View Full Version : Beil Tan Golem Showcase!

12-08-2013, 10:15 AM
Hey guys, Recently finished a small force of Beil Tan Eldar over at golem, wanted to share as im a wee bit of a anti elder 40ker (i believe im a rarity), however i have fallen in love with the paint job and so my cold imperial heart has started to warm up to the weird little space elf fellows.... don’t tell the commissar.

So let’s start off with a far seer and warlocks!
Really fun to paint especially the farseer.

Wraith lord and wraithaxes? Well the wraiths.
Warlocks on jetbikes, a large amount of converting and green stuffing,
And lastly the rangers,
Thast all for now hopefully i will be able to paint more of these chaps in the future and add more here,

bur for now good day,

C and C all welcome,

12-08-2013, 10:50 AM
Looks fantastic!

12-08-2013, 11:17 AM
Nice! Really like the blades- the white edging gives them a sense of energy and power contained within.

12-09-2013, 02:09 AM
Excellent dudes on jetbikes!

12-12-2013, 07:15 PM
cheers for all the nice words guys,

Excellent dudes on jetbikes!
Thanks, it was a challenge, and i rekon next time i can do them 100% better, thats if gw dont bring a kit out first....