, and given overall command of the 142nd despite the usual line of succession which would have placed Troban at the companies head.

Mk. 41.990.341.32; 142nd begins to achieve some fame for it's tactics and distinctive appearance. Despite keeping the apperance and structure of the Cadian regiment it begins to reflect the mixed nature of the regiment, both in terms of it's cultural differences and sex's, when not on active duty. The Situation threatens to boil into a regimental feud when, due to the relative positions of the Regiment in regard to Cadia and Trenzor, when desperate Munditorum staff send two full companies of Trenzians to bolster the regiment ahead of an Imperial Campaign into Ork held territory. Nyla and Troban quickly arrive at a cunning solution, which is sold to the regiment by the excellent oratory of Brennan. A red line is added beneath the stymbol of the Cadian gate, a symbol of Trezian blood beating within Cadian steel. C company is given to Captain Feron, the first Trezian to gain company command, and quickly the disatisfaction disperses. Feeling recognised for there efforts the combined moral of the regiment becomes stronger than before.

MK 41.993; Hive Fleet Kraken emerges in the Segmentum.

Mk 41.995; 142nd begins its first campaign against the tyranids in full. D company quickly rises to prominance for it's use of 'Beast Hunter' shells, cutting down synapse creatures and major threats with devistating effect. The 142nd is quickly given some of the roughest fights, and excels at almost every turn. Several Super Heavy class vehicles are assigned to the regiment during it's most vital mission, where it's given the tast of spear heading a counter assault on the tyranid's primary spawn pools. Heavy causalities are experienced in every company, however the victory ensures the regiments survival during the merging process' that follow. The 142nd recieves several pieces of armour, including the Super Heavy attachments, from the Cadian 95th. Thought the only other Cadian regiment on active service (Note; several being listed as 'in transit' or off rotation due to earlier camaigns) in the segmentum, who are reduced to below critial strength and are disbanded (Note; Refounded on Cadian MK.998.101).

Mk 41.997.445.31; The 142nd is recalled to Segmentum Obscuris in preperation for the 13th Black Crusade. Operating strength is 72% during the opening skirmishes the 142nd become engaged in, however despite prolonged anti-xenos campaigns they prove just as effective at hunting enemy armour. An additional 300 Confirmed enemy armour kills are added, with the armour from C Company and infantry from F companies proving more than capable of going toe to toe with minions of the Dark Gods.

MK 41.999.253.41; 142nd engages in a fixed defence campaign of Orizan Alpha, an industrial hive world. With a rapid responce and experiance of prolonged campaigns far from the safety of Imperial lines the regiment is quickly assigned to the command of Lord General Grenal along with the freshly reminted 95th Cadian Tank Company, the 302nd Trokan light infantry, and generals own regiment, the Tresican 2nd, as out riders and scouts for the Imperial battle groups. Despite inexperiance the 95th proves adept at matching the pressing pace of the Tresican and 142nd's advance, and quickly the hit and run battle tactics employed ensure maxium damage to the traitor's advancing forces. The Outriders are called back when the Enemy is able to advance a sufficient arsenal to threaten Hive Quintax.

Mk 41.999 closing; Hive Quintax defences continues...

Well... there's a loose fluff dump to give you a slight narrative sense of the armoured regiment i am going to be building. I've not quite decided on the overall shape and theme of the regiment, nor the level of wear and tear, however i have decided to use a number of FW products.

The Infantry present will be using the hostile enviroment kits. The tanks will be using Ryza pattern turrets, and in one or two select cases, the hulls as well. On the whole i want to develop a nice little force of highly characterful tanks, rather than massing infantry like i'm supposed to in 5th. The first order looks set go in next week, however what i will be start with is the 30 core troops i am using and the Praetor Assault Launcher. As the project developed i hope to do more with them, but we'll see. With a current cost of £550 for the full army, with super heavies, i'm not going to rush into this project. I'm probably going to take my time and enjoy games with some of my older IG models which are, at present, looking distinctly orky. They won't see a game before March at best, so i've also got the time to spend in the modelling phase.

Originally i was going to post some early 'clean' photo's of my IG, but i actually pushed through to completion in a little under four hours.


Few things to watch/consider;

-The army's theme is a EZ (Extremely Hazardous/Suicidal) environment theme. Hence the heavy build up of weathering (but lack of rust) on the hull.
-The Red stripe Cadian gate is on the rear of the hatch. I do think myself clever for that piece of narrative.
-Free hand regiment, company and aquilla markings.
-It's the first, and least customised vehicle to feature in this log.

However, is there any feedback? any glaring mistakes present?


12-21-2013, 09:49 AM
Very nice. Your freehand work is impressive, and the severe weathering makes it look like this Chimera has definitely been in a hazardous environment. If the tanks are this messed up, I'm anxious to see what the poor infantry look like.

12-26-2013, 05:28 PM
Very nice. Your freehand work is impressive, and the severe weathering makes it look like this Chimera has definitely been in a hazardous environment. If the tanks are this messed up, I'm anxious to see what the poor infantry look like.

Be a while before that mate, however i do have a Karskin to wet the appetite. Now, here's a blury photo of the current models on my desk for the 142nd while i wait on my FW order.


On the desk;
10 Kasrkin,
3 Ogryns (2 more in the post to make a unit)
My Adeptus Mechanicus Cortez unit.

Here's a loose photo of that unit. Note i've had only time to assemble the basic parts, i've lost or used the last of my greenstuff previously.


And here's a test Kasrkin;


Yeah, it's not my most sterling piece of work. I'm not overly satisfied with it, but i think with some adjusts it'll be pretty good. I need to tone down the material, highlight the armour, bring in more browns and change the lens effects. Despite my thoughts otherwise, it's either going to become orange lens or orange OLS. I can't avoid it, they contrast is needed, and my typical 'blue will do' isn't going to cut it. But given i'm now utterly spent (and over spent) on my hobby budget for five weeks i'll have to settle for spending my time ensuring my infantry's construction and tanks are of the highest quality.

Thoughts welcome though folks, i love talking armour when it comes to 40k. So much so i'm reading Priests of Mars, and have found myself more interested in the guard than the mechanicum.


12-29-2013, 01:26 PM
Toll the Great Bell Once!

Pull the Lever forward to engage the

Piston and Pump...

Toll the Great Bell Twice!

With push of Button fire the Engine

And spark Turbine into life...

Toll the Great Bell Thrice!

Sing Praise to the

God of All Machines

Having picked up Priests of Mars, and with the holidays/severe weather in my area all but killing my chance of post for the next week i've decided to push the Ad-Mec allied force while i wait. Here's the group from yesterday with a few more details and work, i'm mainly using this to show off the plasma skullvitor and the hooded flagellant head who keeps making me think of the green goblin.



12-29-2013, 06:25 PM
Looking forward to seeing the mechanicus with a lick of paint on then :)

12-30-2013, 09:55 PM
Lookin' good! Love the tank's weathering, looks fantastic.

01-03-2014, 04:02 PM
Looking forward to seeing the mechanicus with a lick of paint on then :)
Not sure how soon that will be, the 142nd has a deadline, and Carcharodon Astra is the next on the priority list

Lookin' good! Love the tank's weathering, looks fantastic.

thanks mate!

Update time, think i've managed a descent amount of work today. Especially given i've start the Bioshock Buried at Sea DLC.


I've actually magnetised the missile options in case i get one of those 'it's got 3 types of missiles. I want to see WYSIWYG' types.


All else fails, it's now a super heavy transport!


And the new airbrush turned up quite late on, so all i've had chance to do is lay down the markers for the camo scheme. The Cadian 142nd is steadily progressing.

Now infantry note; As you can see there's some un-stripped recycling going on. In order to get this project operational in time i've had to make hard choices, and some of those mean using old parts. To the most part Blood Pact i build two years ago, which included a 'wash red' scheme for the most part. It means, luckily, the paint isn't thick enough to cause me problems in the long run. I've also settled on making the force defending a Forge World. It's the best way to explain haz gear, high levels of toxic atmos, but an actual reason to be there in the first place. It also means i can work on the mixture of steel plate, sand and rock bases you can see creeping through on the mini's i've had chance to bash together thus far. So folks, keep with me, it's a little rough now, but the chimera started in the same place.


01-04-2014, 11:26 AM
And todays update;

With the airbrush now up and going i've added the first vendetta to the painting pile. Brought to the same level as yesterda's works i've been able to push all 3 forwards to the end of the second painting stage. They now have all the basic details, colourings and washes. Next up will be the damage layer, followed by the weathering and finally the detailing layer (cleaning the weapons to functionality, lens effects, so on)

Note; I've painted the vendetta's crew compartment as a solid scheme because i lost the will to paint the crew. The fact is they are a fiddle to do, and not worth the effort when a far simpler technique will provide a better effect. At least, i think it's better. Once i've toned the three models up, the blue windows will look far less shocking.




01-04-2014, 02:51 PM
The Vendetta looks great so far. While I favor painting the crew, I respect your choice, and the painted canopy looks good.

But why did you paint the flight stand black? It kind of breaks the illusion for me.

01-04-2014, 02:52 PM
That's a hell of a force you're cooking up. I really like how the chimera turned out.

I think if you went with an orange lens on both the gunsight and the helmet, you'd get a good spot effect to make the unit pop. I feel like going OSL on what are already going to be "busy" models, with the weathering, etc, may muddle your overall effect.

Joshua Clark
01-04-2014, 03:27 PM
My imperial guard will never look this good. Very well done!
Kudos to you!

01-05-2014, 07:15 AM
My imperial guard will never look this good. Very well done!
Kudos to you!

Thanks mate!

So i was surpised to be shared by the facebook page yesterday. that was neat. Made me want to push the project on... so it's time for todays update. I've got the 4 vehicles to 90% now, i've decided to stop there and invest in transfers for unit markings. Once i get those i should be able to finish all the detail work. I've also liberated a leman russ from project Zoica, meaning i can now spend the rest of the day tinkering with both it and the infantry. Who knows, they may even get paint by monday.


I must say, i'm quite happy with the hydra lens and the valkyrie freehand.


01-07-2014, 06:45 AM
Gonna be a hell of a lot of photo's in this update. I've had quite a few requests on various forms for close ups, and since i could get some sunlight to offset the light box today i thought i'd go for it. Turned out quite well, or so i hope.

First up, group progress along with the new £15 Exterminator. Don't know when i'm going to get chance to use it, but i can't wait to get working on it.


Now for a shed load of close ups of the models. Since i won't get getting transfers to finish them before early feb these will have to do for now. The leman russ is the most obvious of the unfinished models.


01-07-2014, 06:46 AM

01-07-2014, 06:47 AM

So, on the WIP desk there is the magnetised but un attached spons for leman, the new chimer autocannon for one of the four i've got to get finished for this force. If you can see it there is also the new flyer base for the vendetta which now raises it above other flyers (i've had several games with rules lawyers who want to argue the flyer is destroyed for being 0.5" away from another flyer depite the base being miles away, so i've resolved to ignore them by flying 4" higher up.


p.s. these 4 image limit posts are the bane of my updatebombs...

Alue's Child
01-07-2014, 01:51 PM
Good weathering! Well painted all around! Makes my painting hand twitch eagerly for my work bench.

01-08-2014, 04:06 PM
Good weathering! Well painted all around! Makes my painting hand twitch eagerly for my work bench.

Hey, never a bad thing to get another hobbiest want to paint his own gear.

Now, to keep the treads rolling on this project, and to further get my first 1500pts to near WYSIWYG (the exception being a second vendetta, which is firmly one of my grots conversions) i did some tinkering yesterday. I realised that with the arrival of the executioner i had the ability to make a demolisher. Sadly the new russ and old russ don't match, but we'll get to that.


I've begun to build with extreme redundancy in mind. So much so i've taken to creating or painting every weapons load out i can think i am likely to use, including magnetizing the doors (see first leman). In this case, double turret and the for weapons.


I had to find enough spare junk to manage to a) build a new demolisher turret b) built a new anchor for the turret c) correct the poorly placed aquilla.

The result, in it's pre-washed, undamaged and almost devastating clean form;


It hurts my eyes being so.... clean. But i won't have time now to finish the job, so i can hopefully make a push on the infantry and the demolisher tomorrow.

Any questions i'm happy to answer, just thought i'd show you guys what other elements i put into the building of this army.


Darren Richardson
01-09-2014, 02:40 AM
Skrall your tanks look absolutly superb, I really like your blending on the camo patterns, it makes your tanks really look like the war machines they are.

01-09-2014, 11:55 AM
Skrall your tanks look absolutly superb, I really like your blending on the camo patterns, it makes your tanks really look like the war machines they are.

Thanks mate! i hope to keep improving as this project goes on, i full expect to end up with a good set of developed techniques by the time i get to the command tanks, not to mention my secret project...

Once again it's update time. Remember the demolisher from yesterday? there's progress. First however is the desk shot, i've started trying to educate myself on more finite painting skills with the airbrush. However the new one is proving to not enjoy my company. I suspect this is going to be a long process. I can however unveil my next project which will start, in place of the Carcharodon Astra army, sometime in may or perhaps later. I'm back with the IV legion, this time using the Horus Heresy books for the base instead of codex;space wolves. It's going to cost me a shed load however. That's a problem for another time. I've pushed the first unit of cadians to the middle stage of painting and begun work on the base for the vendetta.


Now for the russ squadron with improved work on the tracks and a photo of the demolisher squad leader.




01-09-2014, 12:44 PM
First off amazing work!! I wish my guard looked as good as these.

I have a question about the picture above, the one that shows some infantry and a Vendetta in the background. I cant help but wonder why you put the flight stand on top of some terrain/bitz. That's increasing the height by what seems like 2 inches. Thoughts?

01-10-2014, 05:36 AM
First off amazing work!! I wish my guard looked as good as these.

I have a question about the picture above, the one that shows some infantry and a Vendetta in the background. I cant help but wonder why you put the flight stand on top of some terrain/bitz. That's increasing the height by what seems like 2 inches. Thoughts?

Yeah it's a risk, but it's to dodge other fliers. It boils down to a simple thing; bordem. I am getting tired of rules lawyers trying to argue a vendetta is destroyed because it's outer wing is in 0.5" of an enemy flyer. It, to say the least, got on my tits. There's a lot of that kind of rule lawyering going about these days, 6th seems to be promoting WAAC mentality. It's why i've given up and started playing armour.

Right, well, my plan of leaving the hobby alone for two days or so failed miserably. I'm spent the morning waiting on a delivery of a chair, and my work shift is in the late evening tonight, so i've had a lot of sitting around to do. Fortunately the 142nd was ready and waiting.


Chimera's now got it's WYSIWYG mutli-laser for the tournie i start on monday, and the squad's ready for it's cadian gate decal over the red stripe (see i hadn't forgotten about my own lore). Otherwise business as usual.


01-10-2014, 07:25 AM
Looking very nice. Sorry to hear about the WAACness you're running into. I don't think it's a problem with 6th edition; it's likely more of a local gaming culture thing. Hopefully, your local group will swing the other way eventually.

01-12-2014, 02:13 PM
Great work! Love the down and dirty style, perfect for some IG. Looking forward to seeing more!

01-12-2014, 06:18 PM
Thank you for answering me, I agree completely! My night scythes are "banking and turning" and I get crap ALL THE TIME!

Keep the good stuff coming!!

01-19-2014, 03:49 PM
Thanks guys! yeah it can be a real buttock ache sometimes, especially with WAAC players.

Ok ladies and gents, its the monday of months. Things are looking tight on my end for a budget, so i'm going to be selling off one of my dark angels unit's i've had stashed away for a rainy day.

May i present the venerable Zheros of the Death Wing;


I'll be listing it on ebay tomorrow around 6-7pm GMT. I'm open to offers but i have not a single shred of expectation for that. I'm happy to take C&C on my work however.

If i'm really lucky I might be able to get enough money to pay for most of my avenger fighter. God i want one of those.


01-19-2014, 06:47 PM
dam thats a sweet *** dread if i hadn't just bought one from FW then i'd take that off your hands

01-20-2014, 01:35 PM
dam thats a sweet *** dread if i hadn't just bought one from FW then i'd take that off your hands

Hehe, no worries mate. I hope you have as much fun with the kit as i did!

For the rest of you, any who may be interested my dread's now on ebay, start at cost price. Link (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Forgeworld-Space-Marine-Dark-Angels-Deathwing-Chaplain-Dreadnought-/291061816604?). Feel free to bid folks if you want to see this project continue with it's current pace...

On other notes, thanks to a spot of grafting i've been promised 6 2x2 boards for my gaming project (actually works out better than the £20 i would have got otherwise). This means i'm going to be designing my long dreamed of cities of death board. There's going to be a few sketches and plans thrown up over the next few days, which with any luck will keep my sense of momentum going, especially given i'm about to embark on the most ambitious phase of this project; The construction of D company.

Keep and eye open for the designs as and when i post them. Otherwise wish me luck with the ebay sale!


01-20-2014, 04:49 PM
The Imperium has asked for a unit to stop the increased volume of wraithknights and riptides.

The Machine God hears your prayers.....

seriously though, i've just downed tools for this evening. I didn't want to show him off this early into the paint job, but i am loving how this guy is turning out. I just wish i had the cash, or a commission, so i could build an mechanicus force. Any thoughts on this dude though?


Oh, and i may be double posting, but it's damned sexy doublepost!


01-20-2014, 10:07 PM
That looks magnificent!

01-21-2014, 06:05 AM
That looks magnificent!

Thanks mate, i hope the finished project is more so...

Ok folks, it's finished, or so i hope. May i introduce the battle engine Vespasio;


Think that's a good days work myself... (p.s if anyone wants to see a few more ad-mec bits with ease, or help my hobby page hit 100 likes Link (https://www.facebook.com/nerdbydesignuk)
