View Full Version : Human Auxilary Troops (counts as Kroot)

12-15-2013, 04:28 PM
Attention Tau players and victims of Tau. I am looking for a new project and I hit on an idea. Tau Human Auxiliary.

My ideas:

Catachan Jungle fighters as Kroot. Stat lines and special abilities are almost identical to pre 5th edition jungle fighters. They had WS4 BS, S, T, and I of 3. W and A of 1 and Ld of 7. Armor was 5+ but lets face it they are wearing vests and t shirts so 6+ is more accurate.
In addition the new kroots Special Rules are very accurate. Infiltrate, MTC, and Stealth (forests) are all perfect. Their slightly better Stat line on lasguns can easily be explained as better Ammo from their Tau Masters. Kroot hounds I can just use regular GW hounds from Mordheim. I would tweek their guns slightly by giving them extended barrels. Sgt (shaper) I would give a pulse rifle or carbine.
Not sure on Krootox but I'm still thinking. Suggestions?

My other idea is using Cadians as Vespid. The armor is similar most stats are too. That's were conversions come next. Anyone played Rifts? Remember the Juicier? I'm thinking of adding mods to models (tubes and hoses on arms and legs with a jump pack to represent their increased toughness and initiative. For the better gun I'm still thinking of.

So has anyone else done this? And if so how and pictures.

Hand of the King
12-15-2013, 08:27 PM
What about an Ogryn as a Krootox?

12-15-2013, 08:32 PM
Why do that when you can take guard allies is my question. Athough I can see it being intersting to do.

12-15-2013, 08:43 PM
Why do that when you can take guard allies is my question. Athough I can see it being intersting to do.

Actually read your post lol.

I think you need blades on the kroot rifle since they are ap 5 and all kroot rifles are double bladed. Also if you can get some kroot bits it would bring them more to life. I like the hand pistols they have, etc.

For Krootox Ogryn would probably be a good ideal.

Only dogs I seen is for necromunda. Haven't seen the ones you are talking about.

Actually I think using Elysian Drop troops with the drop packs would make good vespids.

Which Juicer Variant? Dragon, Hyperion, Murder Wraith, Mega, just so many different types.

That being said wasn't never a fan of juicers. I always used them as NPCs. Nor cyborgs. It showed in my games when players decided to play those types of characters. I wouldn't kill them, but I would do things like reminding them they are no longer human.

12-16-2013, 06:26 AM
Why do that when you can take guard allies is my question. Athough I can see it being intersting to do.
For fluff plain and simple. I don't like Vespid models but like their stats and whet they can do. I like the Kroot models but don't care for hounds or krootox models. Plus if they are guard as guard. Then they are not truely human auxiliary.
Under the old rules (ore 6th) kroots rifles blades actually had purpose, they gave extra melee weapon bonus. That is not the case anymore. Plus I have always felt robbed under the last two editions that catachans have been robbed of their uniqueness this would give them a chance to rise again above other generic guard.

Krootox ogryn was what I was thinking except the krootox are very endemic ogrynn. They are only tough 3. Now I do have some extream old school guard ogryn that are tiny compaired to more modern models so they might work.

Elysian drop troops are a GREAT idea. I always wanted some but hesitated for cost reasons. But this way I only need 10 or so. Plus their pack and guns are signifigantly different that other guard units.

As far as juicers I only knew of one kind from the basic rulebook.

Dogs were from mordheim I believe. They were dwarf mastiffs. Ive had them many years so could be wrong but are GW since that's all I buy. Might be in archeive.

12-16-2013, 07:07 AM
Rifles don't give out +1 attack anymore, but they are now ap 5. Look up close combat weapons in the book, Tau book.

Tau Aux use to be white dwarf rules. Basically guardsmen with the sarge possibly getting a Tau rifle or carbine. Also they could take Tau grenades. Basically just take regular guardsmen to use close to the old rukes. Oh and regular guardsmen had referred enemy against Tau Aux.

Tx. Figured it would had been a good ideal.

They came with the Juicer Uprising book years ago. I think it was last boom CJ Carleilla wrote for Palladium books. They cam up with like 40 world books, 6 source books, and about 6 dimension books. The Juicer however was in the main book.

12-16-2013, 05:09 PM
Crap! Your right! Didn't make that connection.

Ok then bayonets on the guns and ill make them mini power weapons. I do all my power weapons blue similar to a lightsaber. I found my dogs they are indeed mordheim mastiffs. Still have the tabs that go into the slotta bases GW99 on one side Mordheim on the other. I used to play Dwarves for the game and loved the dogs. Got six.

Now I'm excited! Found my tiny ogrynn too. Got five of those. Combine with a couple boxes of jungle troopers (maybe a box of troopers and one command squad) and an order to Forge World for the Elysiam guys and drop /jump packs. I got fluffy human aux for my Tau. I will post WIP. I love conversion challenges.

12-16-2013, 11:05 PM
I like this idea Ursa, hope you don't mind if I copy this!

12-17-2013, 04:36 AM
Not at all. Imitation is the sincearest form of flattery.

I started gathering bitz last night (after 25 years in the hobby I have ALOT). Money is short (as it is for everyone this time O'year) . We will see how generous Santa is at Christmas.

12-17-2013, 11:46 AM
Yeah. He got me motivated to do the same thing. However I do own 100 plus kroot, 22 kroot hounds, 5 krootox, 9 vespid with leader.

12-18-2013, 03:59 AM
That's awesome. I have some fire warriors coming in and was thinking of converting them into human aux. Didn't think to also do hounds, krootox or vespid tho. That's a really interesting idea

12-18-2013, 08:33 AM
I do have 10 Tau aux I now use for my guard army. It is funny people think they are Tau from a distance and finally look at them close and go wtf. I really need to take pics of them, but this is what I done.

I took Cadian torsos and glued them to Tau legs.

Than I chopped off Cadian boots and replace the Tau feet with boots. Lots of sanding down and have to use a model knife since clippers kinda damage the model.

For weapons I bit ordered the Eylsian lasguns from forge world.

I than took my kroot bits and place them in a few spots like the pistols.

I took the kroot shoulder pads and use them as visors for the cadian heads, they look like police officers. With the shoulder pads you can sand down the two bands that are on them. I didn't and went for the effect that the visor can swing up. I will remodel one on day to show the visors can pop up.

After the years I learned that pinning the feet on might not be a bad ideal.

Also I went with tau arms. At the time I failed to notice the number of finders tau have. Which means either green stuff extra fingers or chop the hands off.

I am thinking of creating more with carbines and using them for the elite options for guard. I am also thinking of getting elysian jump packs as well. I also experimented with cross human and tau plasma and melta weapons. Some came out cool while some cam out clunky.

The heavy flamer parts are nice to convert the plasma rifle from the Tau. However I am waiting for the guard codex before I really start, so I know how to outfit my people and see if jumping out a vendeta is an option or they will go back to being able to deep strike with out one.

12-18-2013, 02:18 PM
Chicop u gotta post pics.

Good news on the mini front. Wife informed me last night she cant figure out what to get me for Xmas so she gave me permission to make the order post holiday.

12-20-2013, 03:17 AM
Sounds a bit like my Human Firewarriors which I made, except i used a 3rd party helmet rather than using the standard Tau one.


12-20-2013, 08:15 AM
Sounds a bit like my Human Firewarriors which I made, except i used a 3rd party helmet rather than using the standard Tau one.


Somewhat like that. Different heards and torsos though.

12-20-2013, 08:42 AM

This is a test.

All I have to figure out how to make the pic a bit bigger and I will tale some pics.

12-22-2013, 12:02 AM
Somewhat like that. Different heards and torsos though.

i've done something similar with fire warriors and crypt ghouls. :rolleyes: mainly for Necromunda/Kill Team

12-23-2013, 11:36 PM
Ordered the catachans. Ordering the jump troops after holiday.

I'm also thinking of doing a human fireblade. Specifically to lead the human auxiliary.

12-29-2013, 12:22 AM
Ive got my 20 human Kroot plus a human Fireblade. They look pretty good.

Anyone wanna tell me how to post a WIP pic? I downloaded it to photobucket but I only have a kindle fire and my android phone.

12-29-2013, 12:34 AM
Photobucket should have a box on the page of the picture you want to link with link codes for various formats. Grab the link for IMG format and then hit the "insert image" button on the reply form here (looks like a tiny tree in a frame) and paste in the code.

12-29-2013, 12:56 AM
Yes! Figured it out. Posted in art rooms.