View Full Version : Help Needed: 1500 Mech Marines

12-09-2013, 04:16 PM
I need brainstorming help for constructing a 1500 point mechanized Space Marines list using Iron Hands tactics. I own many Land Raiders, Predators, Vindicators, Rhinos, Razorbacks, Whirlwinds and Dreadnoughts.

I just can't seem to figure out how to best use my troops and so far my lists have done mediocre. Ideally I'd love to run a unit of Hammernators in a Raider, but this isn't an absolute. I face all kinds of opponents but my local meta lacks flyers. Please help. Thanks.

12-09-2013, 08:26 PM
hmm okay what model count do you have for infantry? terminator count?
Character models? I like the idea of mixing and matching to get you up to 1500. i would suggest a min of 3 troops for 1500 hopefully full sized squads so that they can break down to 6 scoring units. there are several options you can take depending on how you want to mix and match. drop pods? bikes? i like to run with a bit of diversity when possible it allows me to throw a lot of different things at my opponents.

12-09-2013, 08:57 PM
I have tons of tac marines and both tactical and assault terminators. Hammernators are my favorite unit in the game, I love how they look and how they perform on the table. I have a sweet custom HQ Terminator with a Hammer and Shield that I've been using in the past as a counts-as Lysander.

Tanks and Terminators. That's what I love. I've decided that I should obviously start using Iron Hands tactics with my army. I'm open to taking some attack bikes or a dread in a pod, but I'm going for a mechanized list.

I feel like I prefer Razorbacks over Rhinos, but have both. I just haven't yet figured out how to use my troops effectively.

12-09-2013, 11:18 PM
okay well i am a tank guy just like you hmm if you really wanted to would you be able to get your hands on the siege assault list for marines? lots of tanks and i mean lots of them. you can have them set up in squadrons of 3 :) you should still be able to use them as iron hands as well :) there is also an iron hands character he is pretty nasty might be worth considering

12-09-2013, 11:27 PM
I really appreciate that you've taken the time to help me by replying to this thread. I am, however, confused; are you suggesting that a competitive mech list cannot be made using the codex? I don't know what the "siege assault list" is but I know it's not in the codex.

12-10-2013, 04:10 AM
You really can't go wrong with Tactical Marines, especially when they have 6+ FnP on top. The Ironstone is a great relic for a vehicle-heavy army (which, given their special rules, any Iron Hands army should be). They do well mounted in Rhinos due to the 'It Will Not Die!' they get.

12-10-2013, 04:16 AM
I play blood angels and really struggle with Marine tanks other than the raider as there so easy to smash to bits. A squad of fire warriors can kill a pred or vindicator shooting it in the side armour in a single turn! I have found that taking guard allies works really well. I tend to take a couple of squads of vets backed up by a Leman Russ of my choice. Then a Land Raider full of something nasty (normally THSS termies) backed up by a squad or two of assault marines and or a scout squad.

This works well even against Tau and Eldar... well some times ;)

How about trying a list like this as you love you mech so much...

Scary HQ with THSS

THSS termies in a land raider (which ever one floats your boat),

Couple of rhino's with full of tac squads,

Aegies defence line,

Guard Allies,

Command squad,

2 X vet squad,

Leman Russ (I like the demolisher S10 AP2)...

So the plan is the Guard look after your objective maybe with help of a squad of tactical marines or the Leman Russ or Both if required. What’s left Romps up the battle fields trying to threaten the enemy objective.

I tend to play 1850 to 2000 and pad the Land Raider out with extra armour and a multi melta. Armourment for the tac squad and vets would depend on you meta. As would whether to give the defence line a quad gun or your guard vets grenadier of forward sentry upgrades.

So what do you think? That’s 2 tanks 2 transports and 4 troops! Seem any good to you?

12-10-2013, 05:17 AM
Here is a list that a local Iron Hands player that I know likes to run. He usually takes different wargear options on some of the HQs and vehicles, but I didn't change much. It's main weakness is that in order to fit in a Land Raider he had to give up a 4th troop choice. So, this is potentially a strong list if you play it safe with the troops.


Terminator Captain [190]
Storm Shield
Thunder Hammer
Digital Weapons
Iron Stone

Techmarine [75]


Tactical Squad #1 [170]
5 x Marines
Missile Launcher & Flakk Missiles
Razorback Transport with TL Lascannon

Tactical Squad #2 [170]
5 x Marines
Missile Launcher & Flakk Missiles
Razorback Transport with TL Lascannon

Tactical Squad #3 [170]
5 x Marines
Missile Launcher & Flakk Missiles
Razorback Transport with TL Lascannon


Terminator Assault Squad [440]
5 x Marines
Land Raider Redeemer Dedicated Transport

Heavy Support

Predator Tank #1 [95]
Heavy Bolter Sponsons

Predator Tank #2 [95]
Heavy Bolter Sponsons

Predator Tank #3 [95]
Heavy Bolter Sponsons