View Full Version : 1850 Eldar Escalation

12-12-2013, 09:21 PM
First, please don't rant about the appropriateness of a Revenant in an 1850 list (or in non-Apoc games in general). This is about how what you'd do if you did play against this list - knowing that you'll face Revenant ahead of time for a pick-up game.

HQ 210
Farseer with bike, Mantle, SS of Anathlan, Singing Spear
Warlock (naked)

Troops 120
Rangers x5
Rangers x5

Fast 180
Crimson Hunter (bright lance, exarch)

Heavy 340
Dark Reapers x6, Starshot missiles, Exarch w/ EML and fast shot
Support Battery 3x Vibro Cannons

Fortifications 100
Aegis, Quad gun

Lords of War 900
Revenant with Pulsars

I'm trying to cover for the anti-air weakness of the Revenant. Snipers and DR to take out a troublesome HQ.

12-13-2013, 12:54 AM
If I knew you were going to be bringing it beforehand? I'd personally go Horde Dark Angels Greenwing style.

In the case of your Revenant, I can't take it on personally, but I can try to run the clock. When I know I'm fighting an opponent that can spam pie-plates, I go into "Ordinance-Avoidance Pattern". Meaning I make all of my units big circles at maximum unit cohesion. In doing so you can only kill 3 Marines per shot, you center the large blast on one it will only touch the one in front of it and the one behind it. Meaning you can only kill 12 Dark Angels with the Revenant per turn, if you don't scatter or whiff your rolls. 60 Marines, split into kill teams (Combat Squads) means you have to deal with 12 units of troops scurrying around the battlefield. I'm spending about as much to bring that to the field as you will for one unit.
Next I'll bring more bodies to the field, Veteran Squads. 3 of them. They'll be going for your Dark Reapers and support batteries, while my Tactical Squads (All of them) go for your meager troops. You'll kill a lot, I admit, but I'm not sure you can kill 90 Dark Angels in 5 or 6 turns. When the Tactical Squads finish with the Rangers, they'll head for whatever objectives they can grab. All of them will be spread to create the minimal amount of casualties. Anything left will be spent on Devastators, or Bikers with Melta weapons or potentially reworked to bring an Aquila Strongpoint. I'll see your D and raise you a D with 3 Void Shields.

Sure you can easily stop a wave, but I dare you to try and stop the tide.

White Tiger88
12-13-2013, 01:43 AM
I would love to take Belakor against this list..... (invisible troops for all!)

12-13-2013, 04:49 AM
I would love to take Belakor against this list..... (invisible troops for all!)

I'd like to see him rip a Titan apart.

12-13-2013, 07:31 AM
Hi Alessander,
If I ended up meeting you randomly at my club to have a game with the list I posted the other day, found here (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?38087-1850points-Close-Combat-Rush-Chaos)
I think I would be deploying at the very edge of my deployment zone with everything spread out so no pie plate of doom could hit more than 1 target, only exception here would be the daemon princes, I would try to keep them out of line of sight of the titan during deployment.

My primary objective would be to get the daemon princes flying, and everything else rushing forward. Ideally diving the bike squads each into a ranger unit, not the best use of the bikes, but they should beat the rangers after 2-3 rounds of combat easily enough and in doing so remove your only scoring units (Depending on positioning this job could fall to the maulerfiends as well)

I'd expect to loose 3 tanks in your first turn of shooting, probably the vindicator and 2 maulerfiends, On my second turn we would be looking at 6 charges, both Daemon Princes, both Bike Squads, 1 Maulerfiend and The Jugger Lord + Spawn. None of these unit will loose to what ever they charge, so we are looking at your army gone or locked down in combat except for the Titan and the Flyer. Your Second turn would see another 2, maybe 3 tanks/princes removed. Most likely the 2 Daemon Princes and the last Maulerfiend at most, and that's only If I don't think the other 4 units couldn't guarantee reaching combat, if they could, I would be leaving the DP flying to avoid the D Weapons.

From this point I would be just spreading my cultist out as much as possible while approaching objectives, and use the bikes and jugger lord to harass the Titan, with good positioning they should take 2 turns to kill, giving you 2 turns to kill 50 cultists, doable, but would be close.

That being said, If I knew I was going to be vsing a Revenant Titan I think I would run this list instead.

6 Squads of 20 Plague Zombies
3 Heldrakes
Defense Line with Comms

Company Command Squad with Astropath
Penal Legion Squad
Penal Legion Squad
2 Vendetta's

This list would be just trying to provide to many bodies for you to ever deal with, while bringing enough Flyers to burn your troops and vector strike/las cannon the revenant down slowly after everything else has been burnt away.

Just my thoughts, would be very tough to deal with in a blind match up tho,

Side question for Katharon and White Tiger, why Be'lakor against this list, unless there is something Im missing his telepathy powers wouldn't be much help against a revenant, and invisibility doesn't help against d weapons as far as I'm aware, and unless he manages to get flying before the revenant can shoot him, he will go down in 1 shot....