View Full Version : Returning to 40k

12-07-2009, 03:55 AM
I recently, around 2 years ago, came back to the game after not having played since RT days. I played as a lot of people do for a couple of years when I was a kid but stopped in my mid teens (I guess girls and cars became more interesting than plastic soldiers!).

What brought me back was picking up some of the Horus Heresy books to read on one of many lengthy work train journeys, couple of weeks after buying the first one, I was picking up the 4th ed rules and a box of space marines.

Anyway the point is that recently I've realised this is a fairly common theme amongst a number of people I now know through the game, they're all around late 20's early 30's, played when they were young and stopped for a while and now are back again. I even found out recently that one of the guys I work with has started playing again in similar circumstances to me. I was wondering how many others are in this particular position and what people think the reasons for these people rejoining the game are?

12-07-2009, 06:50 AM
I have been playing since introduced into the game in 1988 when I was 8 years old.

I have been playing ever since.

I quickly learned that cars are just tools to feed egos and women are more trouble than they are worth.

The only constant that makes me happy day in and day out are my 40k figures.

And hard liquor.

12-07-2009, 07:08 AM
Yep, rings a bell with me.

I gamed solidly from the age of 11 until I went 6th form college at which point I was either studying my arse off or drinking / on the pull! Whilst at university I would sneakily pick up a white dwarf once in a blue moon or peer in through GW store windows but the same studying / drinking / being on the pull precluded re-entering the hobby. Once I had moved in with my soon to be fiance and secured a full time job I was free to jump back in with both feet - aged 24. I am more obsessed with the hobby now than when I was 15! In fact I find that the nature and demands of real life and a stressful job make this hobby all the more important.

Perhaps GW should target the 20 something potentially returning hobbier? Like a returning hobbier discount pack...!;)

Lord Azaghul
12-07-2009, 07:42 AM
I've come to believe that I'm a bit of an odd ball in this hobby. I didn't start until I was around 24. A friend a work suckered me into fantasy and I become hooked. Oddly enough I was also married before I started...which doesn't seem to happen in this hobby often. I grew up playing legos and gi joes (and lots of video games), but I always made elaborate rules for them, epic tales, I also drew up my own little naval battle game using paper clip and other common office crap. Not to sound cliche, but Warhammer was pretty much the game I'd been looking for but didn't realized it until I found it (man that sounds really lame)

edit: should clarify that I still am married (to the same woman) while remaining in this hobby!

12-07-2009, 09:46 AM
I've come to believe that I'm a bit of an odd ball in this hobby. I didn't start until I was around 24. A friend a work suckered me into fantasy and I become hooked. Oddly enough I was also married before I started...which doesn't seem to happen in this hobby often. I grew up playing legos and gi joes (and lots of video games), but I always made elaborate rules for them, epic tales, I also drew up my own little naval battle game using paper clip and other common office crap. Not to sound cliche, but Warhammer was pretty much the game I'd been looking for but didn't realized it until I found it (man that sounds really lame)

I don't think you're such an odd ball... I've always been a videogamer, but getting older(26, more exactly), I couldn't find so much joy anymore in these games. Then, one day, I discovered "Dawn of War", and started to get interested in the fluff. And the rest, as they say, is history...

12-07-2009, 10:08 AM
In 1987 I was visting England, courtsey of uncle sam. I passed by this shop that had a lot of historical and fantasy products. Went in thought that the box set of space marine terminators look great and bought them as well as the RT book. I had been painting fantasy figs for years and painting these seemed cool. Painting on a ship is one of the few hobbies you can do as it packs up well, doesnt take a lot of room and and the motion of the ocean doest bother to much. Ever since I have been adding, spacehulk 1st ed really got me going and then as I found more player added to my army.

12-07-2009, 11:44 AM
I've always been odd in that I love the fluff and the game (in that order), but I hate the hobby. I hate painting and modeling is only slightly bearable because I can customize things to my liking. So it's not like I ever really left 40K even if I took breaks from the hobby aspects of it.

*eyes her first Battle Sister model, that beautiful helmeted sister superior model with chainsword and plasma pistol, which sits ontop of her computer* Been a long time since I ever tried to paint anything metal . I'm not looking forward to doing it again, so I'm holding out for plastic Sisters or the money to finish up my Guard army.

12-07-2009, 02:11 PM
I started off with Rogue Trader, and followed right into 2nd edition. I eventually quit for a few reasons, but a lot of the people I played with were killing the fun of it, so I traded groups and went to Warhammer Fantasy for some time before quitting outright. I gave / sold most of my minis away... sure that I would NEVER be back... right. I have always enjoyed the novels and kept reading them, and played the hell out of Dawn of War when it came out. Then my family and I moved out of state, and I was looking for a good way to meet people to hang out with and for a hobby. I hit the local hobby shop, and it just happened to be 40k night. Where they proceeded to drag be back in kicking and screaming all the way into 5th edition :) Now my Imperial Guard army is getting close to done. And I realize that I missed painting so much.


12-07-2009, 02:33 PM
I started back in secondary school and then as I moved to college I found a few friends had started to play too. Up until we all went off to different uni's we got a game or 2 in a week. Once a uni i kind of drifted out of the hobby and although a few uni friends expressed an interest in playing I didn't get involved again until studying for my masters degree at the beginning of the year. Now I don't play as much as I like but I enjoy painting the models far more than I did.

12-07-2009, 03:58 PM
I played RT and had a ton of fun with it... I remember we played on the floor of my friends bedroom (Many battles were held on the "long grass fields,"). I was the noob kid who had a few random models and what little paint I had on them was hideous!

I hid my playing in High School cause I thought I was too cool (and that chicks would pick on me.) Later I figured out that chicks picked on guys for any reason anyways and started playing again. The rest is history.


12-07-2009, 04:08 PM
I attribute this directly to improvement of the game and models, personally.

I have only been here since the onset of 4th edition and both the game and the models have improved tremendously, as has all the fluff except the "Space Marines are brainwashed hateful killing machines" retcon.

12-07-2009, 04:09 PM
Started when I was 15 then took a 10 year break. Am now back into the hobby side, as I love the modelling / converting / painting, but have not yet got around to gaming again.