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View Full Version : Another german hobbyist, reporting in.

08-02-2009, 06:35 AM
First of all, let me state how great it is to finally have this place to dwell in. As a long time lurker over here at BOLS, I always felt that something like this was missing.

I've been around the hobby since 97', being 23 years old now, and had my good share of different armies over that time (with a lot of breaks in between). I'm currently working on a force of pre-heresy World Eaters for 40k (which BOLS was one of the major inspirations for) which is close to 1000 painted points, but on a hiatus right now, and a Rohan Army for War of the Ring. My location is sunny and insanely expensive Munich, Germany, where I roam the local game stores in a desperate attempt to ever actually win a game ;), being more of a conversion addict and painter than a strategist and player. Really, I don't think that there is a single wargamer with close to 12 years of playing under his belt that sucks so much at actual gaming like me. But hey, it taught me a really relaxed and terribly uncompetitve attitude towards the game, so I guess that I'm a great opponent to hang around and have some unspoiled and lighthearted wargaming fun with. Surely not everyone's pair of shoes, but sure works for me!

Enough of the brabbeling, I'm glad to join the fun, and looking forward to contribute something if I can. :)


08-02-2009, 07:44 AM
Thanks! We're rather liking it so far. Welcome to the Lounge! Feel free to jump right in and post some pics or talk about conversions and such. :)

08-02-2009, 10:09 AM
Ahh, Munich the other end of Germany. :D Greetings.

Two more german guys were found in here (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?t=292) (Okay, one of them is me, lol).