View Full Version : New Army Help

Chris Zygmant
12-20-2013, 08:03 AM
I have an idea for an army. I am looking for a reactionary force. What the army has to be is highly mobile / short-mid range shooty type army. Probably a jack of all trades, but reasonably good at killing space marines (that is what I will most likely play a lot). I would like to work in some good background and perhaps later on expand the army. Anyway, I narrowed it down to two armies: Eldar and Tau. 1500 points value.

Eldar Idea:

Irillyth + 4/5 Shadow Spectres or a Phoenix Lord + Aspect warriors and a wave serpent.

2x 10man Dire Avenger Squads + Exarch with Twin-Linked Avenger Shuriken Catapult + Wave Serpent with Bright Lance.

Fast Attack
2x Crimson Hunters

Heavy Support
2x Fire Prism

Tau Idea:

Commander - XV8-02 suit, Vectored retro thrusters, advanced targeting system, drone controller, plasma rifle and 2x drones.
Bodyguard x2 - advanced targeting system, vectored retro thrusters, plasma rifle and 2x drones each.

XV8 Team x3 - Advanced targeting system, vectored retro thrusters, plasma rifle, x2 drones each, XV08-02 + sergeant upgrade.

(x2) Fire Warriors(12) - Devil fish, 2x drones, Grenades, Ritual bonding knife, sergeant upgrade and all armed with carbines.

Fast Attack
3x Piranhas - fusion blasters

Heavy support

(x2) Hammerhead - Advanced targeting system and sub-munition rounds.

I haven't played in a while and am not familiar with sixth edition, so just would like some opinions really. I was aiming for a hit and run and tactical denial army. Please note I am not looking to be ultra competitive, just trying to find a nice starting balance.

Lost Vyper
12-20-2013, 01:00 PM

As an Eldar player, i would advise to get the DA Exarch with a power weapon and a shimmer shield for that 5+ invl. save for the whole squad. Get at least 3 x Jetbikes for that objective grabbing + some Farseers would be nice (at least one) and i too have two Crimson Hunters, but they´ll drop like an autumn leaf, so be prepared for that :). Nice fluffy army yes, competitive, no.

12-23-2013, 11:53 PM
I voted Tau because I like most of their models more. However, the lowly troop transport of the eldar is one of the best weapons in the game.

Chris Zygmant
12-30-2013, 06:27 AM
Thanks for the comments. I tried a list where I mixed these together, but I think I would prefer to use just one army for the time at least.

12-30-2013, 07:09 AM
Wave Serpent plus Twin Linked Scatter Lasers is a must, in my opinion.
The ability to Twin Link the other Weapons on your Vehicle can be vital in a game.
Particularly in the event that you are targeting a Flyer.
You'll have eight chances to roll a 6 To Hit.
Once you've Hit that gives you the Serpent Shield Twin Linked.
1+(1d6) Strength 7 Shots that Ignore Cover Saves (bye bye Jink) whilst not a guaranteed Kill will certainly make your opponent think very carefully about where he positions his Flyers.
Especially if you talk up the Serpent's Shield ignoring Jink to them.

Chris Zygmant
01-31-2014, 03:30 PM
Yeah I have been toying with one idea and then the next. Finally I decided overall I like the rules better(more competative) of the Eldar. However, I prefer the Tau models (just really love battlesuites) so that it what I decided I would do. I didn't want a combined force at this time. Thanks for the input guys. Always good to hear other peoples opinions.

01-31-2014, 03:33 PM
I like the Tau codex and models better, but I voted Eldar because I think that they do short to mid-range firepower better, while Tau still excel at long-range firepower.

Dave Mcturk
02-01-2014, 04:23 AM
the eldar army is great with the new codex... lots of variety... lots of decent units
the wave serpent is massively under-pointed for what it can now do... so will annoy most opponents except possibly tau...
stick 6 in an army with 3 night spinners and have fun !
other builds will be just as much fun... but less likely to end in a friend chucking his dice/models/tape measure at you !

02-01-2014, 06:24 AM
Just revisiting the thread and want to change something I posted earlier.

The Wave Serpent Shield has the Special Rule Ignore Cover not Ignore Jink, as I mistakenly remembered it.
As such it ignores Cover Saves on Wounds not Armour Penetrations.

Big Ruleboook P.38.
"Cover saves cannot be taken against Wounds caused by weapons with the Ignores Cover special rule."

My mistake, apologies to everybody.

Dave Mcturk
02-04-2014, 08:33 AM
the trouble with tau... even though they look fantastic, have many good builds and given a relative billiard board can blow anything off the table .... IF they get caught in combat they are shocking ... has anyone tried them with an ORC meatshield ?? {60 orcz + kffmek}

02-04-2014, 09:18 AM
The Wave Serpent Shield has the Special Rule Ignore Cover not Ignore Jink, as I mistakenly remembered it.

As such it ignores Cover Saves on Wounds not Armour Penetrations.

This is a matter of some debate on a whole other thread. Personally, I think that the idea that Ignores Cover effects wounds, not penetration checks, is actually kind of dumb. I think the intent behind the rules is pretty clear; the rules as written are not clear at all.