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View Full Version : Planning the new Nid army

12-06-2009, 12:45 PM
So the plan!

I plan to make a Tyranid army when the new codex is released. I plan on going fo a wide variety of models and will move onto a competitive list once I've got my hands on the new gribblies :) I am going for a magma/lava theme/colour scheme for the army.

So for the modelling and painting side of things, these are the things I plan on using.

The Army Painter spray paint for undercoating

Scenic resin bases (lava ones)

and for everything else (glues, paints, tools, brushes and green stuff) I just plan on using GW products (except from their superglue as it sucks :))

I was just wondering if any of you guys had any ideas or tips etc. Before I get cracking on this project :)

Thanks in advance :)

Herald of Nurgle
12-06-2009, 01:55 PM
I don't really have much to say.

What scheme do you plan on using?

12-06-2009, 02:55 PM
If you want to do sculpted lava bases go here.
I ordered some of his brass etch stuff, got it in 3 days, and check the BoLS bargains for free shipping on $30+.

He emailed me that afternoon to say the stuff was on it's way, excellent customer service, I have not seen the products yet, they were shipped to my home address for winter break hobby time, but they all look amazing. Also they not only look better than the lava you showed, but look much more functional as well. I'd hate to glue things to that big poofy rounded base with stuff jutting from it randomly. This guy's stuff is all resin cast, and from the looks of it all top notch.

12-06-2009, 03:35 PM
I'd go for a very dark scheme, maybe even glossed but you a red/orange underglow from the magma.

12-06-2009, 03:45 PM
@ Herald of Nurgle: I plan on using a magma sort of colour scheme. Orange, yellows and reds on the skin/claws and I'm thinking of going for a dark grey sort of ash colour for the carapaces.

@bryce963: I actually prefer the bases I posted. The other ones are nice, I just don't think it shows off enough lava. Plus they cost more and would also cost more to ship to the UK. But I will keep this in mind for future buys :)

12-06-2009, 03:47 PM
@ColCorbane: Ye im going to be testing out a few things before I start the project, but ye that sounds like the general idea.