View Full Version : Hello to all from the not-so-sunny north

12-11-2013, 10:05 PM
G'day folks - akinghorn here. Longtime lurker and minimalist poster, I've decided it's time for a "formal introduction".

I'm a 29 year old male from Central Ontario, Canada, where the weather has officially swung to winter and I essentially become a hermit. I've recently decided to rejoin the ranks of the 40k universe after an extensive time away (over 10 years). I've been following along with changes of late via various websites and the new, face-lifted version of White Dwarf and can no longer resist the urge.

I was a former DA and DE player, as the SM backstory lent itself well to my background and inclinations being an LEO, and I loved the imagery of the DE. While I struggled with DE back then, I loved what SM's, and DA's specificially, had to offer. Versatility, lower financial cost to collect, ease of painting, resiliency and extensive potential for conversions. Having said that, everyone and their mother play SM's and I just cannot bring myself to pick up that torch once more.

In the interim, I've been exploring around here and looking at some wonderful conversion and painting threads (shout out to brovatar and the guys over at the Den of Imagination!!), and have whetted my appetite. Next step for this kid is to start sinking my hooks in around here and deciding on a new army to collect. Any and all advice is welcome, as understanding the latest set of rules is still a work in progress. Otherwise, feel free to just say "hello" if you see me in a thread.

(And, as an aside, and possibly the wrong forum for it - I've essentially narrowed it down to Tau (not a fan of their lack of close combat ability and the boxy look of some of their smaller suits of armour - though I'm in love with the new Riptide!!!), Eldar (not a fan of the varied colour schemes for the different aspects and their "softer" character, but, similarly, I love their new Wraithknight) and Necrons (not a whole lot to say negatively - love the ease of painting, that they lend themselves well to strong edge highlighting, their armour busting potential and their methodical, mechanized advances). I wavered on 'Nids for awhile, and while I love their MC's, I don't want to shell out a ton of money and between the MC's and swarms, they can get pricey. Same goes for the Imperial Guard - they fit with my personality and background, but they are generally soft (and lack CC ability in general) and high model count = big $! Love those tanks though! Anyways - input on that front is especially welcome!)

Thanks guys - it's good to be back!

12-12-2013, 02:53 AM
Hello and welcome aboard!

After 5 posts you gain additional privileges/rights on the forum :)

12-12-2013, 04:41 AM
Hello, come to the oubliette we have new tangents ;)