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View Full Version : New to Daemons- 1500 Tournament (Daemons/CSM)

12-20-2013, 09:51 AM
I am a long time CSM player and want to finally try out daemons at a local 1500 point tourney.
Here's what I'm thinking, but I would like some advice. I wanted to run soul grinders when I thought it would be higher points but I really don't see fitting more than one in here, and having one would be pretty pointless.
Anyways, here's what I have been thinking of:

LoC- 3 ML, exalted gift (grimoire), greater gift

10 Horrors
10 Horrors

9 Flesh Hounds


10 Cultists


Any help would be much appreciated. I plan to roll the LoC on divination, and the 3 FMCS can just keep buffing each other, while the flesh hounds put on pressure.

12-20-2013, 11:38 AM
With that few troops, I'd aim at the troops in most scenarios, 9 flesh hounds is not pressure its a road hump at best it needs more numbers or the portal glyph to try and reinforce in game with that few troops.

12-20-2013, 02:30 PM
I would drop Belakor and add in grinders which really helps with anti-infantry, tank, and flyer. Also more hounds, Tzeentch herald with the horrors.

12-20-2013, 07:06 PM
Yeah, I'm thinking of dropping the Heldrake, hounds, and the greater reward for 2 slaaneshi torrent soul grinders. How about that?

12-22-2013, 07:01 AM
The problem with above is that it is a very small listlist with a good mc as your only real offensive.

The horrors really need Heralds with them to make them actually good. Instead of slightly ok.

Be'Labor and Fateweaver is half your army. Not saying they are bad, but they both are good supports. Without a herald or something you have no means of spawning more troops unless you roll double six a lot. Anyway for example against horde armies I really don't see you doing well. Also against Tau I don't see that either.

Be'Lakor 3 powers and Fateweaver casting is helpful, but I can barely see both of them used in 1850 much less 1500. Grinders are much cheaper and give you fire power daemons lack. A nurgle grinder is very hard to kill or an invisible Tzeentch grinder behind ruins.

8 hounds is not enough to do much. You have to run a lot more for them to be really useful, another expensive unit. Even than unless they are buffed to he'll and back they only really there to tie up units and really clash with Tzeentch shooting. Hince why I have daemonettes to follow mine and dropped my horrors.

Flying MCs are not unstoppable and are easier to kill than flyers, due to grounding. Large unit count armies are really good at grounding units. Due to the multiple grounding rolls you are rolling, split fire makes it even worst.

All that being said some armies will have problems and some armies would easily defeat this list. It needs more bite.

12-22-2013, 07:09 AM
The problem with above is that it is a very small listlist with a good mc as your only real offensive.

The horrors really need Heralds with them to make them actually good. Instead of slightly ok.

Be'Labor and Fateweaver is half your army. Not saying they are bad, but they both are good supports. Without a herald or something you have no means of spawning more troops unless you roll double six a lot. Anyway for example against horde armies I really don't see you doing well. Also against Tau I don't see that either.

Be'Lakor 3 powers and Fateweaver casting is helpful, but I can barely see both of them used in 1850 much less 1500. Grinders are much cheaper and give you fire power daemons lack. A nurgle grinder is very hard to kill or an invisible Tzeentch grinder behind ruins.

8 hounds is not enough to do much. You have to run a lot more for them to be really useful, another expensive unit. Even than unless they are buffed to he'll and back they only really there to tie up units and really clash with Tzeentch shooting. Hince why I have daemonettes to follow mine and dropped my horrors.

Flying MCs are not unstoppable and are easier to kill than flyers, due to grounding. Large unit count armies are really good at grounding units. Due to the multiple grounding rolls you are rolling, split fire makes it even worst.

All that being said some armies will have problems and some armies would easily defeat this list. It needs more bite.

Just noticed the Loc. Ou are doing the flying circus thing. Flying circus is defeated by tau. Also it limits you on how many models you can engage. I get the invisible two plus re rollable cover and invulnerable saves. Depends on the player. If they smart they can easily defeat this list and if they are dumb they would be destroyed by itit.

Talking from experience which is why I raised model count in favor of less flying MCs. Just had a thought about how good a marker drone squad with skydive and drone controller would be with split fire. Too bad stingrays take up heavy slots.

12-22-2013, 04:10 PM
Thanks a lot for the advice. As I said I'm new to daemons so help is always appreciated.

My thing is that for 350 points Be'Lakor is about the same price as a standard kitted out prince and seems way better. Then again I don't have experience with daemons.

I know low model count is generally bad but I have been wrecking with double chaos lord spawn rush which looks like it would be very similar to dog rush. The only problem is it's really not tactical and from batreps looks like dog rush/ seekers looks like it's just run up and smash. I want to try something different as long as it is still competitive. It's too bad the tourney is 1500 though because that does really limit my options.
Here's what I'm thinking of as a revised list:

LoC, ML3, grimoire

10 Horrors
10 Horrors

Slaanesh grinder
Baleful torrent
Slaanesh grinder
Baleful torrent


10 Cultists

I could make the grinders mark of khorne and phlegm but I'm thinking that with only 3 MCs I need to have more pressure up the field.

12-22-2013, 04:41 PM
No Be'Lakor is really good and better than a regular prince. It is questionable if he is better than a Bloodthirster though. The problem is lack of troops and support fire.

Like I said earlier some armies can deal with 3 flying MCs and some can't. Just saying armies like Tau have the means to deal with heavy MC flying list. However I seen Tau with no snipers, skyray, or broadsides before so who knows.

With that low of a troop count portalglph would help out nicely. You ca. Try for the exhaulted gift that gives you riftbringer which really helps.

The second list is better though.

12-22-2013, 09:21 PM
Yeah I would love to take a portaglyph but I just can't possibly fit one in unless I drop fatey but he looks like an auto take for everything he does. I also think that the grimoire would probably be completely necessary here.
Thanks for the advice.