View Full Version : Autarch Equipment

12-09-2009, 12:06 PM
A simple question; when an Autarch takes additional weapon as an upgrade, he does not replace his existing equipment. So if he takes a one handed CC (like a power weapon or scorpion chainsword) and a two handed one (like a reaper launcher or fusion gun) he retains his shuriken pistol and still gets the associated +1 attack for a pistol and CC weapon right? The rules seem clear enough to me, but I want to make sure this interpretation is correct.

12-09-2009, 12:31 PM
As long as the options say things like "may additionally have" then you can take them.
If they say may "upgrade," "replace," or "exchange" then you cannot.

There is no longer rules limiting your wargear and weapons to the number of hands you have (it only limits the number you can use at any given moment). Most of the newer armies have finally invented slings and holsters.

In one of the marine codexes, the captain has the option to take a stormbolter, plasma pistol, two lightning claws and grenades/bombs; all at once.

12-09-2009, 02:15 PM
So my understanding was correct, good. It seemed clear enough, but I wanted to take no chances. Thanks.

On a related (though tactical rather than legal) note, what do people think the best 2-handed weapon options for and Autarch is? The fusion gun seems an obvious choice but both the Death spinner and even the Avenger shuriken catapult are tempting, the lasblaster seems way too weak, and while the Reaper launcher could be nice with the Autarch's very high BS the fact that it is heavy seems to be very limiting for a frontline style commander (I know he isn't the one man army some other army's HQs can be, but he is certainly "more" directly offensive than the Farseer).

Herald of Nurgle
12-09-2009, 02:20 PM
So my understanding was correct, good. It seemed clear enough, but I wanted to take no chances. Thanks.

On a related (though tactical rather than legal) note, what do people think the best 2-handed weapon options for and Autarch is? The fusion gun seems an obvious choice but both the Death spinner and even the Avenger shuriken catapult are tempting, the lasblaster seems way too weak, and while the Reaper launcher could be nice with the Autarch's very high BS the fact that it is heavy seems to be very limiting for a frontline style commander (I know he isn't the one man army some other army's HQs can be, but he is certainly "more" directly offensive than the Farseer).
My favorite arrangement is an Autarch (on Jetbike) with Reaper Launcher, Power Sword, and Mandiblasters.
The role of an Autarch is to lead, not to brawl. If you're buying him to fight, then blow the points on a Phoenix Lord instead. Tactics over Skill, really.

12-09-2009, 02:40 PM
Herald beat me to it; but yeah, the bike makes him relentless, so the launcher becomes much more effective.
The fusion gun pretty much means an insta-kill shot, or a tank-busting shot.
I don't know the point costs, but if its pretty cheap, the deathspinner is a good all-rounder (great against guard or orks).

12-09-2009, 05:13 PM
If he's on foot then i usually run Power Sword, Mandiblasters and Fusion Gun. 6 PWeapon attacks adds a nice little sting to a charging squad of Aspect Warriors, and the Fusion Gun is very useful indeed.

If he's on a bike then you should always take the laser lance. 6 S6 PWeapon attacks makes this guy a monster. I'd also take the Fusion Gun as it'll be way more handy than the overpriced Reaper launcher.

Dont ever take Phoenix Lords, they are way overpriced (except maybe Kharandras). If you want a CC monster just take Yriel. He is ridiculously good for his points.

12-09-2009, 06:22 PM
I agree with everything that has been said to include the prefered optimal equipment of the autarch. However, I must object to the over cost view of the Phoenix Lords! Some of them are a little too steep for what they offer, but Muagen Ra and Karandras are always well worth their points if used intelligently! Fuegan can be too so long as you attach him to a full squad of Fire Dragons. Asurman is just a bit too expensive for a shuriken catapult equipped model. Jain Zar is effective but also a bit too expensive. I've never had good things happen with Baharroth as Swooping Hawks are generally ineffective.

You can't go wrong with Muagen Ra though. Assault 5 Str.6 36" range shots that hit on 2+ and reroll ones and rend plus a WS 7 IN 7 Power Weapon! 2+ armour save and eternal warrior! 190 points! C'mon!!!

12-09-2009, 08:53 PM
You can't go wrong with Muagen Ra though. Assault 5 Str.6 36" range shots that hit on 2+ and reroll ones and rend plus a WS 7 IN 7 Power Weapon! 2+ armour save and eternal warrior! 190 points! C'mon!!!

That and looks badass, and is frigging scary in the fluff :D.

ninja skills
12-10-2009, 04:41 PM
i remember him in second edition and he could cut a land raider in half! always been my favorite.

yuriel is probably the most brutal now