View Full Version : Resin slotta bases?

12-05-2009, 08:19 AM
When the new Nids come out, I am going to be doing a new army :). Now I want to start buying resin bases for my models, but one question. How would you put a model designed for a slotta base (gaunts for example) onto a resin base? or are there resin slotta bases around anywhere?

Thanks in advanced :)

12-05-2009, 08:21 AM
Cut off the slot on the model and use a pin vice to drill holes in the feet and the base and pin the two together.

Easiest. You could attempt to cut a slot in the resin but that is much more work than the other way.

Good luck!

12-05-2009, 11:54 AM
Cut off the slot on the model and use a pin vice to drill holes in the feet and the base and pin the two together.

Easiest. You could attempt to cut a slot in the resin but that is much more work than the other way.

Good luck!

^ What he said. Pinning is your best bet.

12-06-2009, 12:06 PM
You'll want to use the pinning method, trying to cut a slot in the resin base will probably end up ruining it.

Also think about using some quick set two part epoxy to set the pins. Works amazing