View Full Version : D Weapon rules?

12-08-2013, 10:48 AM
Ok I've never bothered with Apocalypse, so I don't know it's rules. So can anyone give me an explanation of D weapons? I've heard D weapons destroy the screamerstar 2++ reroll units. Is this true?

12-08-2013, 12:25 PM
basically they ignore anything that tries to keep them from killing you - be it Invuln saves, Reanimation Protocols, Eternal Warrior or whatever - and on a 2+ they cause multiple wounds on anything with a Toughness/blow up any vehicle they touch

12-08-2013, 01:40 PM
I think the subject should read, "D Weapons Rule!"

At last a quicker way to get your stuff off the table and back in the carry case.

12-08-2013, 09:24 PM
If you are wounded by a D-weapon, you can not take any saving throws of any kind. You just remove the model. Vehicle and Monstrous Creatures have a slightly different table that they roll on, but is essentially the same.

Lord Krungharr
12-08-2013, 10:49 PM
Regular 1 wound Infantry models are treated the same as MCs/FMCs/Gargantuans for Strength D weapons. If hit, a non-vehicle model suffers NO WOUNDS on a D6 roll of 1, D3+1 wounds on 2-5, and on a 6 it's D6+6 wounds if I remember correctly. So there's a 16-17% chance a non-vehicle model will be just fine :)

The only thing I can think of that somewhat protects against D weapons are Eldar Titan holo-fields, which do something like ignore a hit on a 3 or 4+, can't quite remember and I don't have my Apoc book with me.

Vehicles suffer a Pen Hit on a 1, an Explodes result on a 2-5 I think, and something much worse on a 6.

So D is super nasty now, though not necessarily Instant Death anymore. But with no Invul saves permitted, the Screamerstar/Jetseer Council would be in serious trouble!