View Full Version : Building a Warlord Titan - Norseman

12-20-2013, 07:24 AM
I've been working off and on, on a Warlord/Emperor Titan for awhile now. I am copying most of this from Bartertown.

Well I have finally bit the bullet and decided that I am going to build a warlord titan.

I have looked around and done a lot of research on sizing and methods of building.

I had always loved this one but it was kind of daunting. It was too good. I was of the mind set that...That would take TOO long and I do not want to spend a year building and detailing, and spend $1000.


There were others out there. But they were all really bad. Looked either too cheap or out of scale, or complete out to lunch like a certain studio's recent build.

A few weeks ago I was looking around ebay when I came across an ad for a warlord commission. The pics looked good. The detail level was good but not over the top. It looked like a project that would take about a month or two, and cost maybe $100.00. It was then when I decided that I could do make one that I would be happy with for a reasonable investment of time and money.


My Warlord will be a little different.

This titan is one of the nicest titans I have found on the internet, and it is made completely of wood. I figured my titan will have wood legs and feet for a strong base.


I like the way its legs are more rectangular I want this effect not the round tubes many use.

However I do like the way you get easy disassembly and light weight on the body by using pvc tubing and unions for the hips, waist, torso frame and arm attachments.

So I will be doing a hybrid design. My feet and legs will be may out of wood. With detail glued on and armor plates made out of foam board (i may make the basic structure out of wood) and plastic card detail. Similar to this.


The rest of the torso and arms will be made of light weight foam board and plastic card.

I have a few days of vacation coming up next week and I plan to make my start.

Any comments or helpful hints are appreciated.

I have some folded paper plans that I am going to be referencing for some measurements, but any help in this respect would definitely be helpful. Getting the thing to be actually scaled properly is difficult.

12-20-2013, 07:26 AM
I have been really busy.

I had 3 days off this week and basically got most of the structural work done.

Here are some updates.

I had some spare wood that I hadn't used in a few home renovations.
I figured this would be a good way to use it up.
a 2x6 peice of cedar and a wainscoting panel as well as some extra melamin that was left over from some shelving i had made.

I used the melomin for the base for the first part of the titan's feet
For the feet I figured on 9"x9"

I used my router and gave the edge a bit of detail and then primed them.


I am a little worried about the edge. The melomin I used has a a bit of a rough edge. I figure if it looks bad I can partially sumbmerge them on the base and use some flock or basing material to fill in the holes.

12-20-2013, 07:26 AM
Second I cut the paneling into strips for the stabilizer toe flaps.

Then cut some small strips for detail

I added some dowling and the finished product looks like this...


12-20-2013, 07:27 AM
I made some patterns for the legs and armor.

Then cut them out


Note: I wound up changing the angle on these armor plates. They just didnt look right. You will see the new plates in future posts.

12-20-2013, 07:29 AM
Used some PVC Fittings to make the hips

Here it is assembled

I will post some more pics later tonight. Forgot to upload some of the upper torso pics. to photobucket.

12-20-2013, 07:29 AM
I basically took a picture of an Epic Warlord Titan and changed scaled it up. I used 1/4" Foam Board (which I found on sale at Micheals)I really think I should have used thicker board on some panels for a thicker look. I had to double it up on certain spots to get the right look.

This part alone took about 2 days




12-20-2013, 07:30 AM
I had a PVC Tube Frame for strength to support the arms. I am thinking that I should have brought one arm out to support the head as well. I haven't started the head yet but I think it may be heavy.


inside the Titan

Then I started on the arms I had some extra packing wood left over from a dishwasher I just bought from Bestbuy it was the perfect size for a base for the arms. Light enough and yet strong enough.

12-20-2013, 07:30 AM
This is for a Laser Blaster - My play group generally has A LOT of super heavies so he will need to be busting armor.



12-20-2013, 07:31 AM
This is the other arm


Still have a little more work to do on the elbow joints on both arms.

So now all I have to do is build the Double barrel Turbo Lasers and the head, and do a absolute ton of detail work.

12-20-2013, 07:32 AM
Was looking at plastic card prices and almost died.

Seeing as I need a TON for armor plates.

Then I remembered a buddy of mine owns a sign shop and called him up and asked if he had any styrene card stock for signs. He said yeah its REALLY cheap.

Long story short 4footx8foot sheet of 1/4" plastic card $25.00 Nuff said!!!

12-20-2013, 07:37 AM
That is all i have from my Bartertown thread I will take some new pics of what I have done in the mean time. It is not complete yet but it is playable. Look for more updates soon.

I also bought a cathedral model kit to see if i could make a slip on Emperor titan attachment.

12-20-2013, 12:49 PM
One of the original BoLS alumni Bulwark swears by "for Sale" signs from hardware stores. He made everything from a gargant, to our Capitol Imperialis from them.

So that's probably the cheapest way to get plasticard in bulk.

You should also check out our resident plasticard project master Blackadder (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/member.php?4921-Blackadder) as he's always building some insane 100% scratchbuilt plasticard project.

12-21-2013, 05:47 AM
I'm always interested in Warlord projects and its true you'll go broke buying sheet styrene from hobby stores. Google wholesale styrene in your area there is usually a relatively close plastic distributor in an Industrial Park that will be willing to sell you sheets at a nominal price but you do have to buy a whole sheet. My local supplier sells 0,20, 0,30, 0,40 MM sheets and is only 5 miles way.

Thanks for the endorsement Bigred.