View Full Version : Grey Knights Vs daemons rule query?

12-04-2009, 03:41 PM
G'day All! In the Daemonhunters Codex it says if you take Grey Knights you grant Daemons the "without number" Rule.
Is this still the case in 5th Ed & the issue of the Daemons Codex.
I have not fielded my GKs since the Eye of Terror Campain & wanted to be sure of the current situation.

Thanks in advance.

12-04-2009, 03:56 PM
This is probably a good thing to house rule with your gaming group, because the technical answer is pretty silly. Technically, though, the 5th edition situation is this:

Rites of Exorcism
All daemons which take instability tests suffer a -1 to their Leadership. There are no such daemons at present, so this rule doesn't affect any models currently in the game. However, there is a second part of the rule:

All daemons charge GKs as if moving through Difficult Ground, which means (in 5th edition) their Initiative is 1 unless they have assault grenades, and of course they have to roll sufficient distance on their DT test to get into assault at all. This rule still works.

Daemonic Infestation
This rule applies to Daemon Packs, Nurglings, and Daemonic Beast Packs. Of the three, only Nurglings are still in the game (in the daemon codex). Thus, only Nurglings benefit from the rule. However, the benefit of the rule does not exist any more. This rule grants Nurglings "Sustained Attack," as detailed in the main rulebook. Alas, the main rulebook no longer includes Sustained Attack. So, technically, Nurglings still benefit from this rule, but no rule tells us what the benefit actually is.

There are many more sensible ways to house rule the GK anti-daemon powers. But that's technically the default state of affairs in 5th edition.

12-05-2009, 12:55 PM
Daemonic infestation grants a rule that no longer exists, to units that no longer exist (except for nurglings).

There is no "sustained assault" rule in 40k anymore. And it would only be granted to daemon packs, nurglings and maybe one or two other types, but the only unit type listed that is still a round are nurglings.

12-22-2009, 03:54 PM
Just goes to show how much GK needs an update after daemons got one.