View Full Version : Info on Red Templers

Darren Richardson
12-12-2013, 04:39 PM
Evening everyone.

So I decided to abandon trying to come up with a homebrew chapter for my Space Marines (after failing to get the colour scheme right, after using 4 different versions of a similar colour, none which gave good results!).

I noticed in my old Codex Space Marines (both versions 4ed & 5ed) a colour scheme for the Red Templers which used the Bretianion (sp?) Fleur De Lys as the chapter symbol, so I decided to go with them, since I had several transfer sheets from the Bret range with that symbol (don't ask how I got them, it was during one of my crazy peroids in the very late 90's when the range was first reintroduced, blew a lot of money on them for nothing in the end).

but I was wondering if anybody knew of any information on them that may have been written, I know the codex's doesn't say anything really, but have they cropped up in any old WD issues, have they featured in any BL fiction, etc?

Or have I decided on one of those rarities which is an easy paint scheme readymade without the baggage to go with it, Ultra's I'm looking at you :)

12-12-2013, 05:07 PM
There is a bunch of background here (http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Red_Templars). I hope that this doesn't ruin your fun.

12-12-2013, 05:37 PM
The 6th edition codex has them listed as a Imperial Fists successor in the models section, page 151. That's the only fluff I know of.

Darren Richardson
12-13-2013, 02:41 AM
Thanks for the replies.

So IA12 has a little on them, guess I'll have to start saving up for it!