View Full Version : My Black Legion Revisited

12-19-2013, 07:57 PM
Here is my current project. I have been an Imperial Guard player for more than 3 years and recently, I decided to redo my Chaos Space Marines. I got tired of all the winning about them and decided that i would find a way to win again with them...For a very long time (weeks) I wondered what colour I should used do my chaos I went from Nurgle to all other gods, I could never find one god that would satisfy me for all my models. So in the end i decided to go for the Black legion when i got my hands on my Black Legion supplement.

That being said, I had no intention of doing the boring black and gold concept, I hate when there is too much gold on a model (That is just my opinion). So i tried many combinations of colours and at every attempt, i showed my results to my wife and she never liked them…..You see my wife is also my best friend so if she does not like it, I start all over again….I just cannot continue, there is somethings that bugs me inside….In the end this is what pushes me to always do better.

Finally I ended up finding a good combination of colours that we both liked (It was her idea actually..loll). Most of the armour is done with an airbrush and miniature paint. I could of course share my mixing recipe for those interested.

Here are the paints i used for the basic armour colour:

- Grey primer
- Black base ( I use Vallejo black primer)
- First highlight (Mix of Minitaire Coal and Minitaire Trollhide)
- Second Highlight (Same mix but with more Trollhide)
- Third Highlight (previous mix with some minitaire Fairytale Flesh)

I decided that i would start this project doing something big models (Painting an army of Imperial Guards, you get sick of painting small guardsmen) so i picked the Maulerfiend. And to do thing big, I decided to paint two of them, after all they are alway better taken in pairs.

In order to differentiate them i decided that one should have the Forgefiend head and both would have a different base. The bases is where I experimented a lot. I have never tried to do very complicated bases and i did for these two and i must say that i loved it.

NOTE: I am not a competitive painter, i have never won anything. I do not claim to be the best at it, i simply love doing it and i always try to do better. I you have better techniques, please share them with me, i always try to improve mine.

Ok Here Goes.

For the first Maulerfiend, I wanted something dramatic, something that would show all the rage that are imbedded inside those demonic engines. For those who have read Storm of Irons, you can get a clear idea of what i am talking about. Machines that are unleashed on the battlefield to wreck havoc and kill whatever ands up on their path.

My Main vision for this army is a Black Legion attacking an imperial world where there is snow…(I wanted an excuse to try an do snow on my bases)

Pictures to come in my next Post….

12-19-2013, 08:18 PM
Ok So Here Goes for the First Maulerfiend.

Like mentioned in my previous post, I wanted something that shows all the rage of the deamon trapped inside this daemonic engine. Here is my attempt to do so...


I added some blues in order to add colours to my black armour and replace the gold with simple silver. It could have been worked more but the goal is a Table top quality painting.


As you can see, I attempted to do a Guardsman that was ripped apart from a simple hit of the Mauler's power fist.


The base for this one was made with cork, i simply made some kind of setup that would fit with the pose of the model. I then added some Gale Force nine rocks, grass and finally some snow. The result was ok for a first attempt…That being said, the technic i used for the second one proved to get much better results.

Let me know what you guys think…

Next to come My second Maulerfiend.

12-19-2013, 08:41 PM
Here is my second Maulerfiend, it is not finished yet but i am very close to a finished product…At least, one i am proud to play with…

For this one decided to try something different for the base. I kept my snowy concept base but i decided to use bark rather than cork. I also attempted to created some icicles and i think it worked great. Here is a picture of the base alone:


As you can see, the result is much more convincing, i also like the look of the icicles. And since i did not want to add blood on this one, at least not something like the previous one…I attempted to build the small remains of a brick wall. I might try to add some pieces of metal or some kind of debris….

Here are two pictures of what it looks like with the Mauler on top of it:



As always, let me know what you think….

More to come….My Next project, i will take more pictures to show the various steps...

KrewL RaiN
12-19-2013, 10:48 PM
The top one defiantly splatternated some poor sap haha! Everything ties in well with all the colours and the snowbases! I also love the blue in the black!

12-20-2013, 12:09 AM
They both look great, but the first one is definitely my favorite. The gore in the snow and all over the fiend's hand and neck is superb.

12-20-2013, 08:14 AM
The top one defiantly splatternated some poor sap haha! Everything ties in well with all the colours and the snowbases! I also love the blue in the black!

Tks for the comment, i appreciate

They both look great, but the first one is definitely my favorite. The gore in the snow and all over the fiend's hand and neck is superb.

Yeah, i was really happy with the result, especially on the hand....I might add some on my second one, I already have a Grey Knight's head ready to be placed on the base...might as well add a little blood....Tks for you comment.

12-20-2013, 08:27 AM
If you add gore to the second Fiend, I suggest putting in on the jaws instead of the hand. It will distinguish them from each other, but keep the blood n' guts theme.

12-20-2013, 08:29 AM
If you add gore to the second Fiend, I suggest putting in on the jaws instead of the hand. It will distinguish them from each other, but keep the blood n' guts theme.

That is actually a really good idea Thanks :)