View Full Version : Do spoilers make you angry?

12-17-2013, 03:52 AM
Yesterday the major plot twist of a popular US show was widely tweeted and shared on social media, angering an awful lot of people in different timezones yet to see it and I've also seen a lot of people complaining about people spoiling the Hobbit by mentioning what has to happen in the third film. This is a book published 75 years ago. I've also seen in the past people become physically violent over teevee plots being spoiled so I thought I'd ask:

Do you get angry over spoilers?

Personally depending on the show I range from 'meh' if a major plot point is spoilt to vague irritation but that is it. I do make an effort to avoid spoilers and Iget more annoyed if someone deliberately spoils something after I've said I'm avoiding spoilers but that is rare.

12-17-2013, 04:14 AM

There was also genuine outcry when it was *spoiled* that titanic sank...

If I am to watch something I do not like to know what is going to happen, but if I do find out beforehand it is no big deal.

It is like watching a James Bond film, you know that he is going to get into a scrape but you know despite how the odds are stacked against him, he will be victorious as he is the goodie.

I find it hard to get too upset when tv-based on book things are spoiled, as you say it is publically availble for ages, one just has to read.

Mr Mystery
12-17-2013, 04:19 AM
I loathe spoilers. Utterly loathe them.

I get that good telly, book or film excites and encourages discussion.

But don't tell me the twists in the plot.

Stuff like The Hobbit? Not so much, a I've got a fair idea anyways.

But Star Trek; Into Darkness. Ruined by a goon on Facebook giving no spoiler warnings. Who knows, had I not absolutely known it was coming, I might actually have enjoyed that film.

Game of Thrones? Keep it to yourself.

Walking Dead? Keep it to yourself.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
12-17-2013, 04:22 AM
I don't get the whole Hobbit rage, the book has been out for 75 years guys, it's also a CHILDREN'S BOOK.
If you lack the ability or effort to read even that, then I seriously worry for future generations.

As for Game of Thrones, that has been out for 16 years, I am only 5 years older than it and I have managed to read it. It is truely worth a read.

12-17-2013, 04:23 AM
Picture's wrong, Dil wasn't a man :/

But anyways, not particularly - I guess it depends what it is and how much I care, and the amount of detail in the spoiler. That said, apparently being spoiled makes you enjoy things more (http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2011/08/spoilers-dont-spoil-anything/), but I certainly think it is dependant on the medium. For instance having the plot of The Sixth Sense ruins part of the 'point' of the movie, but knowing that it all works out after Harry Met Sally doesn't take anything away as it's the journey of the story not the ending.

12-17-2013, 04:25 AM
Picture's wrong, Dil wasn't a man :/
I wouldn't know.

Some spoilers aren't really spoilers, well they are technically, but the twist is so telegraphed that you can see it from a mile off, like "a long walk to remember"

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
12-17-2013, 04:33 AM
Yey! LEGO Hobbit.

Mr Mystery
12-17-2013, 04:52 AM
Books may have been around a while, but then there are people like me who choose not to mix our mediums until whichever one we have started with is finished.

So for me, no reading Game of Thrones or Walking Dead until their TV series conclude.

That way, I don't give myself any spoilers. Either in plot, or 'well that's not how it happened in the book now is it?'.

Also did the same with Watchman, and League of Extraordinary Gentleman.

Allows me to enjoy each attempt in it's own isolation as much as possible.

12-17-2013, 04:59 AM
As a general rule films aren't as good as books.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
12-17-2013, 05:03 AM
I'm with Wolfie.

12-17-2013, 05:04 AM
My thoughts pretty much echo Mr Mystery's in the main. Not a fan of spoilers!

What I don't get is spoilers immediately after something has just come out etc. If its been a month or two since the event I don't mind as much because its been a decent amount of time since it happened, but I tend to try and avoid them regardless if I think I may be interested at some point. If its the day after though? Come on...give people a chance to actually see it already!!

Things like the hobbit...I can understand that you might not have seen it, but you should at least be aware that its about a book that is quite old, and this isn't even the first film made about it! It definitely falls outside of my couple of months rule :D.

12-17-2013, 06:37 AM
I just realised I should have said you'd have to wait and see to find out... >.<

12-17-2013, 07:14 AM
Couldn't care less, it's not so much the outcome of a story, but the journey it takes to get there. Want to see me angry, then talk though a movie I'm trying to watch.
Hobbit last year some lads where chatting for the 1st ten minutes of the movie. I eventually politely asked them to stop and they gave me the usual chav response. Soon changed their minds when I stood up grabbed ones 3D specs and threw them down the aisle. Wife was proper angry with me but they didn't make a peep rest of the movie.

Mr Mystery
12-17-2013, 07:48 AM
Couldn't care less, it's not so much the outcome of a story, but the journey it takes to get there. Want to see me angry, then talk though a movie I'm trying to watch.
Hobbit last year some lads where chatting for the 1st ten minutes of the movie. I eventually politely asked them to stop and they gave me the usual chav response. Soon changed their minds when I stood up grabbed ones 3D specs and threw them down the aisle. Wife was proper angry with me but they didn't make a peep rest of the movie.

I did something similar at a Harry Potter showing.

Can't stand people talking during films, especially in the cinema.

12-17-2013, 07:54 AM
I told the Memsahib last year who karked it in the Downton Abbey Chrimbo Special. She was, to paraphrase HM Queen Victoria, 'not amused'.

I view it as a rebalancing of the cosmic karma for hogging the TV to watch that tosh.

12-17-2013, 08:06 AM
Soon changed their minds when I stood up grabbed ones 3D specs and threw them down the aisle. Wife was proper angry with me but they didn't make a peep rest of the movie.

Sorry - was it the specs or the oik you bunged down the aisle?

12-17-2013, 08:34 AM
Sorry - was it the specs or the oik you bunged down the aisle?


What pisses me off is people that know you haven't seen stuff and deliberately go out of their way to tell because it was so good when they know you're waiting for the DVD release, or the freeview showing.
A friend of the SO's does this with films regularly, and a colleague with things from sky that haven't made it to freeview yet ¬_¬

12-17-2013, 08:35 AM
I don't like spoilers personally. they can be annoying. makes me wonder if that is why the Hobbit includes the extra scenes that it does, to give a bit more to people who have read it already.

12-17-2013, 08:42 AM
I don't like spoilers personally. they can be annoying. makes me wonder if that is why the Hobbit includes the extra scenes that it does, to give a bit more to people who have read it already.

Either way I liked all of Peter Jackson's movies. Sure they deviated but I don't think they took anything away from the books, they just added to the movie experience.

12-17-2013, 08:57 AM
yup a friend of mine was ranting something fierce on facebook about how the second film is awful and they changed too much and is nothing sacred blah blah blah. it is a film based on the book, you want the book, read the book. it is a different medium for quite a different audience. 75 years of change, people want different things these days. Plenty of us love the book, and would be happy to see the book recreated, but the film isn't just for us, it is mass marketable, it has to work for people who don't read the books, and that means more action, better explanations of things such as where Gandalf disappears to etc.

12-17-2013, 08:58 AM
Some film editting is great, personally I hated Tom Bombadil and his sodding yellow wellies I am so glad that he was axed.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
12-17-2013, 10:14 AM
Potential spoilers below?

But it hasn't changed the lore of the story of The Hobbit though, the cleansing of Dol Goldur is in the Silmarillion, so all these "new added scenes" aren't really new to the story at all. They already all exist.
The only completely new and random element is Tauriel, she is a total unknown, but I can guess what will happen to her. She's also a complete badass for the record, definitely one of my favourite characters. Along with Balin and Beorn.

Potential spoilers end?

12-17-2013, 11:07 AM
Potential spoilers below?

But it hasn't changed the lore of the story of The Hobbit though, the cleansing of Dol Goldur is in the Silmarillion, so all these "new added scenes" aren't really new to the story at all. They already all exist.
The only completely new and random element is Tauriel, she is a total unknown, but I can guess what will happen to her. She's also a complete badass for the record, definitely one of my favourite characters. Along with Balin and Beorn.

Potential spoilers end?

Exactly, the second movie was awesome. I generally like all of the "updates" in Peter Jackson's films. I think the 'new scenes are actually from the appendices though, since they didn't have rights to the Silmarillion.

For spoilers though, I had a few things spoiled for Hobbit 2 because I listened to the commentary of the first, by the writers no less, it was funny though. Phillipa kept giving things away followed immediately by Peter exclaiming "Spoilers!"

12-17-2013, 12:05 PM
I recall being rather miffed when one of you chuckle heads told me that Ned dies, but not generally. Very few people set out to deliberately ruin stuff. When the red wedding rolled around in GoT, social media went mental because everyone wanted to express their shock and discuss it and apparently that now involves telling everyone in the whole world. I don't see how you can really get too miffed about spoilers. If you wanted to avoid GoT spoilers, you could avoid social media for 24 hours until the UK airing. If you are bothered about Hobbit spoilers, go see the movie as soon as it is released (also don't watch the trailer because all the import at stuff is in there).

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
12-17-2013, 01:22 PM
Ned's death is more devastating in the book. ;)

12-17-2013, 03:30 PM
I read the first three game of thrones books and it seemed like basically everybody died all the time, it was a miracle if you got through a whole chapter without somebody being betrayed and murdered.


Tzeentch's Dark Agent
12-17-2013, 03:57 PM
Westeros is kinda how I imagine Commorragh, only Commorragh is darker and has more spikes.

12-17-2013, 04:16 PM
I have given up on the books, I find them far too slow and full of unrelenting misery, gone back to the Vampire chronicles, see if I can get through them.

12-17-2013, 04:46 PM
Either way I liked all of Peter Jackson's movies. Sure they deviated but I don't think they took anything away from the books, they just added to the movie experience.

I fell asleep midway through the first it was that good :D.
Never bothered with the next two after that.

I recall being rather miffed when one of you chuckle heads told me that Ned dies,

He was played by sean bean, he never had a chance...
Seriously, still not seen more than a couple of episodes of series one. I'll get a boxset eventually, but I've already read the books.

Ned's death is more devastating in the book. ;)


I read the first three game of thrones books and it seemed like basically everybody died all the time, it was a miracle if you got through a whole chapter without somebody being betrayed and murdered.

Who's he think he is? Dan Abnett? Sure as sure...


I have given up on the books, I find them far too slow and full of unrelenting misery, gone back to the Vampire chronicles, see if I can get through them.

Really? I think I read the first four in the week between xmas and newyear And then went and and bought dance with dragons which took some of January as had to go to work and not stay home reading...

12-17-2013, 05:08 PM
It all depends on your investment I guess.

For example I would be pissed on spoilers for Heros session one, but could care less if I was spoiled in the other seasons.

Planet of the Apes and Star wars I can see one getting angry for spoilers as well.

However the Hobbit has been out for a long time. It had what like two animated movies plus multiple reprints. Kinda hard not to spoil what is going to happen. Can't really get mad at any spoilers unless it changes what is done in the book.

Typically the book is way better than the movie. Especially since movies don't narrate or you can listen to their inner thoughts and you can miss details that are pointed out in the book, plus you get the setting and more detail of what is going on. Since people today hate narrative it is really hard for movies to be like the book.

Also a few times the movie turns out better than the book. Kick *** one for example the first movie was better than the boom, while the book was better than the second movie. It is rare that the movie is better than the book due to the movie also dumbing down what actually happened in the book as well.

Oh I think ******* Anime is better than the Manga for example.

Anyway everyone but Neo knew he was the one. Not a big mystery there, wouldn't be much of a movie if he wasn't.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
12-18-2013, 02:20 AM
The Hunger Games were better as books, but they're amazing films.

Also, Jennifer Lawrence... *drool*

12-18-2013, 08:40 AM
I've never bought into the "book is better" argument, despite the fact that I read a lot. Different mediums have different pros and cons. Books allow for a more detailed world and plot, but movies give me a better fast paced adrenaline rush, while long-form tv shows (anime or not) tend to give me more connection to the characters. Plus, it depends as much on excecution as anything else.

12-18-2013, 08:50 AM
I've never bought into the "book is better" argument, despite the fact that I read a lot. Different mediums have different pros and cons. Books allow for a more detailed world and plot, but movies give me a better fast paced adrenaline rush, while long-form tv shows (anime or not) tend to give me more connection to the characters. Plus, it depends as much on excecution as anything else.

Actually I found that movies based on books tend to be worst than the book, but books based on movies I found is typically worst than the movie.

For example I seen star wars 1 and read the book. Besides Darth Maul having more powers I didn't see the point of reading it if it was exactly like the movie. I could just look at the horribad movie instead of reading the horribad book.

12-18-2013, 09:07 AM
I've never bought into the "book is better" argument, despite the fact that I read a lot. Different mediums have different pros and cons. Books allow for a more detailed world and plot, but movies give me a better fast paced adrenaline rush, while long-form tv shows (anime or not) tend to give me more connection to the characters. Plus, it depends as much on excecution as anything else.

Yup, books are longer and can have a lot more depth than a film, but that doesn't make films based on books bad. Just different. If a film adaptation is bad it's because it's a bad film, not because books are always better than the films. As you say it is down to execution.

12-18-2013, 09:16 AM
And never ever buy the game tie in...

12-18-2013, 09:25 AM
There was one film, or tv show that I have watched fairly recently and did think it was an improvement on the book, I however, cannot recall what it was.

12-18-2013, 09:25 AM
And never ever buy the game tie in...

Unless it has the word "Lego" in it.

12-18-2013, 10:11 AM
Unless it has the word "Lego" in it.

Fair assessment.

12-18-2013, 01:49 PM
He was played by sean bean, he never had a chance...

Which makes me think it was you.

12-18-2013, 02:08 PM
Which makes me think it was you.

I've not seen it, but I have read the books...
If it was I apologise.