View Full Version : 2000 point White Scars and Imperial Fists alliance

12-11-2013, 09:23 AM
I have been aiming to come up with a semi-competitive list using an alliance of White Scars and Imperial Fists, one that can contend with a variety of armies and fit the fluff. I’m open to any and all comments that will help me improve this list. So here we go:

Primary Detachment: (White Scars)
Captain with Thunder Hammer, Shield Eternal, Bike, Artificer Armour and Auspex: 215 points

Command Squad with 4 Grav-Guns, Bikes and an Apothecary: 210 points

Bike Squad (8 Bikers) with 2 Grav-Guns and Veteran Sergeant with Combi-Grav: 218 points

Bike Squad (8 Bikers) with 2 Meltaguns and Veteran Sergeant with Combi-Melta: 208 points

Bike Squad (8 Bikers) with 2 Flamers and Veteran Sergeant with Combi-Flamer: 198 points

Fast Attack:
Stormtalon Gunship: 140 points
Twin-Linked Lascannon

Stormtalon Gunship: 140 points
Twin-Linked Lascannon

Attack Bike Squad (3 Bikes) with Multi-Meltas: 165 points

Secondary Detachment: (Imperial Fists)
Librarian with Mastery Level 2 and Bike: 110 points

Tactical Squad (10 men) with Plasma Gun, Multi-Melta Veteran Sergeant with Combi-Melta and Rhino: 225 points

Heavy Support:
Devastator Squad (7 Men) with 4 Missile Launchers with Flakk Missiles: 168 points

Total: 1997

12-11-2013, 10:06 AM
Hey new BOLS chum :) Welcome on board.

I like this list :)

My only comments would be does it have to Imperial fists? If you went Iron Hands they'd all have a Feel no Pain save and your Librarian would then be a T5, FNP 6+ relentless, 'It will not Die' mini monster.
Re rolling 1's with a bolter is cool but, your Librarian is already twin linked and 4 of your devastators have missile launchers so can't use it.

Also, a lot of people don't rate Flakk missiles when you already have 2 fliers but if you know your chums use fliers why not keep em in :)

12-11-2013, 06:08 PM
Solid list. You might suffer a bit against anyone with a ton of tanks or artillery (IG) but most of your force should be good enough to deal with most things. Just don't forget that your bikes have Hit & Run for the White Scars Chapter Tactics. That can keep you from being tarpitted by a mass of cannon fodder ('nids and IG).

12-12-2013, 04:36 AM
A very good start to the list I would say.

One of the main things that really stands out to me is that you could maybe drop the Veteran Sergeant upgrades, they all have guns rather than close combat weapons so there isn't much point. Paying the extra is fine if you're going to make use of both the Ld and Attack increases, but if you're only doing it for Ld I don't think it's worth it when you have Know no Fear, and on most of them Relentless.

If you're going to give the Tactical squad Sergeant and heavy Melta weapons, I think you ought as well make your special weapons a Meltagun. I think your army has plenty of Melta anyway though, so I'm not sure you actually need Melta in that Tactical squad at all. If anything, being Imperial Fists, you ought as well make the most of Bolter Drill and just take a Plasmagun for a little extra punch.

I don't think you need the Flakk Missiles when you already have two Stormtalons, unless most of your opponent use a lot of flyers. At least Imperial Fists can make some use of them because of Tank Hunter, they're never worth the points in any other army.

12-12-2013, 11:47 AM
I have been looking at the army now with changes Anggul said, i.e. Loosing the veteran sergeants, the flakk missiles and changing the tactical squads loadout and the fact that I messed up some of the maths, the list currently comes out as this:

Primary Detachment: (White Scars)
Captain with Thunder Hammer, Shield Eternal, Bike, Artificer Armour and Auspex: 215 points

Command Squad with 4 Grav-Guns, Bikes and an Apothecary: 210 points

Bike Squad (8 Bikers) with 2 Grav-Guns and Sergeant with Combi-Grav: 208 points

Bike Squad (8 Bikers) with 2 Meltaguns and Sergeant with Combi-Melta: 198 points

Bike Squad (8 Bikers) with 2 Flamers and Sergeant with Combi-Flamer: 188 points

Fast Attack:
Stormtalon Gunship: 140 points
Twin-Linked Lascannon

Stormtalon Gunship: 140 points
Twin-Linked Lascannon

Attack Bike Squad (3 Bikes) with Multi-Meltas: 165 points

Secondary Detachment: (Imperial Fists)
Librarian with Mastery Level 2 and Bike: 110 points

Tactical Squad (10 men) with Plasma Gun, Heavy Bolter, Sergeant with Combi-Plasma and Rhino: 210 points

Heavy Support:
Devastator Squad (7 Men) with 4 Missile Launchers: 158 points

Total: 1942

This still gives me 58 points to spend and I am totally stumped as to what to spend those points on :confused: the only idea I have had so far is to remove a bike each from 2 of the bike squads (giving me 102 points to spend) and add in a thunderfire cannon, but I wanted to see what people think