View Full Version : see GW "found" more copies of Space Hulk?

12-04-2009, 01:26 PM
looky here: http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/content/blogPost.jsp?aId=6600015a

Turns out it wasn't as limited edition as we all thought...??

Maybe they saw how much copies were fetching on eBay?

12-04-2009, 01:36 PM
Well it's only coming up in stock for the U.S.A. webstore, not the UK or Australian, so I doubt there is some great conspiracy at work here. Maybe if they found some lurking in the back of every warehouse in every country...

Brass Scorpion
12-04-2009, 02:14 PM
Space Hulk is limited edition in that there was only one print run and there are no more planned for the moment. However, what hasn't been sold is still sitting around, apparently some in the warehouse as well as quite a few in GW stores. GW North America still has a lot of copies sitting around on store shelves in GW retail shops. However, those copies are to be liquidated in one manner or another within the next few weeks. For those people who hesitated to buy Space Hulk so far they are lucky that it didn't completely sell out already, but I wouldn't wait forever. There's a possibility that the copies in GW stores due to be liquidated may be destroyed rather than sold. Unsold inventory costs corporations tax dollars, so if they can't get good money for it they sometimes recycle.

Mike X
12-04-2009, 02:50 PM
My guess is they kept some for the holiday shoppers.

12-04-2009, 03:19 PM
Sounds like they're bull****ters to me. Good @ it to some degree. I'd believe them if I was a child.

12-04-2009, 03:23 PM
Sad that you must live with so much dislike. Perhaps GW is not a world consuming evil empire and ... just makes mistakes?

Katie Drake
12-04-2009, 03:56 PM
I called this at the start.

12-04-2009, 03:58 PM
Limited Ed in as stated above, only one print run. That doesn't mean that the first print run wasn't HUGE! Any company can say limited on something as long as they don't have plans for it in the future. They could do 3 print runs and still call it limited in that they don't have future print runs scheduled.

John M>

12-04-2009, 04:03 PM
Awesome, I love that they release more after I spent $170 on ebay because the store I ordered one from didn't get enough to cover the orders and didn't let me know for 2 weeks, after GW had 'run out'.

But what am I gonna do, play warmachine?

12-04-2009, 07:21 PM
Awesome, I love that they release more after I spent $170 on ebay because the store I ordered one from didn't get enough to cover the orders and didn't let me know for 2 weeks, after GW had 'run out'.

But what am I gonna do, play warmachine?

$170 on Ebay? That's your stores fault. I can still find boxes here locally on the shelf. Maybe I should be buying them and reselling them. Didn't know they were going up that high.

12-04-2009, 07:34 PM
$170 on Ebay? That's your stores fault. I can still find boxes here locally on the shelf. Maybe I should be buying them and reselling them. Didn't know they were going up that high.

If I had the cash flow I would do the same, then use the 15 dollar coupons to buy more stuff after Christmas.

If I had the cash flow.

Also, the stuff in GW's warehouse is mostly, if not all, unsold inventory in GW stores. Not to be rude, but I would have called every GW in the state before plugging that kind of cash on eBay. Most stores, especially in the same region, will ship from store to store for free. I know my store still has 21 in inventory until Monday when they ship back to GW and we are not alone.

Sorry to hear you lost some money, but please don't place the blame on GW, especially after waiting two weeks to pick up your copy.

12-04-2009, 08:34 PM
I bought Space Hulk for a clear $100 from online, and didn't have to pay shipping & handling, with the intention of reselling it at a later date. The box is still in its plastic wrap on a shelf a few feet away. I was afraid of buying two, though, so I'm not actually playing Space Hulk.

Not that I really have anyone to play with yet anyway.

Brass Scorpion
12-04-2009, 08:37 PM
Quick update here. The "found" copies being sold online are the unsold copies from GW retail stores. Those unsold sets are being boxed up and shipped back starting today so they can hopefully be sold online.

12-05-2009, 03:34 PM
My guess is they kept some for the holiday shoppers.

This was my 1st thought when I read it too.

12-06-2009, 11:35 AM
I called this happening as well.

Brass Scorpion
12-06-2009, 09:26 PM
Believe me, they didn't keep anything deliberately. If they could have sold every copy weeks ago they would have. The fact is, many GW stores still have unsold copies. This week they were asked to return them to the warehouse for an attempt to sell them online. There are plenty of people out there who want them and can't find one locally, while the stores that have them have pretty much sold them to everyone nearby that wanted them.

12-07-2009, 12:49 AM
That could be true. I live in a city of 250,000 people in Australia, and our local store was shipped just as many copies as every other store. My friend was telling me at our game last weekend that he rushed in early on release day so as not to miss out and saw... about a hundred copies. That means one in every 2500 citizens in Canberra would have to play GW games, have $160 to blow on something besides their regular army, and be interested in Space Hulk. Pretty long odds. That's not even counting however many the FLGS in town had - they still had two left when I went in there a few weeks ago.

Mind you, that doesn't mean it was an "accident" that they didn't sell them all. They probably deliberately decided how many to send to each store, figuring that the ones that didn't sell at smaller stores could be flogged later to the people at larger stores who missed out. I don't believe for a minute that they would stop making and/or selling it if it sells out. They'll make a second run due to "popular demand" if they have to. It was still a cheap bluff.

PS I don't want to seem paranoid, but Brass Scorpion seems to be engaging in some sort of campaign of damage control on behalf of GW. You seem like a narc, dude, just saying ;)

12-07-2009, 01:43 AM
What's worse is GW acts dumb enough to need profuse excuses. (like I'm dumb enough) lol

12-07-2009, 06:39 AM
That could be true. I live in a city of 250,000 people in Australia, and our local store was shipped just as many copies as every other store. My friend was telling me at our game last weekend that he rushed in early on release day so as not to miss out and saw... about a hundred copies.

I'm in Western Sydney and my local GW has a copy left - the guys there told me that if any store in Australia wants a copy for a customer and another has it in stock they have to transfer it to them.

It makes sense to recall them to the warehouse, this way they open the stock to the international market as well, rather than sitting in a corner in a GW somewhere in the USA where nobody wants it.

Lord Azaghul
12-07-2009, 07:45 AM
Awesome, I love that they release more after I spent $170 on ebay because the store I ordered one from didn't get enough to cover the orders and didn't let me know for 2 weeks, after GW had 'run out'.

But what am I gonna do, play warmachine?


I'm in no way suprised that they dug up a few thousand more copies. Personally I think its an overpriced fad...I am in no way interested. The copies at my store have just been siting around for months (sort of like the realms of battle tables!)

12-07-2009, 08:32 AM
Hell, half the people that bought it did so just to sell the models at profit...