View Full Version : Necron threat on thursday...

Lost Vyper
12-10-2013, 04:32 AM
I threw in the gauntlet...2500p Eldar vs. Necrons is the game we are going to play this thursday...Necrons are the most annoying thing on 40K (IMHO) at the moment and i have beat them before, but they are the toughest cookie for my Lost Vyper Eldar...so, the first draft of the list in complete, but i´m still always modifying things...what are the key Eldar units YOU would bring against the undead machinery?

- Lost Vyper

12-10-2013, 08:32 AM
Necrons rely on av 13, so as many lances as you can get. Preferably twin linked so as to deal with flyers.

That said, Eldar are far more annoying than Necrons :p

12-10-2013, 08:34 AM
a Fire Prism or two wouldn't hurt I guess.. large blast for big Warrior blobs and Lance for Monoliths...

12-10-2013, 09:12 AM
Screw Fire Prisms, Night Spinners are where it's at!

Wave Serpents can get Twin Linked Bright Lances to deal with their AV 13 vehicles and Scatter Serpents are some of the best anti - air platforms out there. Warp spiders, Eldar Jetbikes, etc.

12-10-2013, 09:40 AM
Notes from a habitual Necron Overlord:

You have to crack the AV 13 to get at the troops inside. Walking troops are throw-away distractions.

The biggest threats are Twin-Linked Tesla on the Annihilation barges or Deathmarks with a pair of Depair-teks (Strength 8 AP1 templates) popping out of Scythes - killing everything they touch on a 2+. If he's figured out this trick, your best units are erased form the table in 1 shot per Scythe. The next unit is a Scythe with Basic Warriors and 2 Storm Crypteks, they cause 8-10 glances to any vehicle anywhere on the table the turn they come in. Interceptor or die...

You'll need flyer defense - Scythes are required to transport everything except Warriors. If you go first your flyers are toast....

Monoliths are now Skimmers, which means that if they land on your troops the Monolith is safely moved until it is off the troops without incident. They also pull troops through on the same turn they Deep strike. 20 Warriors and a Monolith appearing in your backfield ready to fire is a hassle.

Focus fire - any time you are shooting at non-Canoptek units you have to put them all down to keep them down.

Wraiths are huge Toughness 4 models with a 3++ save - any basic ranged weapon will put them down. Strength 8 will insta-kill them. Save your strength 5-6-7 for tougher targets.

Scarabs are Toughness 3 Swarms with 3 wounds, unsaved wounds from blasts automatically cause double wounds, Strength 6 or greater weapons will insta-kill a single base (but will not kill 2 bases per the latest FAQ).

Mindshackle Scarabs are a *****. Shoot the unit to remove the model. With the 'Everliving" rule, the MSS model always gets a chance to get back up - even if the whole unit is dead around them.

More of a "How to" than unit suggestions. Build your list to neuter these threats and you're golden.

Lost Vyper
12-11-2013, 01:36 AM
Yes, we are annoying too, thank you very much :)

Thanks guys! I have faced his army more than one occasion, and there´ll be no Monoliths at least...

Scarabs and flying donuts, check.
Annihilation barges, check
Arks with the big gun that goes boom or and the repairing annoyance, check
Warriors and every turn Deep striking Royal c****, check

I´m planning on Aegis with Icarus and a dude with Fast Shot on it and got TWO Crimsons to go at the donuts...and the Lances are a MUST. That AV13 is just brutal...

Lost Vyper
12-12-2013, 01:14 PM
Here was the army that i brought for the battle...


Autarch (WJP, Fusion Gun, Power Maul) Warlord
Farseer (Singing Spear)


Dire Avengers x 6 + Exarch (PM+SS) + WS (Holo, tlBL)
Dire Avengers x 6 + Exarch (PM+SS) + WS (Holo, tlBL)
Guardians x 10 + WS (Holo, tlBL)
Guardian Jetbikes x 3
Guardian Jetbikes x 3


Crimson Hunter (Exarch, NV)
Crimson Hunter
Warp Spiders x 6 Warlord joined them
Swooping Hawks x 6


Wraithknight (stock for the first time!)
Dark Reapers x 3 + Exarch (NV,FS) --> Aegis + Icarus as Fortification
War Walkers x 3 (Scatter+BL)
War Walkers x 3 (Scatter+BL)


here´s what happened...


Lost Vyper
12-12-2013, 01:14 PM
double post...