View Full Version : Imperial Guard 121st Bifrosti Riptide

12-17-2013, 04:04 PM
So, my Tau-affiliated Imperial Guard, the Bifrosti 121st have themselves a Riptide. In the army list, it's part of the Tau half of the list, rather than the IG allies; the conversion is purely for purposes of awesome.

It's based on a gift from a friend: a Geara Zulu 1/144 scale Gundam model; it has 13 points of articulation, can be reposed in any number of ways, and is easily the equal of any model GW have produced. It's also unpainted - those colours are the colour of the plastic. Also, no glue would be needed; it just fits together.

Also, it cost my friend £18. Oh, and it came on eight sprues, one of which was made of four different colours and two different types of plastic. GW? They are NOTHING compared to the complexity and elegance of this kit. NOTHING. (And I say that as a fan of GW and a man who knows nothing at all about Gundam, and doesn't care to learn; 40K and Westeros is enough for me.)

Oh, and before anyone says "Yeah, but the instructions are in Japanese"? Pah. The instructions are in picture form; I had not one problem. Apart from the one backpack jet nozzle that flew off and needs locating, but that was more a slip of the clippers than a problem with the instruction.


12-18-2013, 12:16 AM
Riptide, Gundam style.

Mow na mow na mow na mow mow mow, mow na mow na mow na mow mow mow...


Seriously though where did he get that wonderful kit?

Pauly Addams
12-18-2013, 01:57 AM
It's these kind of inspiring conversions that make me not completely despise the 'full-retard' allies system for 6th edition, just mostly.

This is fantastic, can't wait to see it all gussied up in IG camo. Do you have some pics of your Guard so we can see the paint scheme coming for this guy?

Keep it up!


12-18-2013, 07:58 AM
Blasphemy! Zeon would never stoop to serve under imperial rule, or associate with fish people. They are the chosen of the future SIEG ZEON!

Just kidding. Nice job man. Although I think this bad boy would look even better with some shoulder pads, and maybe a heat hawk axe attached at the leg.

12-18-2013, 08:16 AM
That just reminds me of liberty prime..

12-18-2013, 10:15 AM
There are so many Gundam model kits and for such a cheap price, I could outfield an IG infantry mob with Gundams and Zaku mobile suits. One of the many reasons why I love where I live. Though most of the players around here will give you a lot of hate for using gundam models instead of the actual Riptide model -- even if it is for conversion work.

12-18-2013, 10:27 AM
Awesome conversion, captures the feel of the Imperial Guard perfectly.

12-18-2013, 10:41 AM
Excellent conversion and idea. Allowing for Tau allies but keeping with a complete IG flavour. Are the shoulder plates missing or does the model look like that? Other ideas I may throw out there as just friendly suggestions (Honestly as-is is amazing): Extra exhaust pipes from the back engine. Maybe a Flag Banner pole or two on the center backpack fin or the tops of the missile packs. Bullet holes along the shield and a couple on the right front side of the torso. And the limbs of a Ork/Nid/Eldar/Dark Eldar/Etc sticking out from under one of the feet (stomped to paste). These are just some simple suggestions. Overall this is an well done conversion.

12-18-2013, 12:04 PM
dude this looks like it took a long time to make great job by the way

12-18-2013, 12:10 PM
YorkNecromancer: That is one smokin' slab of awesome. Freaking good job, man. I want one, and since you were kind enough to tell me the base model, I'm gonna flatter the heck out of your work. I'm assuming it was a Bandai model?

Also, the missile packs on the shoulder racks: from the model, or are those from GW? Just so I know if I need to source some missile packs.

12-18-2013, 12:28 PM
I do believe the missile packs themselves are from the most recent Sentinel kit, as are the targeter bits on top. It looks like the posts they're mounted on are from a Riptide itself.

12-18-2013, 01:11 PM
This is great. I wouldn't even mind getting murdered by that thing!

12-18-2013, 02:25 PM
Seriously though where did he get that wonderful kit?

Japan. From a friend. They do sell them on the eBay.

Do you have some pics of your Guard so we can see the paint scheme coming for this guy?



Though most of the players around here will give you a lot of hate for using gundam models instead of the actual Riptide model -- even if it is for conversion work.

No matter how the wind howls, the mountain cannot hear it.

Are the shoulder plates missing or does the model look like that?

They are missing, because I feel they look too cartoonish, and detract from the more 'Guard' feel I'm going for.

extra exhaust pipes from the back engine.

Considered it; decided against it, to reflect that it's an Imperial version of a Nova Engine, rather than a standard STC power plant. I may add some more gauges and dials, though...

Maybe a Flag Banner pole or two on the center backpack fin or the tops of the missile packs.

I personally hate back banners; I feel they always detract from the model. Personal taste there, but no, not happening.

Bullet holes along the shield and a couple on the right front side of the torso.

Battle damage is tricky; too often it just looks like ***. I may do one or two symetrical slices to represent Tyranid attacks and the like, but probably not bullet holes. I just don't like 'em.

. And the limbs of a Ork/Nid/Eldar/Dark Eldar/Etc sticking out from under one of the feet

I assume you've seen my Wraithlord b

dude this looks like it took a long time to make

Build time= one episode of 'Elementary'

Riveting time = one episode of 'Almost Human', one episode of 'The Great Christmas Sewing Bee', and one 'Infinite Monkey Cage' podcast.

Total time probably about four and a half hours.

I'm assuming it was a Bandai model?

It was. A dear friend was holidaying in Tokyo, and brought it back for me because he loves Gundam and I love modelling. It's been sat around for ages, and I haven't had the faintest idea what to do with it, because, well... Gundam feels kind of like Power Rangers to me; great if you're little, but otherwise, no.

So, I've done a bit of research, seen that there are eight separate continuities and my reaction to the amount of stuff I'd have to watch/read/play to understand what this little kit is is basically


I do believe the missile packs themselves are from the most recent Sentinel kit, as are the targeter bits on top.

Correct - two Sentinel missile launchers glued together, with a targeter from the Sentinel HK missile.

It looks like the posts they're mounted on are from a Riptide itself.

Incorrect, but good guess. They're the huge fin-thing that comes with the Stealth Team, mounted on some styrene rod.

12-18-2013, 03:31 PM
Right in time for the new Kaiju I mean Tyranids.


12-18-2013, 10:54 PM
So, I've done a bit of research, seen that there are eight separate continuities and my reaction to the amount of stuff I'd have to watch/read/play to understand what this little kit is is basically

This particular model kit is from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_Suit_Gundam_Unicorn

And it is only 10 episodes of goodness. Also it is very stand alone. If you can find it in you to care, you wont have to watch anything else to understand.

12-19-2013, 12:25 AM
Would be cool to use as an Imperial Knight, if only we had rules for that. Hint Hint GW...

12-31-2013, 08:30 AM
Finished paintjob; still haven't done the shield yet.


Pauly Addams
01-02-2014, 08:18 PM
Fantastic, love it :)