View Full Version : The Brotherhood of Nod as IG proxy(ish)

12-05-2009, 11:55 PM
I been looking into different armies lately and this is concept has been popping in my head quite often when I think of other armies to play. Especially since I was torn between IG and Ork as my very 1st army and even picked up both codexes to determine who to play (went with Orks).

Now I'm not that great with conversions and I hate metal models so I'm thinking of using Cadian Models with a Red and Black paint scheme (Red Flak jackets and black armor). I would like to keep things as close as possible to NoD "fluff" but I'm willing to an exception here or there. I'm going to post what I thought up so far and if you have a different idea or other ideas let me know. I'm not going to use C&C4 Nod units since that game isn't out just yet.

Militant Squad
I'm thinking either Infantry platoons or Penal Legions. Militants are cheap and expendable troops armed with rifles, Infantry platoons could do better for larger amounts of Militants and Commissars which work out to be like Confessors (Lead Militants into battle with a large caliber weapon and hallucinogenic grenades), while the weapon loadout might not be able to work out fully I think the rest of their qualities fit a bit. Penal Legions might also work as Militants due to NoD stealth specialty and the nature of Militants in the first place.

Militant Rocket Squads
Missile Launcher Heavy Weapon Teams seem to fit perfectly, kinda a bonus to Militants as Infantry Platoons gives you access to these teams. Without Infantry Platoons, not sure where these guys fit in really.

Confessor Cabals
I think a Command Squad would work good for these guys. Once again the weapon issue comes up with Confessors but Command Squads. Maybe no Commissars and just Command Squads for Confessor's...

These guys just don't fit into 40k games, I don't see any structures needing to be captured.

Suicidal bombers? Demo Charges possibly but not seeing anything really specific for these guys.

Shadow Team
High powered Infatry that drops from the sk?, Storm Troopers for sure. That is an easy one.

Black Hand
Hmmm, now this is a hard one. An unit of flamethrower wielding heavy infantry isn't something really standout. Veteran squads may work with better armor and access to more special weapons (flamers). An other thought might be to bring in allies to fit these guys as they are supposed to be heavy infantry and power armor could fit too.

Tiberium Troopers
Acid instead of Fire, Veteran with Meltas perhaps?

The Awaken
Hmm, this is strange one to fit in. Heavy Infantry with high power weapons, may need to bring in some allies for these guys.

Same as above.

Sly Marbo is the perfect fit.

Attack Bikes
IG doesn't really have any Bikes so I don't see getting these guys into the mix.

Raider Buggy
An other vehicle I don't really see getting into the mix, the only thing I can think of is Chimeras but Raider Buggies are not transports so not sure here.

Flamethrower Tank
Hellhounds work alright here. Not as armored as the standard tanks through, but alright still.

Scorpion Tank
Leman Russ tanks may fit here, but they are way too armored to really fit the scorpion tank. Sponsors are not allowed either.

Stealth Tank
No easy option here, as there aren't any tanks that can really sneak around...

Avatar Mech
Again no easy option for here. One thought was to use a Leman Russ as a base stat, heavy armored with lots of different weaponry may fit...

Venom and Vertigo aircrafts
Vendetta and Valkyrie would work, transports wouldn't work out perfectly but still gets the basic concept across. Vertigo not so much (thats more of an apoc flyer through)

The only Nod transport, Chimera would work here. While they should more armored (debatable like a land raider) they also should have the ability for lots of guys to fight from so chimera work better.

Beam Cannon
A direct fire high powered cannon is actually not as common in IG, doesn't really fit into any of the IG tanks.

Now this would work perfectly as a basilisk, with exception of the whole stealth thing of course.

Avatar with a flamer, doesn't seem possible to me.

Let me know what you think please!

12-06-2009, 04:35 AM
Anything where you need heavy infantry with decent armour / weapons can be done by using either Sororitas or GK allies.

Attack bikes you can use the rough rider rules and use bike models, this is a fairly common "counts as" especially for the more technically advanced IG regiments such as those from Cadia.

I wouldn't worry too much about getting everything to fit perfectly, some things are going to just feel slightly out of balance between the game and the 40k universe but that's ok, it's the modelling you do that will make this hang together either badly or really nicely.

12-06-2009, 06:53 AM
Morning Sirrouga, haven't seen you in a while!
But yeah, that sounds pretty cool to me.

12-06-2009, 07:45 AM
These guys just don't fit into 40k games, I don't see any structures needing to be captured.

Suicidal bombers? Demo Charges possibly but not seeing anything really specific for these guys.

Black Hand
Hmmm, now this is a hard one. An unit of flamethrower wielding heavy infantry isn't something really standout. Veteran squads may work with better armor and access to more special weapons (flamers). An other thought might be to bring in allies to fit these guys as they are supposed to be heavy infantry and power armor could fit too.

Attack Bikes
IG doesn't really have any Bikes so I don't see getting these guys into the mix.

Raider Buggy
An other vehicle I don't really see getting into the mix, the only thing I can think of is Chimeras but Raider Buggies are not transports so not sure here.

Beam Cannon
A direct fire high powered cannon is actually not as common in IG, doesn't really fit into any of the IG tanks.

Let me know what you think please!

This sounds like an awesome idea! I seem to recall Forge World coming up with an (as-yet unreleased) Elysian dune buggy-style vehicle, so maybe once that's out, you could run buggies with that. Before then, maybe using Sentinels statlines?

I second Cryl's suggestion about biker/rough riders.

As for the Beam Cannon, the new LR Variants make this easier. Something like a Exterminator/Executioner (the plasma cannon one, whichever one that is) would seem to fit the Beam Cannon.

Also, I don't really remember the Avatar mech from C&C (I was more of a Red Alert kinda guy), but you could maybe use a Sentinel for that, and equip it with heavy flamers for the Purifier?

Again, excellent idea. Peace through Power!

12-06-2009, 08:19 AM
The Beam Cannon works best as the Destroyer Tank Hunter with its laser destroyer.

12-06-2009, 11:32 AM
I'm not sure of all the refrences, but years ago I did a legion of the dammed and used IG, SM, and necromunda figures. They worked out really well with the necromunda figs and are still available. Sadly they discontinued that army and I sold it online. But I do fondly remeber it.

12-06-2009, 11:46 AM
I love Command and Conquer!

I always thought that GDI would fit the Imperial Guard better. Nod operate more like a cross between the Eldar and the Elysians than anything else.
With the GDI, you can form more obvious parallels with Sentinels being Wolverines and Leman Russes being Medium Tanks and even the Baneblade being the Mammoth Tank. Even the Valkyrie has a parallel in the Orca more than anything NOD has.

If you're willing to delve into Red Alert influence, you even have an obvious parallel to the Deathstrike Missile.

Nevertheless, you could also have the following:

Artillery - Basilisk; they even look similar to a degree.

NOD APC - Chimera; again, they look similar with the only departure being that the NOD APC is wheeled.

Attack Bike - Rough Riders. I've seen countless people complain that Rough Riders don't fit the IG theme so they use bikes. Albeit, Rough Riders don't have missile launchers...

SSM Launcher - Manticore; both are mobile surface-to-surface missile launching platforms.

12-06-2009, 06:17 PM
I assume that due to the list you are basing the force off of C&C 3 with Kane's Wrath. A while ago I toyed with doing a CABAL army based off of Tiberian Sun: Firestorm (Ogryns as Cyborgs, Leman Russes as Tick Tanks, an allied GKGM as the Cyborg Commando, and modified Sentinels as Cyborg Reapers) but never did.

Anyway, I almost see Space Marines working better for the Brotherhood with Scouts as Militants, Terminators as the Awakened/Enlightened, Scout Bikes as Nod Bikes (duh), Land Speeders as Raider Buggys, Autocannon Predators as Scorpion Tanks, Venerable/Ironclad Dreadnoughts as the Avatar/Purifier, Sarges as Confessors, Sternguard as Confessor Cabals, Allied Seraphim as Shadow Teams (complete with dual pistols!), possibily Legion of the Damned or Sternguard as Black Hand, possibily Land Speeder Typhoon as Stealth Tank (light, quick, missiles), twin Heavy Flamer Razorback as Flame Tank, Lascannon Razorbacks as Beam Cannons, Captain as the Commando, and Missile Devastator Squads as Militant Rocket Squads.

Tau also could work, with Crisis Suits as the Awakened, Crisis Command teams as the Enlightened, Kroot as Militants, Piranhas as Raider Buggys, Ion Cannon Hammerhead as a Scorpion with Laser Capacitors, Fire Warriors as Confessor Cabals, possibily Warfish with Disruption Pods as Stealth Tanks.

Just a thought.

If you are going with the IG, the Ogryns could work as the Awakened/Enlightened.

12-06-2009, 07:01 PM
I'm going of the C&C3 and Kane's Wrath for the bulk of this army. I like the Red Alert series, just Red Alert 3 didn't really hit it with me. Plus I like the idea of Kane's own army instead of just using the soviets, even through they dropped that concept after the 1st Red Alert (unless you count Yuri which I don't).

I could also just go with the standard armies since the C&C takes place mostly on Earth and rarely ventures out in space (they do have space stations through) so there would be thousands on thousands of years between the Brotherhood of Nod and 40k. Who knows what could of happened to Kane and the Brotherhood, additional the Brotherhood might of just adapted to the new weapons of war and fight just the same way as the IG does now due to how common they are (and possibly easy to steal from).

I would figure GDI would make for a better Space Marine list than the Nod would so I went and looked at the IG to use as Nod and I like how a lot of the units match up. Space Marines are just too armored in my opinion to really be like Nod. Of course, I can always have my background as Kane is actually a primarch or have a chapter that believes Kane is the true emperor and go renegade. I would have to change my paint scheme a bit since the Red with Black paint scheme on Marines everyone would just assume its The Red Corsairs or something.

Anyways, I like a lot of the ideas popping up. Rough Riders as the Attack Bikes sounds interesting, the special weapons could make up for the missiles too. And that buggy idea from forgeworld sounds perfect, I completely forgot about that thing! I was thinking of using Dark Angel Veteran models as the Black Hand and count them as a Sisters for the extra flamers. I think I would have to do a complete custom model and stat line for the Avatar/Purifier through. I never really looked into Forgeworld rules (as every edition of Imperial Armour they seem change completely) but that should help fill the details.

I honestly haven't even decided on if I'm really going to do a Nod army. Bouncing between Space Marines and Imperial Guard armies to start up next and if I'm going to go with IG I'm doing the Nod theme. Also I'm not really good at doing conversions and such so I doubt I could do a Nod army true justice. Just collecting some thoughts and ideas that are running in my head. :P

12-06-2009, 07:46 PM
I'm going of the C&C3 and Kane's Wrath for the bulk of this army. I like the Red Alert series, just Red Alert 3 didn't really hit it with me. Plus I like the idea of Kane's own army instead of just using the soviets, even through they dropped that concept after the 1st Red Alert (unless you count Yuri which I don't).

I could also just go with the standard armies since the C&C takes place mostly on Earth and rarely ventures out in space (they do have space stations through) so there would be thousands on thousands of years between the Brotherhood of Nod and 40k. Who knows what could of happened to Kane and the Brotherhood, additional the Brotherhood might of just adapted to the new weapons of war and fight just the same way as the IG does now due to how common they are (and possibly easy to steal from).

I would figure GDI would make for a better Space Marine list than the Nod would so I went and looked at the IG to use as Nod and I like how a lot of the units match up. Space Marines are just too armored in my opinion to really be like Nod. Of course, I can always have my background as Kane is actually a primarch or have a chapter that believes Kane is the true emperor and go renegade. I would have to change my paint scheme a bit since the Red with Black paint scheme on Marines everyone would just assume its The Red Corsairs or something.

Anyways, I like a lot of the ideas popping up. Rough Riders as the Attack Bikes sounds interesting, the special weapons could make up for the missiles too. And that buggy idea from forgeworld sounds perfect, I completely forgot about that thing! I was thinking of using Dark Angel Veteran models as the Black Hand and count them as a Sisters for the extra flamers. I think I would have to do a complete custom model and stat line for the Avatar/Purifier through. I never really looked into Forgeworld rules (as every edition of Imperial Armour they seem change completely) but that should help fill the details.

I honestly haven't even decided on if I'm really going to do a Nod army. Bouncing between Space Marines and Imperial Guard armies to start up next and if I'm going to go with IG I'm doing the Nod theme. Also I'm not really good at doing conversions and such so I doubt I could do a Nod army true justice. Just collecting some thoughts and ideas that are running in my head. :P

I just think that the IG fits the GDI and the Red Alert 2 Soviets better than it fits the Brotherhood of Nod. I think that the Marine vehicles are closer to Nod's, and with Scouts as Militants/ TibSun Light Infantry I think they would fit better.

Unit-wise, if you stick with the IG, I think that Seraphim would fit better for the Shadow Teams, and isn't there an IG direct-fire artillery (I believe it is the Medusa) that you could use as a Beam Cannon?

If you did Space Marines, I would use dark grey instead of black.

As for background, I like the idea of a force believing that Kane is the true Emperor. After all, "You can't kill the messiah." -Kane

12-06-2009, 08:12 PM
No, Seraphim wouldn't be good for Shadow Teams. They most assuredly don't hide from anything :P

Actually I think that Nod fits Eldar or Tau beter than anything, but regardless, IG does fit GDI better.