View Full Version : Help-painting Aliens Greenish-bronze

12-07-2009, 11:59 PM
The new Tyranid models have practically convinced me to start an army (using my Macragged and Space Hulk Genestealers as the starting point). I've always wanted to paint them Aliens style, but my first attempt failed somewhat. I'm trying to figure out how paint them a sort of green-bronze colour, like this:
Any ideas? Highlight bronze & drybrush green?


12-08-2009, 10:04 AM
what paint sets do you have GW, Master Series from Reaper, Vallejo, or other?

12-08-2009, 10:33 AM
Some GW and GW Foundation paint. I think my FLGS also carries Reaper, but I can't say for sure.

12-08-2009, 11:04 AM
in that case maybe do a basecoat of orkhide shade, then a wash of 1:2 dark angel green and water followed by glazing some bronze or brass, make sure to have it very thin almost colored water this will take an eternity but will give you greater control on the hue of the metallic paint over the dark base color, once that is done maybe a devian mud wash and finish it with a very subtle badab black wash to do some quick deep shading. Advice grab some cardboard or thick paper and test this idea out and see how it works. Also when you do the glazing you need to wait till it is dry before applying the next coat in order for you to have better control of the glaze, you make the glaze by putting a little bit of paint into a water pot or something similar.

12-08-2009, 03:11 PM
i saw AvP recently and decided to try a few of my maccarage one as aliens
simply black with codex grey dry brush then painted on a blood marks from the pred net. ill try and gets pics on later

12-08-2009, 10:10 PM
Any ideas? Highlight bronze & drybrush green?

Don't start with bronze, start with a neutral dark-orange instead. Then hit it with multiple washes of devlin mud, followed by some careful application of black ink in the darkest areas.