View Full Version : Poll: Kroot for Fenrisian Wolves?

12-05-2009, 12:16 PM
The kroot have always been one of my favorite races / models in 40k, and I've always wanted to field a mercenary detachment of them.

So, being a Wolves player, i thought that they might look pretty cool painted up to be an ice world, blueish type of kroot + kroot hounds, running through snow and between ice/rock mounds, mounted on calvary bases. They're decent at close combat, and of all the races in 40k, they look the most like fast sprinters. They have virtually no armor, like wolves, and could bring alot of cool conversions and character to the table top army. Their natural aptitude for tracking would fit nicely with the forward element (cover save screen!) of an army, and I could easily see Space Wolves tracking down a quarry for months on some desolate planetary ice cap. Who better to help than kroot?

So, keeping in mind that bases would be the correct size for fenrisian wolves, and that I would only be using 8-15 kroot, and not an army of 135 led by Canis - how would you feel about the use of well converted mercenary kroot and kroot hounds as wolf subsitutes?

Thanks guys,


12-05-2009, 12:36 PM
Only issue I can see is that Kroot have guns, but wolves do not. Trickier to do but have a Kroot with a hound on a leash for each base, so it is not only filled up more but you can do away with the rifles.

Overall the concept is a good one though :)

Night System
12-05-2009, 12:51 PM
I would have to say no, simply because it screams anti fluff in all respects
Though logically, it makes sense, space wolves wouldnt need the tracking help, they already are the best trackers in the imperium, and being space marines, they would much rather shoot the kill them than let the kroot help them, mercanaries or not.

12-05-2009, 03:08 PM
I like the idea, especially with kroot hounds led by kroot mercs. It would make sense that not all space wolves would have access to Terran wolves, and kroot hounds are probably the next closest thing.

12-06-2009, 06:12 PM
Thanks for the replies and the votes guys!

12-07-2009, 01:26 PM
If you were in my play group I'd say go for it, but I wouldn't bring them to a tournament.