View Full Version : 2014 IC Hobby Progress Challenge

12-19-2013, 03:46 PM
I am participating in the IC podcast 2014 Hobby Challenge. The goal is to have a fully painted army by the end of the challenge. This year some changes were made which should help more people finish their armies.

The first part of the challenge requires a 1,000pt Zone Mortalis force, based on the Attacker, Defender or Combatant FOC.
The second part of the challenge has us fleshing out the force with another 1,000pt to meet the standard 40K FOC.

I completed a Chaos Demon army for the 2013 challenge:


this year, I am working on my World Eaters Chaos Marines force with Traitor Guard allies. Here is my proposed list:

Zone Mortalis Force (Attacker FOC):

World Eaters Chaos Marines:

HQ: Chaos Lord, MoK, VotLW, Terminator Armor, 2x Lightning Claws (142pts)

Elites: 1 Helbrute, 1x Power Fist, 1x Thunder Hammer (105pts)

Elites: 3 Chaos Terminators, 1x Power Fist/Combi-Flamer, 1x Power Fist/Combi-Bolter, Asp Champ w/Power Fist & Combi-Flamer, MoK, VotLW (149pts)

Troops: 8 Khorne Berzerkers, 1x Plasma Pistol, Asp Champ w/Power Fist, VotLW (210pts)
Troops: 8 Khorne Berzerkers, 1x Plasma Pistol, Asp Champ w/Power Fist, VotLW (210pts)
Troops: 8 Khorne Berzerkers, Asp Champ w/Power Wpn, Melta Bombs, VotLW (190pts)

Zone Mortalis Force Total: 1006pts.

Support Forces (2nd part of the HPC)

Heavy Support: 1 Chaos Land Raider, Dirge Caster, Extra Armor (245pts)

Dedicated Transport: 1 Chaos Rhino, Dirge Caster (40pts)

Dedicated Transport: 1 Chaos Rhino, Dirge Caster (40pts)

Elites: 1 Helbrute, 1x Power Fist, 1x Add'l Power Fist (100pts)

Elites: 2 add'l Chaos Terminators, 1x Power Fist/Combi-Bolter, 1x Chain Fist/Heavy Flamer, MoK, VotLW (72pts)
(these go with the 3 man squad from the ZM force making a total of 1 5-man squad of terminators)

Traitor Guard Allies:

HQ: Lord Commissar, Carapace Armor, Power Axe (90pts)

Troops: Traitor Guard Infantry Platoon-
Platoon Command Sqd: Cmmndr, Bolt gun, 2x Grenade Launcher, Vox Caster, 1x Plasma Gun (62pts)

Infantry Sqd 1: Sgt w/Bolt Pistol, Vox Caster, 1x Flamer, 7x lasguns (62pts)
Infantry Sqd 2: Sgt w/Bolt Pistol, 1x Plasma Gun, 8x lasguns (67pts)

Conscripts Sqd (mutants): 24 mutants (96pts)

Fast Attack: Scout Sentinal Squadron (3 Sentinals), 3x Autocannons (120pts)

Support Force Total: 994pts

Total Combined Force Total: 2,000pts

Zone Mortalis Attacker FOC: 1 HQ, 2 Elites, 3 Troops
Combined Force FOC: 1 HQ, 3 Elites, 3 Troops, 1 Heavy Support....Allies FOC: 1 HQ, 1 Troops, 1 Fast Attack

This is going to be a huge challenge for me. There is a lot of infantry in this list between the berzerkers and the traitor guard forces.

Even though I have this list as my goal, the list units can be changed or altered at any time.

I'm looking forward to this challenge but I have a lot of construction to do before Feb 1st.

Wish me luck!!!
