View Full Version : Inquisition Psykers, Worth Fielding?

12-08-2013, 09:12 PM
Going to be trying a squad of Inquisition Psykers and a Valkyrie soon .... anyone had any success with them before and have any tips?

I'm thinking

Inquisitor (Psyker, Bolt Pistol & Force Sword, 3 Servo Skulls - Divination)
8-10 Psykers - maybe 8 and 3 plasma gun warrior acolytes (depends on the point level)
Valkyrie (Mutliple Rocket Pods, Heavy Bolter Sponsors)

Inquisitor divination buffs the unit, psykers drop a nice str 10 ap 2 shot onto something , Thoughts?

12-08-2013, 11:33 PM
Going to be trying a squad of Inquisition Psykers and a Valkyrie soon .... anyone had any success with them before and have any tips?

I'm thinking

Inquisitor (Psyker, Bolt Pistol & Force Sword, 3 Servo Skulls - Divination)
8-10 Psykers - maybe 8 and 3 plasma gun warrior acolytes (depends on the point level)
Valkyrie (Mutliple Rocket Pods, Heavy Bolter Sponsors)

Inquisitor divination buffs the unit, psykers drop a nice str 10 ap 2 shot onto something , Thoughts?

The Valkyrie has no fire points and I'd have thought that you'd be wanting to maximise the shooting for a psykers. So I wouldn't do it.

I'd either put something cheaper/different in the Valkyrie if my intention was use it to take objectives towards the end of the game, or replace the Valkyrie if my intention was to maximise shooting (a second psyker squad maybe?)

12-09-2013, 12:38 AM
Not terrible, but not particularly great. There are better things for you to use the Inquisitor to buff, and Valkyries are not Vendettas.

12-09-2013, 07:24 AM
Compare it to a Leman Russ Demolisher. Does the Psyker squad have the same effectiveness and resilience for the same point cost? Don't forget that you have to pass your psychic test in addition to deny the witch.

The unit to me always seemed like a fun thing as part of your hencemen mob, rather than something clutch to dedicate a decent amount of points to.

12-10-2013, 04:02 PM
Well its a squishy unit that could be pretty clutch, the 36" str 10 ap 2 range is pretty appealing with grav chutes. Since i've been gearing towards a full 1500 pt C:SM bike army (2 storm talons and the rest bikes) it would add in some large templates to help with hordes - the unit would more than likely get off more shots in a chimera but being the only armor on the board it would not last very long. I'm thinking i'll try it and magnetize the rocket pods / multilaser and if all else fails ally in cheap scoring guard for the vendetta.

12-10-2013, 04:04 PM
I also think using 1 valkyrie with multiple rocket pods with 2 stormtalons tooled for anti air / armor could be pretty useful .... stormtalons for anti-air and the valkyrie for large templates.