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12-05-2009, 03:06 AM
from games workshops e-mail:

Incoming! Battle Missions
Coming in March, Battle Missions is a brand-new supplement for Warhammer 40,000 that expands on the basic missions found in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Each of the thirty-something scenarios detailed in Battle Missions has been designed to allow you to fight the sort of battles normally the subject of Black Library novels. From daring raids and assassinations, to breakthroughs and last stands, Battle Missions will allow your army to play in a way that reflects its background. No matter what Warhammer 40,000 army you collect this exciting new supplement will open up a whole new gaming experience.

Of course it just wouldn't be the same if there weren't some great new miniatures to fight through these missions with. Fortunately, there will be new sets for Space Marines, Orks and the Imperial Guard released alongside Battle Missions in March.


~ now is that out of the blue or what? i've heard nothing about it at all before the e-mail. but what new sets do the space marines need?

12-05-2009, 03:12 AM
That sure sounds great - hopefully the missions will be of sufficient standard, so they actually are fun to play.

12-05-2009, 03:38 AM
I am wanting to know what all the new minis will be. I mean, what is left in the SM dex that us yet to see release?

12-05-2009, 03:48 AM
Who cares about the models, these scenarios sound awesome-I want kill team from 4th edition

Herald of Nurgle
12-05-2009, 04:05 AM
Seriously - the models have been 'leaked' for a year (a year and 1/3 when this is released), and yet they're giving us Guard, Orks, and SM?

THESE are what I think the (final) kits which need to be released for these races are...
Orks: Deth Koptaz, Plastic Boss/Mek, Zogwort, Flash Gitz.
SM: Plastic Vets, Plastic Thunderfire, New Special Character sculpts.
IG: Basilisk kit, Plastic Stormtroopers, New Infantry Squads.

Honestly, some of us are still waiting here in 2007, y'know.

12-05-2009, 04:12 AM
Matbe a Bastonnefir IG, but SM sculpts obviouslymeans new Cassius and Tigurius. Plastic Vets would be sweetthough.

12-05-2009, 05:33 AM
So this is where the scenarios book that Jervis wrote went to. Most people thought it was actually Planetstrike, but apparently not!

Hope the scenarios are good - could be good fun playing them if they're well thought out.

New models - Plastic Baslisk/Colossus/etc kit, Plastic Storm Troopers (they been on the burner for a while), Plastic Hydra/Manticore would be nice, and presumably outstanding spec characters for Guard.

Maybe plastic Techmarine/Father of the Forge kit (that would be nice), resculpts of old special characters like Shrike.

Orks, may be the outstanding characters, Flashgits, plastic Kommandos?, plastic Meganobz, plastic Warbuggies or Deffkoptas - who knows.

Maybe they're just going to do special box-set releases to accompany the scenarios and not release anything new?

12-05-2009, 06:46 AM
Maybe they're just going to do special box-set releases to accompany the scenarios and not release anything new?

That sounds like the most likely speculation yet, like the limited Apoc boxes or the spear of ridiculousness for planet strike.

12-05-2009, 07:03 AM
The side armor on that basilisk looks different to the current one, or is that just me?

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
12-05-2009, 07:28 AM
Ah its good to see there most important and money making armies yet again get all the cards and goodies first. Would it kill them (GW) to focus on less unfortunate armies like DE, SoB, DH or Necrons??

Stupid question i guess.....
Well lets see i put in we will see those armies get more mission specifics and miniatures.....again.
And the rest of us keep waiting for a year or so until we even get a new codex
Well it shows why we are waiting now, they bring out additions to the game without concentrating on the armies needing 5th ed upgrades....sad reallly, how greedy does GW want to be, its like flogging a product to death and not making it perfect .....just like windows vista.

12-05-2009, 07:30 AM
This is the best news for 5th ed in a long time. Forget the extra minis for a minute, that's largely unimportant as far as I'm concerned, the extra scenarios will give much much needed depth to the standard pick up game you can play in a store or club.
I am looking forward to this and will be pre-ordering it asap.

12-05-2009, 08:05 AM
Is that the current hive tyrant at the back? Those scything claws and missile weapons look a bit new, but maybe itīs just me:confused:

12-05-2009, 08:38 AM
yep its the new tyrant

the ig model will be stormtroopers and artillrey
the SM models will be hmmm could it be BA/DA/SW/BT?

Oh look at those stelers when did they get talons??

12-05-2009, 08:43 AM
Ah its good to see there most important and money making armies yet again get all the cards and goodies first. Would it kill them (GW) to focus on less unfortunate armies like DE, SoB, DH or Necrons??

The most popular armies get the most support in order to make the most people happy. I started with Tau but now collect marines as well so that I can look forward to something new every month.

I am really looking forward to the new sets. Too many of the current sets are full of things that I already have too much of.

12-05-2009, 09:35 AM
I would expect to see updated Chimera and Basilisk/Artillery kits for the IG (based on that pic). No idea on the Orks and Marines. Those are both fairly complete product lines at the moment. Some unreleased ICs perhaps?

And yes...where are the 2nd wave Deamons??? With 2010 being the year of Fantasy however, they could easily fold them into a Summer or Fall slot.

12-05-2009, 10:29 AM
The most popular armies get the most support in order to make the most people happy.And thus begins the vicious cycle. The less played armies are given less support, and therefor are played less. They would be played more if they were updated more and given newer models, and they would be given newer models and be updated more if they were played more.

When your customers don't even know you are selling a particular product, you have failed them. And this is actually quite frequently the case with these less played armies. Rather hard for a newer player to pick a Dark Eldar or Sisters army if they don't even know they exist, which causes their sales to drop, which causes them to be featured less, which causes their sales to drop, which causes...

12-05-2009, 12:33 PM
Ah its good to see there most important and money making armies yet again get all the cards and goodies first. Would it kill them (GW) to focus on less unfortunate armies like DE, SoB, DH or Necrons??

Yay, someone remembered that DH actually exist, for once:). People always talk about how old DE and Necrons are, and forget DHs have been at the bottom of the pile ever since they came out:(.

12-05-2009, 01:04 PM
Is that the current hive tyrant at the back? Those scything claws and missile weapons look a bit new, but maybe itīs just me:confused:

It's the exact same model available now. Those guns are a pair of deathspitters, and the scything talons are just placed in a strange manner for GW models, he's kinda holding them up like he's surrendering.

Anyways, fingers crossed for Warbuggy/trakk kit (us Ork players would love a modular unit kit as well!), Maybe plastic Kans/Dreads, and for the love of god give us a plastic warboss kit with some character and options!

Oh, and I hope this is an opportunity for that whisper I heard about GW considering another regiment infantry release in plastic.

12-05-2009, 01:06 PM
Good news. The Game needed more depth........

12-05-2009, 02:39 PM
I'm doubly excited. A new book of missions and new IG kits. Oh yes...

12-06-2009, 06:02 AM
Ah its good to see there most important and money making armies yet again get all the cards and goodies first. Would it kill them (GW) to focus on less unfortunate armies like DE, SoB, DH or Necrons??

Stupid question i guess.....

A very stupid one. Those armies need a complete re-write, and in the case of Dark Eldar (and possibly SoB and DH), a complete new plastic range. Despite popular internet belief, this takes years and years to complete, not a weekend with a few cans of beer. It's already been revealed by Harry on Warseer that Dark Eldar, Daemonhunters and Necrons are all being worked on at the moment, and have not been forgotten about. Big projects take time, deal with it.

Or would you rather then slap together a half-assed codex and mini's so more could be released sooner?

Brass Scorpion
12-06-2009, 09:58 AM
Has anyone stopped to think about why they are announcing this so far ahead of time when other more imminent products still do not have good previews released? Curious.

12-06-2009, 10:17 AM
That sounds awesome. The game needs more missions. It will also make it easier to form campaigns by using the new missions. As for new figs; I'm always up for new stuff and I play Orks and Marines so 2 out of 3 ain’t bad.

I'm still waiting on a new BT codex though. I have my fingers crossed for next year but who knows with GW.

12-06-2009, 11:11 AM
A very stupid one. Those armies need a complete re-write, and in the case of Dark Eldar (and possibly SoB and DH), a complete new plastic range. Despite popular internet belief, this takes years and years to complete, not a weekend with a few cans of beer. It's already been revealed by Harry on Warseer that Dark Eldar, Daemonhunters and Necrons are all being worked on at the moment, and have not been forgotten about. Big projects take time, deal with it.

Or would you rather then slap together a half-assed codex and mini's so more could be released sooner?

Right on!! Nice answer! Just hoping the wait is worth it!

12-06-2009, 11:48 AM
A very stupid one. Those armies need a complete re-write, and in the case of Dark Eldar (and possibly SoB and DH), a complete new plastic range. Despite popular internet belief, this takes years and years to complete, not a weekend with a few cans of beer. It's already been revealed by Harry on Warseer that Dark Eldar, Daemonhunters and Necrons are all being worked on at the moment, and have not been forgotten about. Big projects take time, deal with it.

Or would you rather then slap together a half-assed codex and mini's so more could be released sooner?

Sisters of Battle are also in the works, according to Harry. And yeah, it takes a LOT of work to make a new codex. Just printing and publishing the book itself can take months.

Try to check the attitude next time, though. Keeping it polite and friendly ensures everyone has a good time.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
12-06-2009, 09:41 PM
From someone who has worked in the printing business you dont need to tell me of the delays, how long it takes to write, game-play and so on...
Gir, i understand all this very well, my only beef is how many times can they continually push the outdated codex's down the list and continually bring more goodies for the four best selling armies?
Want to know why IG, SM, Orks and Nidz are so popular?? Well its becasue if GW spent the same amount of time, modelling an publishing of lets say DE, then guess what DE would be right up there with SM. Its only marketting tht makes less known armies less known. Go to any GW store and say i want a new army and i bet they steer you to SM, or IG or Orks, and not say DE, DH, WH or necrons.

And i always thought there were no stupid questions on here Gir, as everyone has different thoughts, and some difference experiences...guess you missed the obvious sarcasm then.

I dont know who this Harry is but all i can do is wait patiently like te rest of us for real proof of developments, news and eventually product release, until then i am allowed to gripe at GW lack of thought to there marketing strategies ok.

On a different note, i read the new Seraphin Choir, use that in witha Celexus assassin and drop yur opponents strength to max 5 and then tht nice lady in black (callidus assasin) with her Neural Shredder that compares to your Leadership just became an instant kill weapon if used on the same turn carefully...

12-06-2009, 09:44 PM
The side armor on that basilisk looks different to the current one, or is that just me?

:rolleyes: I dont think so. I have just finished a Basilisk kit & it looks identical to me.

Brass Scorpion
12-06-2009, 10:11 PM
I'll side with chrissmitty here, The upper side armor piece on the Basilisk in the newsletter picture appears identical to the one on new Hellhound/Devil Dog model sitting right behind it in the photo. It may be a first look at the new Basilisk kit, which hopefully makes two other SPA variants that are in the new IG Codex.

12-06-2009, 10:33 PM
Mission book = awesome.

I don't care about the models at all.

12-06-2009, 11:06 PM
Gir, i understand all this very well, my only beef is how many times can they continually push the outdated codex's down the list and continually bring more goodies for the four best selling armies?

You're assuming they have been pushed back because of this other stuff. Don't ever assume.

12-07-2009, 01:36 AM
As always GW is getting flamed when they release something new. When they eventually release the DE codex, DH-, Necron-players etc. will get upset, because it is not their codex, which is being released first...

Everybody knows than some armies have a higher priority than others at GW ($$$), and as well I understand that it is frustrating not to have an updated codex, I also share wievpoints with the business strategy at GW. (and no - I'm not a fanboy ;)) The bottom line is, that the primary goal of every company, is to make money!

Now they soon release this mission book, apparently with more than 30 missions, which will hopefully benefit all 40k players and the warhammer experience as a whole...please give them some credit sometimes instead of the mandatory complaining everytime they have a new release.

12-07-2009, 09:44 AM
I dont know who this Harry is but all i can do is wait patiently like te rest of us for real proof of developments, news and eventually product release, until then i am allowed to gripe at GW lack of thought to there marketing strategies ok.

Harrys a guy who gives out a lot of rumors on warseer, along with a few other people. He tends to be pretty reliable.

As always GW is getting flamed when they release something new. When they eventually release the DE codex, DH-, Necron-players etc. will get upset, because it is not their codex, which is being released first...

Everybody knows than some armies have a higher priority than others at GW ($$$), and as well I understand that it is frustrating not to have an updated codex, I also share wievpoints with the business strategy at GW. (and no - I'm not a fanboy ;)) The bottom line is, that the primary goal of every company, is to make money!

Now they soon release this mission book, apparently with more than 30 missions, which will hopefully benefit all 40k players and the warhammer experience as a whole...please give them some credit sometimes instead of the mandatory complaining everytime they have a new release.

Fully agree. Everytime GW does anything, someone'll go off on a giant rant about it. It's a frickin game, people. Grow up.

12-07-2009, 09:49 AM
Brass Scorpion wrote:

Has anyone stopped to think about why they are announcing this so far ahead of time when other more imminent products still do not have good previews released? Curious.
Noted here as well. GW have obviously proved they can completely clamp down on leaks now (with virtually no rule details for next month's Tyranids still known).

So it would seem they are now carefully moving back from their information belt tightening and experimenting a bit.

My own guess is that these supplement books don't move in high numbers, so GW wants them to have maximum marketing exposure to drive sales.

Brass Scorpion
12-07-2009, 09:54 AM
Battle Missions book cover:


12-07-2009, 09:56 AM
Now that's a nice picture... one of the better covers recently and in my opinion far far better than the planetstrike one.

Brass Scorpion
12-07-2009, 11:30 AM
Here's the text from the GW teaser (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/content/article.jsp?aId=6700001a):

" How would your Imperial Guard army fare if called to fight in a lightning assault, more commonly associated with the Adeptus Astartes? Would you be able to mount a fighting withdrawal with a Tyranid horde? This March sees the release of Battle Missions, a new expansion book for Warhammer 40,000 that is packed full of scenarios and promises to test the generalship and tactical flexibility of every general to the limit.

Battle Missions is a fantastic gaming aid for every Warhammer 40,000 player. The scenarios featured within Battle Missions are all based on the styles of warfare preferred by the armies of the 41st Millennium. With thirty Battle Missions and three Special Missions there's countless hours of exciting wargaming to be had.

Alongside the next expansion book we're also set to unleash a slew of new miniatures for you to add to your armies, including new kits for the Space Marines, Orks and the Imperial Guard. Keep your eyes on White Dwarf, and the Games Workshop website for more."

12-07-2009, 12:23 PM
This is a book for everybody, whats not to like?

12-07-2009, 12:31 PM
This is a book for everybody, whats not to like?

That they didn't put Eldar
on the cover! It's not fair! Marines always get everything! Everything!

12-07-2009, 12:55 PM
I for one am very excited about this. The fact that the game only has three missions standard is a common complaint, and I will be buying this book the minute it hits shelves just to help keep my club fresh. Seems like great campaign fodder, too.

Lord Azaghul
12-07-2009, 01:22 PM
Has it occured to any one that they could have placed this stuff in the 5th ed book, just like they did in 4th ed?
They really seem to be going nuts with 40k 'expansions' that could have easily (and much cheaper to the player) been place in the main rule book.

On the upside I'm interested in the new bassie kit, but if they try and charge 50$ for it...no thanks.

Brass Scorpion
12-07-2009, 01:40 PM
They really seem to be going nuts with 40k 'expansions' that could have easily (and much cheaper to the player) been place in the main rule book.
Common marketing practice as in "batteries not included" and "accessories sold separately", etc. Yes it's designed to generate more money and every company whether they make toys or gardening supplies does it. Best satire of it ever, the "Johnny Long Torso" sketch on Mystery Science Theater 3000. Johnny Long Torso is the doll who is himself, sold separately, every single piece of him down to the ears, nose, buttocks, etc.

12-07-2009, 01:48 PM
That they didn't put Eldar
on the cover! It's not fair! Marines always get everything! Everything!

If you are being sarcastic then roflz to you sir! If not then you may need a hug.

I'm pretty excited to check it out and the new missions. Way more excited than planet strike which didn't even get me interested enough to want to try it out.

Also nice to see my beloved Vostroyans on the cover. Glory to the Omnisiah and the Emperor! Cant wait for the new IG plastic kits too. I want new artillery! :D

12-07-2009, 05:20 PM
I really like this new idea, but I have to say a few things

1. Its kind of sad that GW thinks everyday gamers can't develop mission scenarios to the point that they give us a whole book

2. I hope that tournaments don't stop being innovative with mission scenarios because this book is out.


12-07-2009, 05:40 PM
I really like the idea, I miss all of the old special missions and the scenarios on website. I especially like the idea that they are providing missions tailored to each army, if done well that could be very cool.

12-07-2009, 07:37 PM
I really like this new idea, but I have to say a few things

1. Its kind of sad that GW thinks everyday gamers can't develop mission scenarios to the point that they give us a whole book

How do you get that from this release? Nowhere has GW said "You are all to stupid to write your own missions, so here, have some more of ours."
I will want to have a look at the scenrios in BM before I buy it, but if they are decent I think it will be a very nice addition to the game. I can look at a pretty book instead of trawling through the internet looking for interesting scenarios.

12-07-2009, 10:58 PM
whether i get it or not will honestly come down to the price. if they're going to be charging something outrageous for a book of missions, then sorry, i'll use my creativity. but if it's affordable (at least where GW is concerned) then maybe. i'd definitely want to look at the missions first.

as for minis i'm hoping for PLASTIC KASRKIN!!

12-07-2009, 11:05 PM
How do you get that from this release? Nowhere has GW said "You are all to stupid to write your own missions, so here, have some more of ours."
I will want to have a look at the scenrios in BM before I buy it, but if they are decent I think it will be a very nice addition to the game. I can look at a pretty book instead of trawling through the internet looking for interesting scenarios.

:cool: Our Games club will probably buy it.
I just hope its not a collection of old scenarios from White Dwarf & older Codexs but some cool new missions & ideas.
Also hope the IG extras will include the Hydra, Manicor etc Artillery choices.

P.S. Eldar Girl, where you been? Havent seen your name on any posts lately!

Inquisitor Gray
12-08-2009, 12:20 PM
So is there any word on what new IG models will be put out?

12-08-2009, 11:31 PM
I've been busy.:(

Ok, thats not true, I've been playing Dragon Age Origins.:rolleyes:

:cool: Our Games club will probably buy it.
I just hope its not a collection of old scenarios from White Dwarf & older Codexs but some cool new missions & ideas.
Also hope the IG extras will include the Hydra, Manicor etc Artillery choices.

P.S. Eldar Girl, where you been? Havent seen your name on any posts lately!

12-09-2009, 04:04 AM
Has anyone stopped to think about why they are announcing this so far ahead of time when other more imminent products still do not have good previews released? Curious.

I've got to admit, that was the first thing that struck my mind. Why, just before Christmas, tell your customer base that there's something coming out in three months that they should save their money for? Utter marketing madness... GW really need to replace whoever does their PR and marketing. What with this, and suing their most ardent fans, they're making a right mess of things.

Really looking forward to the book. I'm not imaginative enough to come up with my own missions, and the paltry selection of three in 5th Ed gets tiresome pretty quickly. Really hope there's some interesting 'Nid ones, and not just "hold the line from an unending horde".

12-09-2009, 06:54 AM
:cool: Our Games club will probably buy it.
I just hope its not a collection of old scenarios from White Dwarf & older Codexs but some cool new missions & ideas.

If they are the ones I think they are they're all, or mostly, new ones written by Jervis, with things like an Imperial Guard Grand Assault (lots of Ordnance flying around) and a Space Marine Last Stand.

12-09-2009, 10:35 AM
@Brass scorpion: Great point. They have so many problems with their marketing department (Do they even have one?). Especially with all the things coming out around the corner. Another interesting move by the gents at GW marketing.


12-11-2009, 06:11 AM
GW have confirmed that they are redoing the Chimera and the Basilisk in January's white dwarf, which I got this morning :)

12-11-2009, 07:37 AM
I reckon that the book will be Ģ15 since it sounds like it's just a mission supplement. Looking forward to the new models and hoping that this is not what everybody thought was the Blood Angels lol

12-13-2009, 11:31 AM
A reliable source confirmed me the following :

IG: artillery kit (1 kit for two different vehicles, unfortunately I don't remember what vehicle... I think Medusa & another one, but I'm not shure)
SM: Plastic venerable dred (and the retirement of the matal venerable dred)
ORKS: Plastic Kans


12-13-2009, 11:53 AM
But i love the ven dread how about a furiso/mortis/seige/ bjorn kit!:D:D:D

12-23-2009, 10:40 AM
I would jump for Joy for Plastic Kans! And a Ven dread could be cool depending on what they do with it. Is it going to look like the metal one (with the teeny, tiny head?)

Maybe they could go out on a limb and put in a right hand DNCCW! That would be novel. Then they could release a sarcophagus cover and some greeblies with he new BA codex and people could build the freakin furioso with out buying the metal one. Why not an upgrade sprue al la DA for the BA?

But no matter, I'm giddy that I might get come plastic killa kans!

12-24-2009, 02:26 PM
A reliable source confirmed me the following :

SM: Plastic venerable dred (and the retirement of the matal venerable dred)

Seems a bit of a waste really. Anyone I know who wants a fancy dread goes Forge World. The cost is very similar, the models are a lot nicer and they can choose the weapons they want.

02-18-2010, 07:57 AM

02-18-2010, 08:55 AM
i Also had a chance to review the book yesterday. And it follows what was said earlier. One item of note was the lack of mention of Sister of battle or other inquisitorial force. maybe intended to be used under the spacemarine catagory. But in the example provided they made a clear distinction that the space marine would cover all chapters. I most certainly will be getting this book. Also the platic ven dread is very cool, in someways I like more than the forgeworld version.

02-18-2010, 10:28 AM
I was lucky enough to have a good ten min or so read of the book last night and don't think anyone will be disappointed.

There are 10 races covered:

Chaos SM
Space Marines
Imperial Guard
Dark Eldar
Chaos Demons

All have 3 missions each. There are also 3 Special missions at the back. Linebreaker, Kill Teams and Heroic Clash.

Although the missions are kind of tailored to a specific race they can all be used by all races and the book included a random scenario generator chart at the front. So that's 33 new missions!

As we have come to expect the book is well laid out with lots of nice photos and a small fluff piece on each of the races explaining why these scenarios are attributed to them. Each scenario gives you information on forces, deployment (with diagram) reserves, special rules and game length.

Well worth the money I think.

Sounds great, thanks for the info. Personally I'm happy to see some Necron and Chaos Daemon missions in there as a lot of my games involve one or more of those races

02-18-2010, 11:21 AM
Pre-ordered my copy Monday. Game needed more variation and depth so this is a welcome addition.

02-18-2010, 12:16 PM
I think Ill pick up a copy for our club. That thing is going to be great fun for pick up games I think.


02-18-2010, 12:40 PM
I'm going to pick up a copy as a friend and I have stared a regular gaming night and the variation it will add will be fun.