View Full Version : Starting an Inquisition Grey Knights Army

12-19-2013, 05:47 PM
Hey all this is Capt. Sorenson. Just out scoping for some recruits for my new army (and any suggestions).

Have several standard squads 2 termi's, 1 strike, 1 purifier, 1 dread knight, 1 land raider redeemer, 1 rhino. I think that's it. For now...

I want to play a Mordrak and Corteaz HQ with a heavy and humorous Inquisition detachment.

I especially enjoy the modification aspect and am scratch building many of my henchmen or at least heavily converting. Any suggestions about Inquisition Army makeup or good conversion advice I welcome. I will post more of my stuff as it gets finished.

Thanks, Capt.

12-19-2013, 10:07 PM
A mixed units of Death Cult Assassins and Crusaders can make for some mean, funny times.