View Full Version : Slann old metal !

12-12-2013, 01:42 PM
I have inherited round about 200+ Slann . The old 90s metal ones . Mostly painted ( not great but thin covering would strip easy or take an over spray undercoat ). Theres a a crazy amount of all types of units. I dont play fantasy , havnt for years but I do remember having my empire armys *** kicked by these on several occasions in years gone by. I know they are not a current list but can anyone tell me if there would be much interest if I sold them ?

Mr Mystery
12-12-2013, 02:14 PM
Yo bedda believe it bay-beh!

They ought to fetch a pretty penny on the ebay!

12-12-2013, 05:49 PM
Yo bedda believe it bay-beh!

They ought to fetch a pretty penny on the ebay!

Any tips on way to list ? Single minis , small units , small army groups ?

12-12-2013, 06:31 PM
Typically they are sold by unit. So if you have 90 Saurus Warriors and 40 have HW+Shield and 50 have spears, you'd separate them into two units. For salamanders I'd sell them in minimum units. So a salamander and 3 skinks per auction. Characters should go separate as should monsters. Army Groups don't tend to sell well unless they are extremely reasonably priced or extremely well painted/modeled.

Mr Mystery
12-13-2013, 03:17 AM
I think he's meaning the actual, genuine Slaan, before they became fattyboombooms....

If you've got 200 of the blighters, you can probably afford to experiment a bit. I'd start with a couple of individual auctions, see what you get for them. Then groups of five (as that's a complete rank in the modern game), perhaps up to units of 20.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
12-13-2013, 04:09 AM



Or these?

12-13-2013, 04:21 AM
Thanks for the advice guys ~ the figs Im on about are the fantasy Slann. The ones with the Mayan /Aztec theme ~ Jaguar , alligator warriors etc. There are some labotomised slaves and cold one riders in there too. Very nice figures and pretty rare in the day let alone 20 years later

Mr Mystery
12-13-2013, 04:38 AM
Defo try it out one at a time at first.

These things are indeed pretty dashed rare, and if you get the right bidders, go for a pretty penny. Easily a pound each I'd reckon, if not considerably more.

Trick would be not to flood the market.

12-14-2013, 06:40 AM
They're worthless, i wouldn't bother with eBAY, i'll dispose of them for you though mate, take them off your hands

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
12-14-2013, 08:59 AM
You'd probably get the best deal if you sell in small amounts (maybe even one mini at a time). Plenty of people would be willing to pay $10-20 for a single old mini, but would feel less great about paying $100-200 for a group of ten.

Mr Mystery
12-14-2013, 09:14 AM
And do pimp your auction round the various Forums. Helps to maximise exposure and hopefully bag you the best possible price!

12-14-2013, 12:04 PM
maybe even mention them on some of the "Oldhammer" community blogs, those guys would lap this up! They play 3rd edition WFB with older miniatures , http://realmofchaos80s.blogspot.co.uk/ is the one that I noticed first, also while you're there, read the interviews with the old staff, they're great!

12-17-2013, 01:29 PM
They're worthless, i wouldn't bother with eBAY, i'll dispose of them for you though mate, take them off your hands

Nah don't listen to him, he's untrustworthy

I'll look after them for ya... ;)

12-17-2013, 04:51 PM
Cheers guys ~ great help