View Full Version : NLM Industries does Word Bearers

12-19-2013, 11:14 PM
So I acquired some Chaos Space Marines and decided to paint a 2500 point force.
I built 3 squads of regular chaos space marines.
1 11 man squad of possessed chaos space marines.
5 terminators.
1 chaos lord
1 custom Dark Apostle
1 Daemon Prince
1 Defiler.
I have attached some pictures.

http://i736.photobucket.com/albums/xx7/durangmaxx/DSCF9968.jpg (http://s736.photobucket.com/user/durangmaxx/media/DSCF9968.jpg.html)

http://i736.photobucket.com/albums/xx7/durangmaxx/DSCF9964.jpg (http://s736.photobucket.com/user/durangmaxx/media/DSCF9964.jpg.html)

http://i736.photobucket.com/albums/xx7/durangmaxx/DSCF9969.jpg (http://s736.photobucket.com/user/durangmaxx/media/DSCF9969.jpg.html)

http://i736.photobucket.com/albums/xx7/durangmaxx/DSCF9975.jpg (http://s736.photobucket.com/user/durangmaxx/media/DSCF9975.jpg.html)

12-19-2013, 11:22 PM
http://i736.photobucket.com/albums/xx7/durangmaxx/DSCF9958.jpg (http://s736.photobucket.com/user/durangmaxx/media/DSCF9958.jpg.html)

http://i736.photobucket.com/albums/xx7/durangmaxx/DSCF9954.jpg (http://s736.photobucket.com/user/durangmaxx/media/DSCF9954.jpg.html)

http://i736.photobucket.com/albums/xx7/durangmaxx/DSCF9961.jpg (http://s736.photobucket.com/user/durangmaxx/media/DSCF9961.jpg.html)

http://i736.photobucket.com/albums/xx7/durangmaxx/DSCF9950.jpg (http://s736.photobucket.com/user/durangmaxx/media/DSCF9950.jpg.html)

12-19-2013, 11:26 PM
http://i736.photobucket.com/albums/xx7/durangmaxx/DSCF9945.jpg (http://s736.photobucket.com/user/durangmaxx/media/DSCF9945.jpg.html)

http://i736.photobucket.com/albums/xx7/durangmaxx/DSCF9942.jpg (http://s736.photobucket.com/user/durangmaxx/media/DSCF9942.jpg.html)

http://i736.photobucket.com/albums/xx7/durangmaxx/DSCF9940.jpg (http://s736.photobucket.com/user/durangmaxx/media/DSCF9940.jpg.html)

http://i736.photobucket.com/albums/xx7/durangmaxx/DSCF9934.jpg (http://s736.photobucket.com/user/durangmaxx/media/DSCF9934.jpg.html)

12-19-2013, 11:29 PM
http://i736.photobucket.com/albums/xx7/durangmaxx/DSCF9926.jpg (http://s736.photobucket.com/user/durangmaxx/media/DSCF9926.jpg.html)

http://i736.photobucket.com/albums/xx7/durangmaxx/DSCF9931.jpg (http://s736.photobucket.com/user/durangmaxx/media/DSCF9931.jpg.html)

http://i736.photobucket.com/albums/xx7/durangmaxx/DSCF0013.jpg (http://s736.photobucket.com/user/durangmaxx/media/DSCF0013.jpg.html)

Darren Richardson
12-20-2013, 06:49 AM
interesting basing choice, I assume you have an iceworld style board you play/display this army on?

I really like the paint job on your lord, his flesh looks very well done.

12-20-2013, 08:58 AM
No I always wanted to experiment with snow basing. So I took some resin bases with a deck plating theme and then I added the snow. I wanted to leave the impression that the Word Bearers had attacked an industrial area on an ice world. I wanted the feeling that the facility had been breached and the environment was blowing in.

Darren Richardson
12-20-2013, 09:45 AM
No I always wanted to experiment with snow basing. So I took some resin bases with a deck plating theme and then I added the snow. I wanted to leave the impression that the Word Bearers had attacked an industrial area on an ice world. I wanted the feeling that the facility had been breached and the environment was blowing in.

thanks for the info, the models look great, I just noticed the leathery skin on the Daemon Prince's wings, it looks so convincing....

12-20-2013, 12:05 PM
Yeah the Daemon Prince was a lot of fun. I didn't use any decals on the models either so every word bearers symbol is hand painted. Each model was painted with acrylics and inks and then further acrylic work by hand. I really enjoyed painting these and I am going to be putting them up on ebay when the 2500 points are finished. So if you are interested in them please let me know if you want any particular changes made or specifications and I can look at doing that for you if you are going to bid. I'll let you know when they are up on ebay.