View Full Version : Protoss Themed Gay Space Elves

Jack Phillip Coffman
12-19-2013, 09:04 PM
6191[/ATTACH]619261936194Started this project earlier this year am finishing the painting before I start basing as I'm not sure exactly how to base everyone...

12-20-2013, 05:33 AM


Okay, so the painting is alright; you've got quite nice progression on the Fire Dragon helmets, and the gold is an effective choice for the armour.

I don't really get why they're 'gay'. Do they only allow same-sex unions between their soldiers, or are they 'gay' because you've assembled the Wraithknight in a super-hilarious 'camp' pose, because as we all know, that's how the gays run?

Word of advice? This is BoLS, not 4Chan. There will be people here who think this stuff's great and funny and all. As well as that, I could be wrong, and this isn't the mildly homophobic frat-boy joke it looks like. You may be gay yourself, and be choosing to live out your sexual identity as a camp one, and as a result have modelled your army in your own image. If so, great; nothing wrong with that. But I gotta be honest; this looks like some trolling to me, so all I'm gonna do is say

Gay space elves? Cool story, bro

and leave this here.


The Girl
12-20-2013, 09:35 AM
To the OP: don't use that term in the way it's being used again. It's been deemed offensive, therefore unacceptable. If you are unsure about our commenting rules, please refer to the link in my signature below.

Edit: sig broken, here - http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/faq.php?faq=termsmaster#faq_termsuse

Everyone else: I think what needs to be said by the community about this has been, so keep comments limited to talking about the models from here out. Thanks.