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View Full Version : DaemonHunter Allies

Dave the Twisted
12-08-2009, 03:49 PM
I want to take Daemonhunter Allies for my Space marines without having to use Grey Knights. How would you fine gentlemen go about this? I'd also like to hear what people equip their Inquisitor Lords with to get some ideas for my own Lord. ((Favorite Retinue options as well))

Advice on the subject?

12-08-2009, 05:39 PM
Well I guess it depends on what you're looking to do with it. The most common non GK allied set up I see is the min equipped Inquisitor w/ psychic hood and assassin. Other than that the Demonhunters doesn't really offer that many good choices, so the assassin would be the only reason I think to take one.

Dave the Twisted
12-08-2009, 05:56 PM
I liked the fluff of Daemonhosts, so I was giving thought to using those. And I do like that bit of uncertaintly in the game as well.

12-08-2009, 06:09 PM
That unlimited range LD10 psychic hood can be very handy for any army. A Psycannon is a great weapon, a pair of mystics will help with deep striking enemies. Beyond that, maybe a few cheap weapon toting veterans? Sages can be nice as well. I'd try and keep the squad cheap too. Then if you have the inquisitor might as well go for gold and add an assassin for extra inquisitorial fun.

Magos Bellum
12-08-2009, 06:11 PM
Mystics in an Inquisitor's retinue are usually a good choice. 12 points for two and you get free shots at anything that deepstrikes near them (assuming you can roll decently). If your enemy isn't deepstriking anything near them then you only wasted 12pts on two ablative wounds.

12-08-2009, 07:20 PM
Also, 5 man stormtrooper squads are nice for holding objectives that are not under much pressure. Or even as suicidal tank busting teams. % man with two meltas (ignore the veteran) is only 70 points.

12-09-2009, 12:02 AM
The only decent setup that you can't do better with SM or Grey Knight (or Sisters of Battle) units is an Inquisitor Lord with mystics, and and assassin if you feel like it.

Grey Knights do work fantastically as allies, if you have a LR or two to transport them in, though. And if you get a bit of practice using them.

12-09-2009, 02:00 AM
Heres What I do
1) Inqs :D
ccombat (vs T4/demons) thunder/demonhammer needelr artificer bionics, digiweapons, scourge,
and psy power that halts charges (retinue 3x combat servs, fammiliar, acolyts (artifacer/ power+needeler)

gunny artiface psycannon, bionics, melta,plasma, HB servs, 2x sages acolyte (stormbolter)

2)daremon hosts :D (tactica on BOLS)

3)stormies 2 flamer, chimera 2x Heavy flamer (4 flame templates):D

4) assasins
imperial (article on BOLS)
d-cult (article on BOLS)

orbital strikes :D use the
melta (too pricy tanks will just drive away)
Lance cheap,powerful, tankbusting, like a flying LHAZOR

12-09-2009, 02:24 AM
The problem with daemonhosts is that they take up an elite slot and the marine book isn't short of good units to put in that slot, to an extent that's the problem with assassins as well. An Inquisitor Lord with mystics is a good addition especially against daemons and I'd guess it'll be useful against the new 'nids book when that's released with all its repeat deep striking fun.

I'd make the inquisitor pretty killy, I like psycannons and the psychic hood (as mentioned) is much better than the current marine one. A couple of mystics are very cheap, throw in some acolytes with storm shields and you've got 3++ saves on ablative wounds, you can even mix in some servitors to take the shots at deepstriking units if handing off to a dev squad or vindicator isn't possible.

12-09-2009, 07:44 AM
Also, 5 man stormtrooper squads are nice for holding objectives that are not under much pressure. Or even as suicidal tank busting teams. % man with two meltas (ignore the veteran) is only 70 points.

Or wasting points. A single assault by anything better than fire warriors and you'd find that objective taken. Sure, you could have cheap meltaspam, but there's really better things to spend that troops choice on...

12-09-2009, 12:01 PM
Heres What I do
1) Inqs :D
ccombat (vs T4/demons) thunder/demonhammer needelr artificer bionics, digiweapons, scourge,
and psy power that halts charges (retinue 3x combat servs, fammiliar, acolyts (artifacer/ power+needeler)

gunny artiface psycannon, bionics, melta,plasma, HB servs, 2x sages acolyte (stormbolter)

2)daremon hosts :D (tactica on BOLS)

3)stormies 2 flamer, chimera 2x Heavy flamer (4 flame templates):D

4) assasins
imperial (article on BOLS)
d-cult (article on BOLS)

orbital strikes :D use the
melta (too pricy tanks will just drive away)
Lance cheap,powerful, tankbusting, like a flying LHAZOR

You can't ally an orbital strike. They're heavy support choices, and you aren't allowed to ally out any heavies.

12-09-2009, 12:04 PM
As a side note, it's not that it's specifically disallowed, it's that you are given limited FoC slots to ally in, and HS choices are left out.

12-09-2009, 08:24 PM
According to C: Demonhunters and C: Witch Hunters you get 0-1 HQ, 0-1 Elites, 0-2 Troops, 0-1 Fast Attack and thats it. Idk about Demonhosts personally... the low T4 and 4+ inv. and no power weapon ability for such a pricey model and the fact that 3 of them cost out the same as a full squad of GK Terminators has been enough to make me stay away from them.

12-10-2009, 12:51 AM
According to C: Demonhunters and C: Witch Hunters you get 0-1 HQ, 0-1 Elites, 0-2 Troops, 0-1 Fast Attack and thats it. Idk about Demonhosts personally... the low T4 and 4+ inv. and no power weapon ability for such a pricey model and the fact that 3 of them cost out the same as a full squad of GK Terminators has been enough to make me stay away from them.

And if you have a LR to put them in, a full GKT squad is one of the hardest hitting units in the game, particularly with an embedded Grand Master :D. Daemonhosts can't say that.

12-10-2009, 03:35 AM
If you run an assaulty army, the Holy Icon wargear item is a must! all friendly units within 2d6" gain +1A!!!

I'm a big fan of the grand master w/ psychic hood & Icon alongside a big, fat, terminator retinue w/ all the trimmings. Go ahead and toss in a culxieus assassain and you have great psyker stopping power.

If you go with the inquisitor be sure to bring mystics, a hood... and maybe a little bit of dakka. YMMV on the Dakka retinue but you can spend 150-180 points and net yourself a decent little inq firebase w/ a hood & mystics.

Inquititorial storm troopers are decent little toy soldiers and I'd take em' over scouts any day... I like to hit the things I shoot at.

Hopefully some of these ramblings help you

Dave the Twisted
12-14-2009, 05:14 PM
Thanks all for the advice. I think I have a rough idea of how I want to build my Inquisitor and Retinue now.
-Inquisitor Lord: Plaspistol, Thunder Hammer, Psy. Hood, Power Armor, Icon of the Just ((And some other things that I haven't quite decided on))

-Retinue: 2 Mystics, 2 Familiars, 2 HB Servitors, 1 Priest, 2 Acolytes (both with plaspistols), 2 Sages

Nothing's final at all about this setup. Just seeing what would do me good, based on the advice and reading the Codex.
On another note, I was doing a bit of fluff for the Inq. and Retinue that my Marine chapter would provide him with a few scouts to train as he likes, so I want to model my Retinue using the plastic scouts, save for things like familiars and Servitors. Any thoughts on that? ((Aside from pointing out that Scouts have better armor than Henchmen?))

12-14-2009, 06:13 PM
I say as long as you count the scouts under his command as Henchmen, i see nothing wrong about having fun with your army's fluff. You might get some guys who yell 'marines do not work that way!' but you never know, maybe your Inq. has some dirt on the chapter and in exchange for a few high-class new henchmen he might look the other way. I say integrating your Inq. with your marine force in both fluff and models will make it that much more fun to play with.

12-14-2009, 06:14 PM
Heres What I do
1) Inqs :D
ccombat (vs T4/demons) thunder/demonhammer needelr artificer bionics, digiweapons, scourge,
and psy power that halts charges (retinue 3x combat servs, fammiliar, acolyts (artifacer/ power+needeler)

gunny artiface psycannon, bionics, melta,plasma, HB servs, 2x sages acolyte (stormbolter)

2)daremon hosts :D (tactica on BOLS)

3)stormies 2 flamer, chimera 2x Heavy flamer (4 flame templates):D

4) assasins
imperial (article on BOLS)
d-cult (article on BOLS)

orbital strikes :D use the
melta (too pricy tanks will just drive away)
Lance cheap,powerful, tankbusting, like a flying LHAZOR

Is heavy support a choice for inquisitorial allies?

Dave the Twisted
12-14-2009, 11:38 PM
No, Heavy Support isn't a choice for Allied Daemonhunters. I think he may be thinking of a primarily Daemonhunters list with Space Marine allies instead of Space Marines with Daemonhunter Allies.

12-15-2009, 01:40 AM
No, Heavy Support isn't a choice for Allied Daemonhunters. I think he may be thinking of a primarily Daemonhunters list with Space Marine allies instead of Space Marines with Daemonhunter Allies.

He'd have to be.

Which brings up the big problem with Daemonhosts (and Space Marine allies). If you take them in a core DH list, you can't take Grey Knights, and Grey Knights are the best units in the codex by a long shot. Not a problem if you don't want to take Grey Knights, though.

Dave the Twisted
12-15-2009, 11:44 AM
I like Daemonhunters, but I'm also trying to avoid the flak of taking only the best units in their book. I play for fun, not to win. Winning is fun, but to me it isn't mandatory. I know someone who does use Grey Knights, and his choice in that is interesting because there's nothing else. His armies are always very small, so it's not like he's taking the game-breaker route. I could do a squad or two of Knights, but I would like to see what else Daemonhunters has to offer first.


12-15-2009, 01:30 PM
If you're playing for fun, then play for fun. Ignore the idiots who whine about X unit or Y wargear. 99% of the time they don't evefn know what they're talking about anyway, especially if they don't even play that army.

12-15-2009, 02:48 PM
I have a lot of fun with a psycannon Inq, 3 gun servitors (1 w/ plasma cannon) and two sages. My frequent opponents don't use DSing units, so the mystics usually don't come out and play. It's a ducky little unit, though, and even though DH pay through the nose for Chimeras I like 'em. Probably because I've got one all Inquisitor-ed out and I like to see it on the table. With 2 firing points on the old fashioned one, you can pump out quite alot of anti-infantry or anti-light vehicle fire when you're standing still. 3 Multi-laser + 3 Heavy Bolter + 3 psycannon + 3 Heavy Bolter OR 1 plasma cannon = ouch.

12-15-2009, 03:31 PM
If you're playing for fun, then play for fun. Ignore the idiots who whine about X unit or Y wargear. 99% of the time they don't evefn know what they're talking about anyway, especially if they don't even play that army.

Especially if those best units are from WH or DH codex. There are some powerful units in both (mostly WH), but nothing that can even remotely called broken, with the sole exception of the DH Sanctuary power against Daemons (literally an auto-win button). Everything else is completely fair game.

01-14-2010, 12:26 PM
I like Daemonhunters, but I'm also trying to avoid the flak of taking only the best units in their book. I play for fun, not to win. Winning is fun, but to me it isn't mandatory. I know someone who does use Grey Knights, and his choice in that is interesting because there's nothing else. His armies are always very small, so it's not like he's taking the game-breaker route. I could do a squad or two of Knights, but I would like to see what else Daemonhunters has to offer first.


The current problem with DH (and why I hope they and the other Inquisition get a codex SOON) is that all of their units are either AWESMOE or CRAP. There are no in-betweens. Either you have the Dakka-quisitor with ridiculous firepower and an infinite range psychic hood, or the Dreadnought that costs more than the basic space Marine dread with a non-rending assault cannon.

GK Terminators are a kind of stopgap unit. Probably the most fragile terminator unit in the game with no options for a 3+ invul save and the 4+ only working against one model for each carrier. They need a landraider because they won't survive a trip to the enemy otherwise, which is a pretty lousy reason to take a landraider. At least with that Assault Terminators unit, you know that a ridiculous amount of his army will need to direct fire against them. With the Grey Knights, it only takes about two ten-man squads of Space Marines getting into rapid-fire range.

01-14-2010, 03:00 PM
The current problem with DH (and why I hope they and the other Inquisition get a codex SOON) is that all of their units are either AWESMOE or CRAP. There are no in-betweens. Either you have the Dakka-quisitor with ridiculous firepower and an infinite range psychic hood, or the Dreadnought that costs more than the basic space Marine dread with a non-rending assault cannon.

GK Terminators are a kind of stopgap unit. Probably the most fragile terminator unit in the game with no options for a 3+ invul save and the 4+ only working against one model for each carrier. They need a landraider because they won't survive a trip to the enemy otherwise, which is a pretty lousy reason to take a landraider. At least with that Assault Terminators unit, you know that a ridiculous amount of his army will need to direct fire against them. With the Grey Knights, it only takes about two ten-man squads of Space Marines getting into rapid-fire range.

GKT's are devestating on the charge, though. Our problem isn't our existing units (though basic Grey Knights should be 21-22pts per model, not 25), it's our lack of supporting units. You need something to hide your Land Raiders behind.

Papa Nurgle
01-16-2010, 11:49 AM
I run Daemonhunters with the Relictors, which are akin to traitor guard. The Daemon hunters, to me, aren't a culpable 5th edition army, but they have some abilities that are VERY advantageous. The Inquisitor, using the Mystics, can allocate a free shot on any deepstriking unit. Now that the new Tyranid Codex is out, we are seeing that there is a strong usage of deepstriking by every army. Allocating the free shot to a Thuunderfire Cannon or a Razorback with a TL LasCannon can be very nasty. I also find that the Psychic ability Scourging can be quite useful. Str 5 AP 5 ignoring Inv. saves with d6 shots. That can ruin a nasty units day if you roll well enough. Imagine the look on your opponents face when he drops his Zoanthropes next to your Land Raider with the Inquisitor nearby and the Inquisitor AP's his creatures that normally have a 3+ Invul save.

The Daemonhost are a solid choice if you don't plan on running Grey Knights...HOWEVER...they can be insta killed. That is their big drawback.

Finally, taking an Inquisitor allows the usage of an Assassin. The Callidus Assassin and the Vindicare are normally my preferred choice...but with the Psychic abilities of the 'Nids, the Culexus Assassin is suddenly very tempting.

I've been playing with this idea for quite some time...hope you find this helpful.

01-17-2010, 12:21 AM
The Daemon hunters, to me, aren't a culpable 5th edition army, but they have some abilities that are VERY advantageous.

Oh, we may be the weakest army in the game, but we can still win. I took 2nd place in a 1750pt tournament about two hours ago with a 3 LR list:D.

Papa Nurgle
01-17-2010, 07:10 AM
Oh, we may be the weakest army in the game, but we can still win. I took 2nd place in a 1750pt tournament about two hours ago with a 3 LR list:D.

Oh, I know that you can still win. It just takes a lot of thought and originality. The Daemonhunters and their codex are one of my favorites in the game.