View Full Version : Couple questions about the new "dataslates"

Jennifer Burdoo
12-12-2013, 04:22 AM
1. Can you build your whole army out of them, or do you still have to have a "primary" detachment first?
2. Can you have multiples of the same formation, like, say, two Storm Wings?

12-12-2013, 05:50 AM
1. Can you build your whole army out of them, or do you still have to have a "primary" detachment first?
2. Can you have multiples of the same formation, like, say, two Storm Wings?

1) You still need a primary detachment. You have to have that 1 HQ and 2 Troops on the board.

2) Formations rule states: "A Formation presents a collection of two or more units that fight alongside one another in a particular way. when you choose an army, you can take a Formation as a special form of Detachment. Unless otherwise stated, you can take any number of Formations in your army, and each is considered to be a completely separate Detachment, regardless of how many units make it up.

Each Formation will tell you what unit you need to take and what, if any, options or restrictions apply to the units that make up that Formation. The army List Entires for each unit in the Formation (the units' profile,s points values, unit types, unit composition, special rules, battlefield role, etc.) can either be found in the corresponding codex of the faction on the datasheet, or elsewhere in the dataslate itself."

12-12-2013, 05:51 AM
1. You still need a "primary" detachment
2. Yes

So you can end up with an army like this:

Primary Detachment - Space Marine
Allied Formation - Tau
Allied Detachment - Sisters of Battle
Detachment - Inquistorial

12-12-2013, 08:14 AM
You could also take two or more Formations. The rules do not limit you on their number. If you have the points to take two or more, then you're able to do so...though people might hate you. One formation is one thing, two or more is quite another.

12-12-2013, 01:46 PM
You could also take two or more Formations. The rules do not limit you on their number. If you have the points to take two or more, then you're able to do so...though people might hate you. One formation is one thing, two or more is quite another.

I haven't downloaded any of these formations to read the actual text, but have any of them yet said they are 0-1 selection or some such restriction? Are they literally only limited by the points ceiling rather than any form of FOC?

David Crossley
12-12-2013, 03:17 PM
I haven't downloaded any of these formations to read the actual text, but have any of them yet said they are 0-1 selection or some such restriction? Are they literally only limited by the points ceiling rather than any form of FOC?

So far all they say is "Unless otherwise stated, you can take any number of Formations in your army, and each is considered to be a completely separate Detachment, regardless of how many units make it up." and the Tau and Eldar one's at least do not 'otherwise state'.

12-12-2013, 08:08 PM
So far all they say is "Unless otherwise stated, you can take any number of Formations in your army, and each is considered to be a completely separate Detachment, regardless of how many units make it up." and the Tau and Eldar one's at least do not 'otherwise state'.

David here is correct. The Tau Firebase Support Cadre and the Eldar Ghost warriors formations do not have a limit of any kind in regards to how many you can take. Kind of crazy when you think about it.