View Full Version : Vorlon's List-o-Questions

12-08-2009, 07:39 PM
Hail oh ye gods of the brush. Instead of flooding the forum with a bunch of one question threads Ive made a list of random stuff I wanted to ask. Thanks in advance for any assistance!

1. Living in the mile high city is great! However my paint is drying at an alarming rate (which makes blending all but impossible) can anyone recommend a good paint retardant for high altitudes?

2. Where can I find affordable greenstuff?

3. How long does shipping take from forgeworld to the states?

4. I am about to start working on the armored division of my IG army....can anyone point me to a good tutorial on magnetting (is that a word???) weapons and a place to buy magnets?

5. Has anyone mixed a foundation and wash? If so....why does the result smell like a sack of dead ***? Is there anyway to neutralize the odor of death streaming from said combination?

12-08-2009, 07:52 PM
1. What brand do you use? I would recommend AGAINST GW's Citadel lines of paints, unless you transfer them out of their pots while using them (put a dab on a pallet, and work with it there, but close the pot). Their pots (GW line) are made of porous plastic that breathes and ultimately allows them to dry faster even sealed. Their foundation line is made of impermeable plastic and thus do not dry as fast. Using Vallejo, or another paint that comes in a eye dropper or dispense as needed bottle might help.

2. Your local game store. Ask them to special order the Gale Force 9 green stuff. It will run about $20 but you get 10 times more than the GW pack. (You can order online from any number of places for $15, but honestly, supporting your local store is better).

3. Better fielded by someone who's ordered from them, as I have not.

4. Again, not done it, so don't know. I usually just build/buy all the variants.

5. NEVER mix chemicals without reading the MSDS first ;-) (can't help you here either).

Hey, I answered two of your questions. I hope that helps a little.

12-08-2009, 09:50 PM
I'll answer a couple of these:

2. Where can I find affordable greenstuff?

GF9 Sells the stuff I buy at the local game store. But here's the manufacturer's web page:

I've bought it from them before for about $5 per pack in '03. Green stuff is also known by the trade name "Kneadatite" and is typically used for quick repairs to damaged metal pipes. We're a niche market for them. Just make sure you tell them you need fresh stuff, or you may get some that's too old. Plumbers don't care, but sculptors do. :)

3. How long does shipping take from forgeworld to the states?

I've only bought a couple of things from them, but each time it took about 10 days to reach me in central Indiana.

5. Has anyone mixed a foundation and wash? If so....why does the result smell like a sack of dead ***? Is there anyway to neutralize the odor of death streaming from said combination?

That's one reason I don't use the Citadel primers/foundations. Instead I recommend that you use a high quality enamel spray paint instead. I use the neutral gray aircraft spray paint from Tamaya. A bit pricey at $7 for a half-size can. But it really works great, preserves detail, and is easy to paint or wash over with the standard Citadel acrylics. They also have many other colors to choose from.

Happy painting.

12-09-2009, 01:46 AM
[QUOTE=Vorlon;40161]Hail oh ye gods of the brush. Instead of flooding the forum with a bunch of one question threads Ive made a list of random stuff I wanted to ask. Thanks in advance for any assistance!

1. Living in the mile high city is great! However my paint is drying at an alarming rate (which makes blending all but impossible) can anyone recommend a good paint retardant for high altitudes?


Doh I may have worded this incorrectly. The paint is fine in the pot but once its on the model or palette it dries very quickly.

Thanks for all of the information! Keep it coming!

12-09-2009, 04:53 AM
1) The paint drying - mine did that too until i realised it was cos i had my paint pallete under the same lamp i work under... drying out my paint faster than i could use it up - i then moved the paint to a less directly lighted area and it lasts a lot longer ;)

2) green stuff + magnets i have bought from ebay - pretty good prices and delivery to the door, just make sure you shop around, compare length /price and get the best price or else you will buy something and 10 minutes later find something better / cheaper.

3) dunno

4) dakkadakka has some magnet tutorials if i remember right
also i'd recommend round magnets as they are easier to set into models imho - i know someone who gave themselves a hell of a job cutting out space for square magnets :P

5) why?! lol id not recommend that

good luck!

12-09-2009, 03:49 PM
Oh forgot to ask....
Where can I find (or how to make) movement trays for an IG squad?

12-09-2009, 04:41 PM
um - why would you want to do that? movement trays are for fantasy no ? and do you want to make it so they stand closer together so the template weapons can flame / bomb them all in one shot?


12-09-2009, 09:41 PM
Doh I may have worded this incorrectly. The paint is fine in the pot but once its on the model or palette it dries very quickly.

I don't tend to use palettes, but here's a trick that many watercolor painters use: Wet a paper towel and lay it out flat on your palette. Then lay a piece of tracing paper over it. The water will slowly soak through the tracing paper and keep the paint moist without over-wetting it.