View Full Version : Olberon's back again! - Alternative Tau Farsight blog

12-10-2013, 03:17 PM
Ok so i took a small break fromwargaming to get my bearings straight about the hobby. In general todecide which army im going to play, paint and most of all not sell. Idecided to go Tau since i did a lot of space marine armies in thepast, and eldar are already taken in my home since my wife decided tostart an army of it.....

-The Goal-
The goal of this project is to finally build a collection i keep. Building it slowl, and thus not buying a lot of stuff at once what i usually do keep that in check. Also i hope to add a lot of Forgeworld stuff to my collection, already ordered my first Xv107 but planning on buying a few Xv9's and fliers.

-The Plan-
The plan for this army is prettystraight forward. I start with a 1000 point army and work my way upto god knows how many points. It will not be a master of cheese army,but strong enough to take up top 3 place in local tournaments. the1000 points will be my starting point adding units as i like buildinga decent sized army.

-The Scheme-
I tried countless schemes and they all didnt go that well. Tried classical red (farsight) but got bored painting it after just a few units. Tried classic (hated it) tried urban grey (liked it but it was grey again), tried a forrest theme (booring and the bases gave me trouble) so i decided to go for a light brown/khaki like desert theme which works, painting it is pretty quick, base and highlights are airbrushed on and the grey is brushed on like the rest of the details. Also i really like a weathering trick i picked up so applied it a lot to this army. There is one problem tho, im running out of khemri brown. got enough for around 2k but after that i might need to replace it or rely on the community to donate/trade me some pots......

- The Bases -
Going for a desert them the basses will be pretty simple, and here is where the new GW comes in handy, i really want a crackled look so i got meself a few pots of agrellian earth and a few rocks. a few clumps of mordheim tufft will finish it.

- The Start -
Starting off my blog with my centerpiece of the starting force is pretty weird for me. Usually i start with a few troops to get the overall look and feel. But this time i decided to go about it differently. So here are some pics!

http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i422/pestilencepapa/Desert_tau/100_6480.jpg (http://s1093.photobucket.com/user/pestilencepapa/media/Desert_tau/100_6480.jpg.html)
(ion Accelerator)

http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i422/pestilencepapa/Desert_tau/100_6483.jpg (http://s1093.photobucket.com/user/pestilencepapa/media/Desert_tau/100_6483.jpg.html)

http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i422/pestilencepapa/Desert_tau/100_6487.jpg (http://s1093.photobucket.com/user/pestilencepapa/media/Desert_tau/100_6487.jpg.html)
(lower body - Front)

http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i422/pestilencepapa/Desert_tau/100_6488.jpg (http://s1093.photobucket.com/user/pestilencepapa/media/Desert_tau/100_6488.jpg.html)
(lower body - Rear)

More pics in the next post ==>

12-10-2013, 03:17 PM
http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i422/pestilencepapa/Desert_tau/100_6493.jpg (http://s1093.photobucket.com/user/pestilencepapa/media/Desert_tau/100_6493.jpg.html)
(left side done)

http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i422/pestilencepapa/Desert_tau/100_6494.jpg (http://s1093.photobucket.com/user/pestilencepapa/media/Desert_tau/100_6494.jpg.html)

http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i422/pestilencepapa/Desert_tau/100_6495.jpg (http://s1093.photobucket.com/user/pestilencepapa/media/Desert_tau/100_6495.jpg.html)
(detail drones)

Bases of the drones still need to be finished !
That's all for now, ill keep you all posted

12-11-2013, 03:03 AM
Lovely colour choices.

I'm looking forward to more :)

12-11-2013, 09:50 AM
Lovely colour choices.

I'm looking forward to more :)

hoping to finish the upperbody today and start prepping the base

12-12-2013, 07:21 AM
xv104 is finished, the base needs a bit more work but need to get some more tuft 'n stuff to make it look a bit more like a desert
http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i422/pestilencepapa/Desert_tau/100_6506.jpg (http://s1093.photobucket.com/user/pestilencepapa/media/Desert_tau/100_6506.jpg.html)

http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i422/pestilencepapa/Desert_tau/100_6507.jpg (http://s1093.photobucket.com/user/pestilencepapa/media/Desert_tau/100_6507.jpg.html)

http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i422/pestilencepapa/Desert_tau/100_6508.jpg (http://s1093.photobucket.com/user/pestilencepapa/media/Desert_tau/100_6508.jpg.html)

http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i422/pestilencepapa/Desert_tau/100_6509.jpg (http://s1093.photobucket.com/user/pestilencepapa/media/Desert_tau/100_6509.jpg.html)

12-12-2013, 07:21 AM
http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i422/pestilencepapa/Desert_tau/100_6510.jpg (http://s1093.photobucket.com/user/pestilencepapa/media/Desert_tau/100_6510.jpg.html)

http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i422/pestilencepapa/Desert_tau/100_6511.jpg (http://s1093.photobucket.com/user/pestilencepapa/media/Desert_tau/100_6511.jpg.html)

http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i422/pestilencepapa/Desert_tau/100_6512.jpg (http://s1093.photobucket.com/user/pestilencepapa/media/Desert_tau/100_6512.jpg.html)

http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i422/pestilencepapa/Desert_tau/100_6513.jpg (http://s1093.photobucket.com/user/pestilencepapa/media/Desert_tau/100_6513.jpg.html)

12-12-2013, 08:36 AM
Cool :D

12-12-2013, 09:24 AM
Nice! If you would've told me that you were going with a tan and grey scheme, I probably would've said that'd be a rather boring scheme. (Although not to your face, courtesy! ;) ) I must say though, this is really good! Very crisp colouring, smooth shading and very even handed with the weathering! And you used Aggrellan Earth for the base and the results look, amusingly, to scale with the model.

Very nicely done, and I look forward to the next members of the team!

Dread Corsair
12-12-2013, 09:28 AM
Looks superb! Loving the colour scheme. :)

12-12-2013, 01:05 PM
Nice painting :) I was wondering what you were thinking for a list, especially with all that FW.

12-12-2013, 01:33 PM
@interrogator_chaplain: had the same thing about the scheme but thought what the heck lets try i, really love how it came out. Thanks for the compliments!

@ Dread Corsair: Thanks!

@Cardridge: Plan is really to get a good sized collection. I am currently working on a small 1000 points army list but am planning on fielding at least 10k worth of models.

12-12-2013, 03:21 PM
Olberon, from a guy who has coming up on five thousand points: Remoras. Forgeworld light flyer. Five to a unit, one unit = one fast attack slot, and each Remora is a 2HP flying networked markerlight carrying two seeker missiles and a TW long-range (R36) burst cannon...

And they look seriously cool. Oohs and 'Can I see that?' every time I take them out of the case.

Oh, and they come two to the box.

12-13-2013, 11:57 AM
@LordGrise: Remora drones are together with XV-9's on top of my list and they sure have a certain wow factor!! i really like them peronally!

sneak preview of my newest project: one of two fireblades.
http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i422/pestilencepapa/Desert_tau/100_6519.jpg (http://s1093.photobucket.com/user/pestilencepapa/media/Desert_tau/100_6519.jpg.html)

http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i422/pestilencepapa/Desert_tau/100_6517.jpg (http://s1093.photobucket.com/user/pestilencepapa/media/Desert_tau/100_6517.jpg.html)

http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i422/pestilencepapa/Desert_tau/100_6516.jpg (http://s1093.photobucket.com/user/pestilencepapa/media/Desert_tau/100_6516.jpg.html)

12-15-2013, 06:53 AM
started painting my fireblade this morning
http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i422/pestilencepapa/Desert_tau/100_6530.jpg (http://s1093.photobucket.com/user/pestilencepapa/media/Desert_tau/100_6530.jpg.html)

http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i422/pestilencepapa/Desert_tau/100_6529.jpg (http://s1093.photobucket.com/user/pestilencepapa/media/Desert_tau/100_6529.jpg.html)

http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i422/pestilencepapa/Desert_tau/100_6531.jpg (http://s1093.photobucket.com/user/pestilencepapa/media/Desert_tau/100_6531.jpg.html)

12-15-2013, 11:13 AM
Love your work always do! And our just making me want to paint tau when I cannot pick a scheme I like that doesn't clash with another army I have :(

12-15-2013, 11:57 AM
@lattd: thanks for the compliment! the key is to find a scheme that suits you. for me its this one its easy and fast to apply.
you could always make a test model with the scheme you want. and always go for your first hunch (its the best!!!)

12-15-2013, 12:11 PM
Yea I just can't settle on one :/ I have been looking at the tau empire facebook group for ideas, but your weathering is a fantastic piece of work I would love a tutorial on it, if you wouldn't mind.

12-15-2013, 12:28 PM
keep an eye out of the FB page :P usually i past there first and then on the forums. i sure wouldnt mind posting a tutorial on it as soon as i hit my xv8's (which are after my fireblade)