View Full Version : World campaigns?

12-11-2013, 04:06 AM
Hello, this is my first time posting here, i stumble upon this page and i must admit i wasnīt aware GW was planing of bringing back world campaigns or something like that again, also i didnīt see anyone mention of this page before, and i thought it was worth to share it because of what they mention this on the page:

"Warhammer 40k Campaigns is a future website of campaigns for Warhammer 40.000 allowing to players of all over the world to register their battle reports in real time.
Participate to this unique adventure where your battles can change the course of history.

Play and change the universe of Warhammer 40.000 - The future of the Imperium is in your hands..."

the link:


someone know if it is official or fan made?, what are your opinions on this?

12-11-2013, 04:47 AM
It's fan made. Believe me, if GW were doing a world wide campaign again, we'd know about it. Also, there are several world-wide campaigns going on at any point in time. There is one on the MiniWargaming forums in fact, that I know of happening now.

12-12-2013, 03:06 AM
Well, we all know how GW manage "world campaigns" since the "Eye of Terror" event...*cough*

12-12-2013, 04:06 AM
Well, we all know how GW manage "world campaigns" since the "Eye of Terror" event...*cough*

The event was fine, just that GW realized that having a campaign that directly affects the core fluff of the game isn't a good idea -- especially when they can't control the outcome.

12-12-2013, 01:44 PM
I recommend they hire someone to perform English localization, prior to their C&D.
It's a nice concept to have a site dedicated to such a thing, but it's presented as if it were trying to appear official, and even were it not I suspect GW might get litigious.

12-24-2013, 01:15 PM
Armageddon was the best worldwide campaign I can recall. White Dwarf doing the multi-board narratives, players mailing in results - it felt connected, and was awesome. It's what got me into 40k when I was still doing fantasy.

Anselme Guerin
12-29-2013, 06:32 PM
I will directly answer because I am the creator of the project :).
It's fan made created by professional of web and design, and fan of the 40k universe.

More info and picture on facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Warhammer-40k-Campaigns/518558484848481

The whole project is independent of GW news.

The only links with GW are requests for authorization to open site.

Hoping to have answered your questions, however if you have any further questions do not hesitate.