View Full Version : Death Korps of Krieg Army Project

12-19-2013, 07:12 PM
Hi everyone!

As a big fan of Korpsmen, i've started gathering an army of these beautifull models. I want to gather an army around 2~3k in men and vehicles, from both Imperial Guard and Death Korps of Krieg books (because in both are some units, in my opinion greatly fitting to the climate of Korps, for example armoured sentinels, which are not in DKOK Codex) and play once first, once second codex. I'm aiming to paint them and make their bases in urban-warfare style.
Actually my army is made of:
- DKOK HQ Command Squad
- 2x DKOK Infantry Squad
- Heavy Weapon Team with autocannon
- Engineer Team with mole launcher

Because models still are not painted, i haven't uploaded any pictures of them.
In next month i'm planning to add some more man, Platoon Command Squad and Leman Russ.

Any advices and sugestions on bulding such army are welcome.
Praise the Immortal Emperor!