View Full Version : Whats on your hobby Christmas list this year?

12-10-2013, 05:21 AM
Every year I get asked for hobby related Christmas ideas, and I was wondering what everybody else is hoping to find under the tree this year?
It doesn't have to be Warhammer or even GW I have just put it here as my wishlist is all Warhammer.

Lots of Lizardmen...
A new steg
some Kroxigor
more skinks, everybody loves skinks
some razordons, I want to give a unit of these boys a go
A wood elf battalion, as I'm hoping the rumours for a wood elf army book in the new year sometime are accurate

I would have put a couple of x-wing items on the list but they look to be either out of stock or not due for release until the new year.
Imperial Aces

12-10-2013, 05:24 AM
Iron Hands and more Iron Hands stacked on top of Iron Hands.

12-10-2013, 05:29 AM
Ho ho ho, well if you've been a good boy Energongoodie I'm sure your be getting something from Forgeworld. If not it's finecast for you :D

I would like to merrily say we already have such a thread which I've been using to compile my delivery list from.

Maybe one of the lovely mods could merge the two and keep it tidy ;) or else it's coal for everyone.

Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas everyone.

12-10-2013, 05:49 AM
Sorry Santa. I have posted accordingly :)

12-10-2013, 06:51 AM
Sorry Santa I missed that thread.

Would a mod please close this thread so I don't get any coal from Santa please?